How To Breed


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2012
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Hi there, just wondering how I should go abouts breeding bettas in my 20g tank?
From what I understand, they're not easy and experience breeding is recommended . Hopefully a betta breeder comes along soon and helps you out
GetItSahn said:
From what I understand, they're not easy and experience breeding is recommended . Hopefully a betta breeder comes along soon and helps you out
theres alot to it, like do you have around 100 mason jars lying around?
Brightestdai said:
No, but I can buy them for cheap
As far as I know, You only keep males and females together when they breed. I guess you could keep 5 females in a sorority but the males/males must be separated when not breeding.
I know males and females can't be together, and I have a store that's willing to buy from me
ok but there willing to buy around 100 specimens? just things you really need to consider.
before breeding you NEED a place that will buy and or take them from you. if you have that down then have a 20 gallon tank with one male and five females with low-medium flow water, lots of coverage.
the male will make a bubble nest, the females will be fat with eggs, then they'll breed. once the male takes the eggs from the female you MUST remove her and allow her to rest in a already cycled, densely planted tank. and remove other females.
after a few days you remove the male... and thats all i know.. someone else will have to fill in the rest...
also you cant breed multiple females at a time, that wouldnt work for manty reasons, one of which would be that the females would eat all the eggs most likely.
BerryAttack said:
before breeding you NEED a place that will buy and or take them from you. if you have that down then have a 20 gallon tank with one male and five females with low-medium flow water, lots of coverage.
the male will make a bubble nest, the females will be fat with eggs, then they'll breed. once the male takes the eggs from the female you MUST remove her and allow her to rest in a already cycled, densely planted tank. and remove other females.
after a few days you remove the male... and thats all i know.. someone else will have to fill in the rest...
No, no, no. 1 female at a time. But everything else is correct.
Creature said:
before breeding you NEED a place that will buy and or take them from you. if you have that down then have a 20 gallon tank with one male and five females with low-medium flow water, lots of coverage.
the male will make a bubble nest, the females will be fat with eggs, then they'll breed. once the male takes the eggs from the female you MUST remove her and allow her to rest in a already cycled, densely planted tank. and remove other females.
after a few days you remove the male... and thats all i know.. someone else will have to fill in the rest...
No, no, no. 1 female at a time. But everything else is correct.
never bred them, but gave a swing at it. haha good thing other people know more about this then i do.. just knew you needed multiple females.... but didn't know when to take out xD 
BerryAttack said:

before breeding you NEED a place that will buy and or take them from you. if you have that down then have a 20 gallon tank with one male and five females with low-medium flow water, lots of coverage.
the male will make a bubble nest, the females will be fat with eggs, then they'll breed. once the male takes the eggs from the female you MUST remove her and allow her to rest in a already cycled, densely planted tank. and remove other females.
after a few days you remove the male... and thats all i know.. someone else will have to fill in the rest...
No, no, no. 1 female at a time. But everything else is correct.
never bred them, but gave a swing at it. haha good thing other people know more about this then i do.. just knew you needed multiple females.... but didn't know when to take out xD 

Haha it's cool, I've never bred bettas either. You buy multiple females just incase the male doesn't like the betta you bought. You put one in a dividing tube and then after about 48 hours of acclimating let the female out. They will chase each other around and play tag, after they spawn the male will start tending to his nest and the female is removed. They're amazing fish.
Creature said:


before breeding you NEED a place that will buy and or take them from you. if you have that down then have a 20 gallon tank with one male and five females with low-medium flow water, lots of coverage.
the male will make a bubble nest, the females will be fat with eggs, then they'll breed. once the male takes the eggs from the female you MUST remove her and allow her to rest in a already cycled, densely planted tank. and remove other females.
after a few days you remove the male... and thats all i know.. someone else will have to fill in the rest...
No, no, no. 1 female at a time. But everything else is correct.
never bred them, but gave a swing at it. haha good thing other people know more about this then i do.. just knew you needed multiple females.... but didn't know when to take out xD 

Haha it's cool, I've never bred bettas either. You buy multiple females just incase the male doesn't like the betta you bought. You put one in a dividing tube and then after about 48 hours of acclimating let the female out. They will chase each other around and play tag, after they spawn the male will start tending to his nest and the female is removed. They're amazing fish.

More complicated than that actually.  I am writing something up to go to the mods that will hopefully be able to be a sticky and will explain the whole process.

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