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  1. Brightestdai

    Female Betta Ich

    I just bought these bettas today, no fighting has gone on either
  2. Brightestdai

    Female Betta Ich

    Hi there, I just bought 3 female bettas and noticed they all have ich. They're in a 20 gallon tank with 2 opal one gourami, 2 small angels and a bristle nose pleco. All my levels are on point and heat is between 80-82. Will the heat kill the ich or should I buy nox-ich?
  3. Brightestdai

    What Type Is He?

    I just bought the beauty today with another betta, all I know is he's a dumbo. Not sure if he's delta or halfmoon? Thanks :)
  4. Brightestdai

    Dragon Scale

    I was told he was a dragon scale half moon, is this correct?
  5. Brightestdai

    Need Help Naming My Betta

    I'm trying to come up with unique names for him but I'm at a loss
  6. Brightestdai

    What's Wrong With My Female Betta? Plz Help!

    She used to live with 3 other female bettas, they however are not showing any signs of being sick. A week ago I put in what I was told to be a super delta female but found out it was a male. I quickly took him out, he didn't attack her but attacked my other females. Temp of the tank is 78-80* I...
  7. Brightestdai

    What's Wrong With My Female Betta? Plz Help!

    All levels are normal, this is what she used to look like
  8. Brightestdai

    What's Wrong With My Female Betta? Plz Help!

    I have had this female over a year and nothing has been wrong with her until a about 3 weeks ago. I noticed something wrong and had a hunch that she had a bacterial infection. I treated my 20g tank with Tetracycline for the recommended dose/days. She seemed fine after and now it looks like she...
  9. Brightestdai

    Is This Really A Female?

    He's in the breeding box til I get my tank devidor, should be soon I hope
  10. Brightestdai

    Is This Really A Female?

    We have 6 of them in a 30 gallon tank for sale. I keep checking on them to make sure there's no fighting, I've tried everything to get my boss to keep them separate but what she says goes unfortunately :(
  11. Brightestdai

    Is This Really A Female?

    That's what I thought, I've told the people I work with this and they don't believe me
  12. Brightestdai

    Is This Really A Female?

    I work at a pet store and and we got theses "females" in. We sell them as Super delta females.
  13. Brightestdai

    My Bettas

    Thank you :)
  14. Brightestdai

    My Bettas

    Just wanted to show my betta's. 2 males and 2 females
  15. Brightestdai

    Female To Male

    well.... its deff a male, found a huge bubble nest this morning. either way im happy, i have 4 females and 2 males now :)
  16. Brightestdai

    Female To Male

    here's a better pic
  17. Brightestdai

    Female To Male

    It's extremely aggressive, I've got close to 10 females and none have been this aggressive and they all live peacefully in a 20 gallon. Then when I introduced this little one it jumped out of my hatchery ( I put all bettas in there just for a couple mins to make sure no fighting) and went all...
  18. Brightestdai

    Female To Male

    I have bought 3 different red "females" from various breeders and all have been male. First was 2003, 2007 and 2013. I guess what I'm asking is what do I look for other than stripes? I'm tired of getting full red "female" to male betta's (Missing part fin is due to a fight with 3 females)
  19. Brightestdai

    What Should I Call Her?

    I love Pandora :-)
  20. Brightestdai

    What Should I Call Her?

    I got my new pearl the other day and noticed that her left eye has a very little pupil, what should I name her?
  21. Brightestdai

    How To Breed

    I know males and females can't be together, and I have a store that's willing to buy from me
  22. Brightestdai

    How To Breed

    No, but I can buy them for cheap
  23. Brightestdai

    How To Breed

    Hi there, just wondering how I should go abouts breeding bettas in my 20g tank?
  24. Brightestdai

    Question From My Cousin

    I just talked to her today and she got the tetra parasite guard. She said it fizzes and she took her carbon filter out. Wishing her fishy all the best <3
  25. Brightestdai

    Question From My Cousin

    Ok, so what kind of meds should she get?
  26. Brightestdai

    Question From My Cousin

    She has a 3 dot gourami that has gotten thin, it is moving back and forth and sometimes rubs against the tank. It is eating like a piggy but still gets thinner. She has had other fish (not gourami) do the same and die. I've told her I think it's a parasite, but I'm not sure what type or if I...
  27. Brightestdai

    Prince The Rescued Betta

    My mom bought him from pj pets about 6-7 months ago. I noticed about 2 months ago that his tail looked liked it was burned ( not fin rot) by the next visit his other fins looked burned. I told my mom to change his water 1-2 a week. I really don't know if she was putting enough conditioner in his...
  28. Brightestdai

    Prince The Rescued Betta

    I saved him from but none other than my mother. When I saw him his fins were non existent!. I have nerced him back to semi health and will be putting him in a 5Gtank by himself.
  29. Brightestdai

    Can I Have Live Bearer Endlers And 1 Betta Together?

    I've had one of my bettas in with endlers/ guppies and it was a desater! My betta killed just about all of them, so I'm gunna say stay clear of mixing the two fish! If you really want to, then I advise buying a hatchery if you don't already have one. Put your betta in there, he'll let you know...
  30. Brightestdai

    Tie-Dye The Betta

  31. Brightestdai

    Tie-Dye The Betta

    I've had other bettas with them, so I know he'll be fine. It's just getting him to stop being so mean, I find with aggressive bettas it usually takes 1.5-2 weeks to integrate them into a tank with others. I've had much more aggressive bettas then him and after the 2 weeks they're very peaceful
  32. Brightestdai

    Tie-Dye The Betta

    I have 2 sparkling gourami and 2 rams that he'll be sharing the tank with.
  33. Brightestdai

    Tie-Dye The Betta

    Thanks, the unusual markings is what made me pick him. I've had all sorts of bettas but not quite like him
  34. Brightestdai

    Tie-Dye The Betta

    Just wanted to show off my new betta that I'm slowly introducing into my 20G tank :-D
  35. Brightestdai

    Just Wanted To Share A Pic :)

    The thing in the middle is the air pump, my tank has been up and running for over a year. Yes I've had problems with sick fish, but it's natural.I keep my tank very clean :) used to have alot more in the tank. @ on point I had 43 fish, they all lived peacefully. one*
  36. Brightestdai


    Thanks everyone :) I'm still trying to get the perfect pic of her.
  37. Brightestdai

    What's Happening? :(

    I guess I'll be getting a bigger tank, any idea how big it should be to comfortably fit all the fish I've got plus some extra?
  38. Brightestdai

    What's Happening? :(

    I've always had 5 gourami, nothing happend until I replaced my other gourami (old age) then my big male had the sores The females I have don't go near him, they just stick together and the male hangs out with the platys
  39. Brightestdai

    What's Happening? :(

    I found the problem, I bought an immature male thinking it was female, I brought him back to the store and they traded for a female