New To Planted Tanks

I was lead to believe that it was a good idea to add co2 before increased lighting. I thought that over 2wg you would definitely need CO2 or you might end up with an algae problem.. have i missunderstood all of this?
In general yes, as this gives you time to get the CO2 to a nice stable 30ppm, but it's more important in high light tanks, its less of an issue in lower light tanks. The whole 2WPG thing is very misleading. The WPG 'rule' was designed in the US for mid size tanks around 30-40G and doesn't work for very small (need proportionally more light) or very big tanks (need proportionally less light). Check out the link in my sig to the Amano lighting guide, you'll see what I mean :)

I am happy with understanding fish but the plants seems to be a bit harder. I want to keep dwarf puffers so heavy planting is a must.
Yeh it can be a bit tricky, but I was there once so know what you mean, so don't be to hard on yourself :) forums like this are your best source of info and guidance.

BTW are they freshwater puffers? Brackish tanks are much harder to plant as most plants wont tolerate brackish water. Also, I've not had them myself but I've heard puffers will munch on plants, so you might find all your hard work goes to waste. Any reason for the puffer in particular?


I was going to get dwarf puffers, not sure about them eating plants. I didn't know that they ate plants. I thought they prefered meatier foods. I think puffers a gorgeous fish, although I am also tempted by corys although I can't keep both! - its either Oto's and Puffers or corys and tetra's.
Corys and tetras every time! Are ottos ok with puffers, thought puffers had to be in species only tanks? And some ottos with the corys and tetras would be a good idea, to help with algae control.

Corys and tetras every time! Are ottos ok with puffers, thought puffers had to be in species only tanks? And some ottos with the corys and tetras would be a good idea, to help with algae control.


Puffers can really only be kept with Otto's but there might be problems depending how aggresive they are.

I probably will get puffers but I am not sure yet, I suppose its down to taste really.

I only like a few of the tetra's like the bleeding heart of black phantom's.

Not sure why.
Haha fair enough, but it takes more than a day to kill a plant ;) good thing too, I'd have killed millions by now!

Haha fair enough, but it takes more than a day to kill a plant ;) good thing too, I'd have killed millions by now!


well they've been in the tank for days now - they were looking pretty ropey this morning.

I will just see which one's survive and rip out the dodgy one's I think. Once I got the new bulb of course. will order it tonight once I check out my hood. Am tempted to stick in a new lighting unit though. :D
Haha, well go for it if you want, high light tanks are quality, more work but the plant growth is mad!

Haha, well go for it if you want, high light tanks are quality, more work but the plant growth is mad!


yeah thats the problem - I get out and about alot with work and also am a semi pro cyclist. I also play guitar and don't really have loads of spare time on my hands.
Haha, well go for it if you want, high light tanks are quality, more work but the plant growth is mad!


yeah thats the problem - I get out and about alot with work and also am a semi pro cyclist. I also play guitar and don't really have loads of spare time on my hands.

Ok the plan is to get a co2 injector and upgrade to the arcadia freshwater.

Then I might get plant growth, will also look at low light plants only.
Haha, well go for it if you want, high light tanks are quality, more work but the plant growth is mad!


yeah thats the problem - I get out and about alot with work and also am a semi pro cyclist. I also play guitar and don't really have loads of spare time on my hands.

Ok the plan is to get a co2 injector and upgrade to the arcadia freshwater.

Then I might get plant growth, will also look at low light plants only.

OK the co2 is on order and so is the bulb, was I right to get the Freshwater bulb rather than the Arcadia Original bulb?

I am going to start again I think, am I best of cycling the tank first before adding the plants?

also at what point should I add co2 and switch on lights?

You got the right bulb, the original tropical bulb would have been ok but its very orange and the freshwater is designed to give out light suitable for plants, so spot on :)

You can add plants as soon as you set the tank up. In fact its better to have LOTS of plants in the tank from the word go as they take up NH4 and NO2 at a rate of knots and help prevent the early algae stages, so its def a good idea.

I would also add the CO2 as soon as everything is running, so you get used to changing and sorting the yeast mix out. Have you read the pinned Nutrafin article?

You could have the lights on as well, given that its low light you it shouldn't be a problem, but may be only for 8hrs to start with, you can in crease it by a hr each week up to a maximum 12hr.

The most important thing to get right is the number of plants, the more the better, and a minimum of 75% of the substrate covered. If you're short of cash get lots of cheap weed plants like hornwort, egeria, hygrophila, ludwigia and rotala species, these you can replace later on with the plants you ultimately want in the tank, but they are ideal for algae busting in the early stages of a new tank.

You got the right bulb, the original tropical bulb would have been ok but its very orange and the freshwater is designed to give out light suitable for plants, so spot on :)

You can add plants as soon as you set the tank up. In fact its better to have LOTS of plants in the tank from the word go as they take up NH4 and NO2 at a rate of knots and help prevent the early algae stages, so its def a good idea.

I would also add the CO2 as soon as everything is running, so you get used to changing and sorting the yeast mix out. Have you read the pinned Nutrafin article?

You could have the lights on as well, given that its low light you it shouldn't be a problem, but may be only for 8hrs to start with, you can in crease it by a hr each week up to a maximum 12hr.

The most important thing to get right is the number of plants, the more the better, and a minimum of 75% of the substrate covered. If you're short of cash get lots of cheap weed plants like hornwort, egeria, hygrophila, ludwigia and rotala species, these you can replace later on with the plants you ultimately want in the tank, but they are ideal for algae busting in the early stages of a new tank.


Thanks again.

the stuff hasn't been delivered yet and I really hope I get it right.

I got Friday off so I hope it will all be with me by then.

The plan is to rip out the dead plants
get rid of 90% of the water getting rid of any bits of plant that have been flying round the tank.
Replace the bulb
Install the Co2 Injector
Replace the water to 50% at 25C
Add plants, 75% of the plants should be quick growing weeds to avoid algae growth
Start Co2
Light at 8 hours a day with a hour increase each week.
Start fishless cycling with Ammonia and take daily records of nitrate, nitrite and ammonia.
Wait until Nitrite and Ammonia are hardly visible and the tank will be cycled.
Add some Otto's or shrimps.

Can you recommend how often I should change the water and how much?

Sounds like a good plan. Not sure about the water changes, as Ive never done a fishless cycle. I have heard that some people add fish from day one and do 2x weekly 50% water changes, but they dont add any extra NH3 or NO2. If it were me and I was doing the ammonia fishless cycle, I would wait until you get your first zero reading for both NH3 and NO3 and do a +50% water change to freshen it up, then add fish and/or shrimp after this. But might be worth checking that, perhaps in the tropical chit chat forum.

Sounds like a good plan. Not sure about the water changes, as Ive never done a fishless cycle. I have heard that some people add fish from day one and do 2x weekly 50% water changes, but they dont add any extra NH3 or NO2. If it were me and I was doing the ammonia fishless cycle, I would wait until you get your first zero reading for both NH3 and NO3 and do a +50% water change to freshen it up, then add fish and/or shrimp after this. But might be worth checking that, perhaps in the tropical chit chat forum.


Ok cheers, Ok this is just a guess but will having plant growth help with the nitrate/nitrite and ammonia levels?

I am only guessing. whats the water change schedule for growing the low light plants?


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