My ball Python


New Member
Aug 1, 2005
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His name is Snoopy and he is very friendly. If he doesn't want to come out and play you'll get a big hiss instead of getting bit which is a huge plus! He is my second snake the first one I had was a Argentine Boa Constricter, he was 9 feet when he died. Snoopy is still very young so he has alot more growing up to do. Enjoy the pics.
He's beautiful!!! I love snakes, I think it would be awesome to have a 9 foot snake! :hyper: Your so lucky, my parents would NEVER let me have one, unfortunatly. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait until I get my own place (which won't be for awhile because I'm only 14! :grr: LoL)
Thanks everyone.

I feed him live mice, 2 a week. Frozen mice are of course a safer way to eat for the snake but it can be time consuming trying to convince him that lump on the ground is food. A live mouse has the body heat and moves around alot. It's like ringing the dinner bell.

Sorry everyone, that is a bad way of explaining it. :-(

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