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  1. tank2wk.jpg


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    Any Jewel Tank Owners Added Additional Internal Filters?

    I did the same used filter wool instead of the pads, I do a 25 ltr water change weekly and once a month clean rinse filter sponges in the old tank water during the water change.
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    My Trigon 190

    Thankyou, im just awaiting the plants to really settle in and it should be stunning, im sure I'll change a few and add a few but im happy for now.
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    Ro System

    Try these guys very helpful ask all the questions you want they will help you out, good price too i thought
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    My Trigon 190

    :D It came on half a coconut shell it's just resting there, hopefully it will grow up my bogwood and across the front.
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    Sump In My Trigon 190? Semi Water Change?

    Your probably right, just a though and all that, still need to measure up all this theory, my main container may not even fit in the cabinet for starters .
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    Sump In My Trigon 190? Semi Water Change?

    Wasn't thinking of engineering it that much, plan was to drill a small hole to fit the output pipe through the wall and into the sump/container, the difficult bit is attaching the input of the RO filter to the water supply but i have a mate who's a plumber so that side of it's sorted, the waste...
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    Sump In My Trigon 190? Semi Water Change?

    Pretty much, my process is as follows, I have a RO unit in my garage attached to a hosepipe outlet, I collect my water into a 25 ltr beer making drum, I then place this drum into the kitchen which is where I add my heater and it heats for 24+hrs, once upto temp I add some seachem equalibrium and...
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    Sump In My Trigon 190? Semi Water Change?

    Yes great looking tank but awkard for the DIY fish keeper that wants to dabble -_- , I have seen it done but it's cut the center brace out and make your own support system. I could drip the RO water directly into the tank but it would be too pure?, anyone have any thoughts on this?...
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    Sump In My Trigon 190? Semi Water Change?

    I did think that but it saves dragging large containers thorugh the garage into the house heat it up in the kitchen then into the lounge, also I could do say 2*25 ltrs a week if need be if it is all setup and under the tank.
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    Good Pump Required

    Hi All can anyone recommend a pump that will not cost the earth, I need it to pump my water change water from floor level back upto my trigon tank, prob about a meter and a half in height.
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    My Trigon 190

    No not offended me at all, forums like this are great for people to get advice a bit of chat an some fun, I have only been keeping my discus a year and all the advice is always welcome.
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    Sump In My Trigon 190? Semi Water Change?

    Hi All i have been mulling an idea around my head for quite a while and would like to know peoples views ideas on this. My tank is situated in my lounge in a small corner, behind the wall lives the toilet i.e. mains pressured pipes for filling the loo etc, my idea is to fit a sump in the cabinet...
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    My Trigon 190

    "I hope I'm wrong here but the black "stripes" appear to be stress bars." Well for a stressed fish it eats well and has been looking like that for about a year now they have all grown about 2", so i would say it's just the breed, from what I have learnt from discus if they are not happy they...
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    My Trigon 190

    This a Juwel Trigon 190 (190ltrs) tank this may help give you an idea of it's size
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    My Trigon 190

    Here is my setup, new plants and clean up due to a GBA outbreak fingers crossed it will not return.
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    No can be different types, I've seen speckled with pinkish colour ones in the same tank
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    I picked 2 from one tank two from another, they seem to get on ok, occasionally they'll chase each other and one is definatley more shy than the others, I have had them for nearly a year now, they have grown about 2" and look really happy and eat really well. I would recommend a fish shop that...
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    My Trigon 190

    Hi, it currently has 4 discus, 3 rummynose and 4 corrys (can't remember what type now).I will probably add some more corry's and say 3-4 more rummynose, discus can be a bit messy so don't want to put too much strain on the filters.
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    Any Jewel Tank Owners Added Additional Internal Filters?

    Hi I have a Trigon 190, and have added a internal fluval 4 (old version i believe) to help with the filtration, as i keep discus they can be pretty messy, it sits pretty near the corner filter, I just have it hanging there, it certainly seems to help.
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    Hi im new here but i'll give you my two pence worth, I would say 4 min ( I have 4 in my Trigon) 10 gallons per fish is a good rule, cardinals make good tank mates as they can stand the warmer water discus like, cardinals also look the business, corrys seem to be fine and help keep the bottom...
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    My Trigon 190

    Hi All finally 5 mins to myself to sit and show you my tank, this has recently been cleaned up as I had a major GBA outbreak and it completely wiped my tank out of plants, im still worried it will come back but will attempt to keep a close eye on things.
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    Just a quick hello, I've been keeping fish for about 15 years or so and im currently the proud owner of a Trigon 190 which contains four discus and a few corry's, I will no doubt add photo's and rack peoples brains later with questions and advice.