Search results

  1. S

    PLEASE do for me this questionnaire

    What size would you want the tank to be? - 10 – 20gals Would you want to be able to store a few things at the back of the aquarium behind the tank itself? No Would you want to buy it as a setup? E.g. aquarium with light, heater, filter… Yes If yes, how much would you be willing to pay...
  2. S

    Dwarf Puffers

    :D What cuties :wub:
  3. S

    Clear Jet 4 Question
  4. S

    Clear Jet 4 Question

    I have a Clear-Jet 4 Internal Power Filter which has multi-compartment filters. My question is, how does the water flow from one compartment to the next? I can see how the water gets drawn in from the bottom of each compartment but the top of the compartments are blocked with a lid. Should I...
  5. S

    Gennie doing what she does best

    Looking good Wolf :)
  6. S

    I Am Fireproof

    Hi Pillar, and welcome. Love you sig pic!
  7. S

    It's official!! I'm addicted to this forum!

    I had a dream that I replaced my algae magnet with a larger one but that made the tank overflow :blink: I was so vivid, I had to check the next day because I was convinced this had really happened the day before. Yes, I am mad :crazy: Well done in passing the test though Val. I wonder...
  8. S

    Marine Shots

    Despite having heard so much about it, I never realised your tank was so beautiful :wub:
  9. S

    Where you can buy Clove oil

    I found mine in an aromatherapy gift box I was bought last birthday from Boots. So as well as in with the toothache stuff, might be in the aromatherapy sections of stores too.
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    LONDON meet

    Sorry I couldnt make it in the end guys. Had to play Florence Nightingale in the middle of the night and didnt get home until gone lunch time!
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    LONDON meet

    Tanks isnt coming :-( and neither is Nightlife20 :byebye:
  12. S

    LONDON meet

    Soooooooo where are we meeting then? Me and Dawn (Nightlife20) will be getting into New Street at about 11am. The Sea Life Centre is about 15 mins walk apparently (according to the website) Are we meeting at the train station? If so, I'd suggest the lobby at the bottom of the escalators that...
  13. S

    Help Please!!

    I'm sorry to hear that handsomeboy :-( Do you have anything you can cover the filter inlet with without blocking the intake of water? tights/pantyhose for example?
  14. S

    Methods of Euthanasia

    Have a look at this:
  15. S

    UK Castles

    Great pics Aqua! ;)
  16. S

    The Big Friendly Giant

    Awwwwwwwwww how adorable :wub: Are you going to leave the tetra in there?
  17. S

    Bonfire Night, Plymouth, UK

    I wish I'd have come! I love fireworks!
  18. S

    LONDON meet

    Sorry to hear that the Minions wont be able to make it :( Can everyone else still make it?
  19. S

    Thank You!

    Yeah :hi: to the forum!
  20. S

    we just discovered my dogs true potential

    I think giving her more exercise is a great idea PK and I'm glad it's working out for you so far. Keep us posted.
  21. S

    moonlight LEDS from ebay

    Well I bought some :P
  22. S

    I've had a new tank...

    My cory Mateas My betta My Bristlenose Plecs
  23. S

    It bit me!!
  24. S

    King Blue Tetras...

    I'll have a closer look next time I'm in that LFS. Thanks Lat
  25. S

    King Blue Tetras...

    They looked quite similar, didnt have the dark line through the body though. Looked a bit like priscillas but with a blue rear end.
  26. S

    King Blue Tetras...

    Has anyone ever heard of King Blue Tetras? I visited a new lfs today and saw some in there. They were lovely looking things, kinda silver which graduates to a light blue towards their tails. :wub: I have half a thought that they may be dyed :-( so I just wanted to know if anyone has heard...
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    LONDON meet

    I'll be there and Dawn (nightlife20) is still coming too
  28. S

    It bit me!!

    He seems to be cool with the other fish. The cories are totally non plussed by him and he's too slow for the plattys. Not sure what kind of platty Frankie is but here's a clearer pic that might help:
  29. S

    It bit me!!

    OK, so the betta bug has finally bitten me. I got a lovely guy today, we've called him Dave. :wub: Sorry the pics arent so good, I just couldnt wait to show you! :hyper: Still in the bag: In the tank: I want more :X
  30. S

    New Competition

    The results are in and the winner agreed.... Aquascaper for the polar bear pic! Special thanks to co judge Annastasia Congratulations Aquascaper!!!
  31. S

    christmas lights?

    I'm not sure of normal christmas lights are resistant to water. What if they fell in? or if a fish jumped and they get splashed?
  32. S

    moonlight LEDS from ebay

    You'll have to show us some pics when you're set up
  33. S

    LONDON meet

    :huh: :o :crazy: :no: :sly: :byebye: Oh no! I was looking forward to meeting you but needs must I guess. Shame though.
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    new fish pics

    Juan? Carrie? Can I have him? He's gorgeouuuuuuuus :wub:
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    I just put sand in my tank

    Did you wash the sand before putting it in the tank?
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    How much does it cost to run an aquarium?

    Dont worry purple-drazi, my brother is very well behaved when he's at my house. There are already ground rules in place and we have a structured rent system going too. Enchanted, my brother is 18. Thanks for your concern everyone, I'm sure everything will work out just fine :nod:
  37. S

    How much does it cost to run an aquarium?

    Well, thanks for that guys but the argument is over now, my brother has been kicked out and is living with me :blink: :crazy:
  38. S

    The Lucky 13-

    :lol: MAM I knew it wouldn't take you long! They all sound gorgeous :wub: Can't wait to see the pics.
  39. S

    How much does it cost to run an aquarium?

    Sorry hun, I only found the other thread after I'd already posted.
  40. S

    How much does it cost to run an aquarium?

    OK, so here's the background. My brother has a 3ft tank which is currently cycling (fishless). Everything was going quite well and we thought he'd be able to add fish today (he's having some of my plattys) :D My brother has been staying at my house since Wednesday. :/ I got a call this...