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  1. J


    I got a 55 gallon tank. 2 Golden Angelfish 2 red Gourami's 3 power blue Gourami's 3 Rainbow sharks 8 little striped Danio's 1 little pink Danio 3 inch Pleco a huge Apple Snail There is one tiny baby Apple Snail romaing around and there are eggs on my filter, probably from the Angelfish...
  2. J

    Apple Snail with attitude

    I purchased an Apple Snail yesterday thats the size of a golf ball. I thought they were strictly algea eaters, which they are, except this morning I realised what their favorite food really live plants. I'm so glad I had dinner waiting for the little fellow when he got to his new home...
  3. J

    Power Heads

    That site has alot of cool stuff, thanks Tolak :cool:
  4. J

    Power Heads

    Right now i'm running 2 Second Nature power heads, one on each side of my 50 gallon tank, and i'm not too happy with them. I was just wondering if you all could recommend some reliable power heads for me. The guy's at the pet shop always try and sell the most expensive ones so i'd rather get...
  5. J

    Nitrite concern

    Yeah the fish in the 10 gallon are very small and thankfully al 10 have survived so far. The Nitrite reading is the same for both tanks. I'll just be more patient and wait a few more weeks for the bacteria to bring my Nitrite levels down. Thanks for all the great info everyone. :cool:
  6. J

    Nitrite concern

    My Nitrate reading is 5.0ppm and my tap water is 0. I suppose I could add a few more fish as I have 10 in my 10 gallon tank that i'm using to cycle that one. I started cycling both tanks at the same time. Do you think a few more fish adding waste in the 50 gallon tank would help speed up the...
  7. J

    Nitrite concern

    Yup I made sure the water was good to go. I'm using a Penguin 350. I did think about adding another filter, not another 350, but a smaller version just for good measure. Oh and i'm using fish for the cycle. I had 10 Danio's in there but i'm down to 2 now. :-( I've been told it should only...
  8. J

    Nitrite concern

    Hi everyone. My 50 gallon tank is in it's 5th week of cycling and the ammonia levels are 0 but for a while now my nitrite level has stayed the same, it's at 2.0ppm. I'm not concerned but as usuall when you talk to various people, either friends or pet shop workers, I keep hearing different...
  9. J

    I feel overwelmed

    I was unaware I could start off with live plants. So today I purchased a few and just finished putting them in the tank. Thanks for the info qwikimpss :cool:
  10. J

    I feel overwelmed

    My water readings are ammonia 2.0ppm nitrite 0.50ppm nitrate 40ppm After I took the readings I did a 20% water change and i'll keep a close eye on it. My bacteria bloom is completly gone, it took 6 full days, and the water is clear again. I'm assuming my water readings are on the way down not...
  11. J

    I feel overwelmed

    Awesome advice thank you, i'll stop messing with the gravel. Once my tank is cycled i'm definitly adding some live plants as I think they look great but I do have one question. I understand the reason for water changes but should I do that while my tank is still cycling? I read the sticky...
  12. J

    Where ya'll from??

    Chicago, Illinois
  13. J

    I feel overwelmed

    I have to admit there is some really great info here on the board. I'm glad I found it. You all certainly stopped me from making a few bad mistakes. So thanks for all the wonderfull info you all have been posting. Here is where I am at right now with my 50 gallon tank. It just entered it's 3rd...
  14. J

    How does this look so far?

    I'm not too concerned with the fake stuff so far, i'm just a n00b at this thing, a total rookie so i'm going through all the motions.
  15. J

    How does this look so far?

    The wires are all organized and taken care of. The pic was taken right after I filled it up with water. I'll get better stuff as time goes on. Thanks for the input everyone.
  16. J

    How does this look so far?

    I'm a total rookie and only have 10 Danios in my 50 gallon tank right now. Tempurature is a nice 77 degrees and so far so good but I say SO WHAT? I never realised how nice it is to have a big fish tank. The wife loves it and so do I but I can't help wanting to buy more little trinckets to put...
  17. J

    fun with a squirtgun

    Those are wonderfull pics! Blueice my pit bull has the same coloring and the same white patch as your dog. I'll post pics soon.
  18. J

    My ball Python

    Thanks everyone. I feed him live mice, 2 a week. Frozen mice are of course a safer way to eat for the snake but it can be time consuming trying to convince him that lump on the ground is food. A live mouse has the body heat and moves around alot. It's like ringing the dinner bell. Sorry...
  19. J

    heeeeeeeeeeeres bonnie

    Great pics! :cool:
  20. J

    My ball Python

    His name is Snoopy and he is very friendly. If he doesn't want to come out and play you'll get a big hiss instead of getting bit which is a huge plus! He is my second snake the first one I had was a Argentine Boa Constricter, he was 9 feet when he died. Snoopy is still very young so he has alot...
  21. J

    Just saying hello

    Hey all, just introducing myself. I'm new to the whole tropical fish keeping thing so obviously I have alot of reading to do here. All I have right now is a 50 and a 10 gallon tank with some Danios in each. Hopefully if everything turns out well i'll have plenty of pics to post with new fish...