What's Wrong With My Female Betta? Plz Help!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2012
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I have had this female over a year and nothing has been wrong with her until a about 3 weeks ago. I noticed something wrong and had a hunch that she had a bacterial infection. I treated my 20g tank with Tetracycline for the recommended dose/days. She seemed fine after and now it looks like she has Jaundis. Can a fish get that? I have her in a betta 1.5 gallon tank now and I've put her under my bearded dragons UVB bulb

Thanks for reading and I hope you can help :)
She's supposed to be all white with black specs and red fins
What are your water parameters? AmmoniA, Nitrite, Nitrate, Temp etc?
Also inspect her closely to see if she has any symptoms of velvet or itch. Velvet looks like a rusty coating on the body and itch looks like dandruff.
Can you post the exact results please?
It could just be a change in genetics, but her fins do look slightly clamped.
Not sure whats wrong sorry :/ You might need to wait for WildBetta to come along.
Is she in a filtered and heated tank?
What are the exact parameters of the tank?
What happened 3 weeks ago that made you think she had a bacterial infection?  She is extremely pale and clamped looking in the current pics.  What is the temperature of the tank you keep her in?  Does she have any tank mates?  If so, what are they and is there any sign of issues with them?  I suggest turning the lights off and taking a flashlight and shining it on her from an angle.  If you see a dusty covering on her scales, you more than likely are dealing with velvet which is a parasite.  I don't see any signs of ICH on her from the pics so I don't believe you are dealing with that particular parasite.  Have you noticed any stringy, white, or clear poop?  If so she might have an issue with internal parasites.  The important thing is to keep her warm and in really clean water until the issue has been figured out.
She used to live with 3 other female bettas, they however are not showing any signs of being sick. A week ago I put in what I was told to be a super delta female but found out it was a male. I quickly took him out, he didn't attack her but attacked my other females. Temp of the tank is 78-80* I do 25% water changes every 1-2 weeks.

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