Sump In My Trigon 190? Semi Water Change?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2006
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Hi All i have been mulling an idea around my head for quite a while and would like to know peoples views ideas on this. My tank is situated in my lounge in a small corner, behind the wall lives the toilet i.e. mains pressured pipes for filling the loo etc, my idea is to fit a sump in the cabinet something along the lines of about 25 ltrs. then in the loo fit my RO filter to the mains water pipe work and run the output from the RO filter through the wall into the sump, when the required volume has been reached switch off the RO filter, heat the sump water to match the main tank add some equalibrium, then when ready syphon out 25 ltrs worth of water then pump the sump water back into the tank, thus making a semi automatic water change system.

The main problem is, I have is my Trigon tank is full so I can only use the small cabinet section (may get away with a 25 ltr drinking water container will check tonight).

What are your thoughts views on this?, any Trigon 190 owners (prob marine guys) out there want to expalin how you did your sump.
The automated water top up system, or water change tank is handy, but really not worth all that effort IMO, for a measly 25L. :nod:
The automated water top up system, or water change tank is handy, but really not worth all that effort IMO, for a measly 25L. :nod:

I did think that but it saves dragging large containers thorugh the garage into the house heat it up in the kitchen then into the lounge, also I could do say 2*25 ltrs a week if need be if it is all setup and under the tank.
we contemplated making our trigon 350 into a marine tank, decided cos of the cabinet it wouldn't be possible to build a sump big enough to make it worthwhile so we haven't done it. it's an awkward shape to make anything like that easy :/
we contemplated making our trigon 350 into a marine tank, decided cos of the cabinet it wouldn't be possible to build a sump big enough to make it worthwhile so we haven't done it. it's an awkward shape to make anything like that easy :/

Yes great looking tank but awkard for the DIY fish keeper that wants to dabble -_- , I have seen it done but it's cut the center brace out and make your own support system.

I could drip the RO water directly into the tank but it would be too pure?, anyone have any thoughts on this?...
we contemplated making our trigon 350 into a marine tank, decided cos of the cabinet it wouldn't be possible to build a sump big enough to make it worthwhile so we haven't done it. it's an awkward shape to make anything like that easy :/

Yes great looking tank but awkard for the DIY fish keeper that wants to dabble -_- , I have seen it done but it's cut the center brace out and make your own support system.

I could drip the RO water directly into the tank but it would be too pure?, anyone have any thoughts on this?...


really don't know for discus, seen it done in marine set up's for top off but that's not quite the same :/
It would be easyer to wire up more socets some where near the fish tank so you could slap a heater into the container and heat it up next to the tank, tan it would be to do what your doing.
It would be easyer to wire up more socets some where near the fish tank so you could slap a heater into the container and heat it up next to the tank, tan it would be to do what your doing.

Pretty much, my process is as follows, I have a RO unit in my garage attached to a hosepipe outlet, I collect my water into a 25 ltr beer making drum, I then place this drum into the kitchen which is where I add my heater and it heats for 24+hrs, once upto temp I add some seachem equalibrium and mix, then I drag into the lounge, using another container I syphon out 25 ltrs of water from the main tank (waste/muck included etc), then ints just a matter of pumping the fresh 25 ltrs back into the main tank.
I just thought it may make life easier if this system lived directly under my tank. :)
Well, how good`s your soldering and plastering?
cos afte3r you`ve smashed open a hole in the wall bg enough for you to get to the water pipes, and then soldered a t joint on then solderd a piece to come through the wall, then fitted a tap (you can even get a copper to 6mm plastic reducer if you look round) then made it all good by filling the hole some how then plastering over the hole. how long does your ro unit take to fill the 25ltr drum? it can`t be that long? so just run the hose through the house?
Wasn't thinking of engineering it that much, plan was to drill a small hole to fit the output pipe through the wall and into the sump/container, the difficult bit is attaching the input of the RO filter to the water supply but i have a mate who's a plumber so that side of it's sorted, the waste pipe i just pop down the sink or loo.
personaly i think its all a bit overboard for a 25ltr weely water change
personaly i think its all a bit overboard for a 25ltr weely water change

Your probably right, just a though and all that, still need to measure up all this theory, my main container may not even fit in the cabinet for starters .

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