Platty Behaviour


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Ickenham, Middlesex
OK, we have a 77L tank with two plattys and we put 4 glowlight tetra's in the other day too as the cycle has now finished. :good:

The male platty keep harrassing the female Platty, this has only just started and we thought that maybe we should get another female Platty.

We have found 3 little baby Plattys hiding or being chased around by the other fish. We have fished two of them out with the net and put them in the breeding tank..............then they both escaped!!!!

Anyway things are now under control but the male Platty is becoming a right pain, he keeps chasing the female and she's really scared of him.

Does anyone know what I can do?

as with all livebearers 2-3 females per male is a must as you have found out they are always after the females. some people have just females this puts a stop to any stress on the females.
you can get the odd male no mater how many females he has can get attatched to just one in this case i would remove him. in my tank i have 2 males and 10 female but both males keep going after one female its annoying me now :X .
as with all livebearers 2-3 females per male is a must as you have found out they are always after the females. some people have just females this puts a stop to any stress on the females.
you can get the odd male no mater how many females he has can get attatched to just one in this case i would remove him. in my tank i have 2 males and 10 female but both males keep going after one female its annoying me now :X .

Thanks - we're gonna set up a 15l breeding tank and then sell the fish back to the shop.

They're getting laong fine now that she's stopped having babies!

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