My Trigon 190


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2006
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Here is my setup, new plants and clean up due to a GBA outbreak fingers crossed it will not return.


  • post_26536_1163446104_1_.jpg
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Yeh nice, i like the plants. Espeically the dark green round plant thats slightly to the right. What is it?
Yeh nice, i like the plants. Espeically the dark green round plant thats slightly to the right. What is it?
thats java moss, not 100% sure how he`s got it to grow into that shape though
Yeh nice, i like the plants. Espeically the dark green round plant thats slightly to the right. What is it?
thats java moss, not 100% sure how he`s got it to grow into that shape though

:D It came on half a coconut shell it's just resting there, hopefully it will grow up my bogwood and across the front.
Im a bit worried about java moss going out of control if i was to get it.
Excellent set-up there! Fantastic creation of never-ending-ness with the way you've planted that tank - job well done! :good:

Thankyou, im just awaiting the plants to really settle in and it should be stunning, im sure I'll change a few and add a few but im happy for now.
That is one lovely aquarium.

If it's worth anything..I prefer this setup over your previous one!

Excellent work. One of the best tanks I've seen to be honest.

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