Search results

  1. R

    From stainless steel to animals

    If I remember right, that peacock-statues width is 2,5 meters.
  2. R

    From stainless steel to animals

    I just found some pictures of my fathers uhm, statues (is that a right word for those?). He cuts the steel to small pieces and then uses mig welding to attach them together. The colors are made by heating the surface of the steel to different temperatures. Kinda cool =) This one is 100%...
  3. R

    Crowntail called Kelli

    Thanks =) He is trying to be too adult. He has made a bubble nest that is almost 15cm wide. I bet he doesn't even know how to use the nest... well, you know :D
  4. R

    My orange plakat bettas

    They are beautiful. The male is just awesome. BOTM.
  5. R

    Crowntail called Kelli

    I got two more pictures of Kelli. He really likes to flare =) This is his brother: And another brother: Uh, help me. Which picture to use in the BOTM contest? I like them all. =)
  6. R

    Crowntail called Kelli

    Owww, thank you :) Kelli is now three times bigger than his sisters. The temperature in his tank is 28ºC, (pH 6.5, KH 1, GH 5, NO2 0, NO3 <5) and first I fed them micro worms 5-7 times a day. Now I have fed them frozen artemia, live white worms and discus granules. I'm in sick leave for...
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    Crowntail called Kelli

    Thanks :) It was quite easy with these ones because those girls are his sisters and they have lived in a same aquarium for their first month. Putting them back together wasn't that bad because they knew each other.
  8. R

    What kind of catfish is this

    They are cute creatures. I like Sturisomas more because they are more active and less fragile. But Farlowellas are also interesting with their long noses and clumsy bodies =)
  9. R

    What kind of catfish is this

    It is a Twig Catfish, Farlowella sp.
  10. R

    Crowntail called Kelli

    I am so proud of him. He made his first real bubble nest. The other ones have been only few bubbles in only one layer. This one has atleast three layers. He is a big boy now :)
  11. R

    My Planted 29

    It looks really nice, the black gravel gives some class to it =)
  12. R

    Those good old ghost shrimpies!

    Shrimps are cool thingies. I have18 ghost /amano shrimps in my 60-liter tank and I only see one or two at the same time. They are really sweet. I should buy another 20 so I might even see them sometimes. Mm.. Shampoo - Trouble :blink:
  13. R

    Crowntail called Kelli

    :*) He is really something. I can't wait to see how he looks when he is all grown up. He is only a little over 2 months old now and he looks really promising. Such a macho too :flex: And did you notice his curly ventral fins :wub:
  14. R

    Crowntail called Kelli

    Thanks :) I used Canon Powershot A10, lots of luck with those pictures. Short whatever time and flash. I don't know anything about cameras :blink: Oh, almost forgot. I put all the pictures I took today in here: Picture gallery. The blue one is just a "stray". And I managed to squash the red...
  15. R

    Crowntail called Kelli

    Kelli was born 15.12.2003
  16. R

    February BOTM

    That girl is so beautiful, she got my vote :)
  17. R

    Please keep me in your thoughts/prayers

    We have lost two dogs within five months and the pain was (and is) terrible. Two of our family members died and I felt so lost without them. I still feel like it, but I am starting to remember the good times again. We had some really good years with both of them and I am happy that they belogned...
  18. R

    Snail is the place you want to go. There is everythin you need to know about apple snails... and more :thumbs:
  19. R

    Name those plants!!

    Hygrophila difformis =)
  20. R

    Name those plants!!

    The large sword plant is propably Echinodorus bleheri, the smaller one in the right could be Echinodorus martii (maior). The plant in the right with upright stem is Limnophila sessiliflora. The one with large leaves is Anubias barteri (Anubias barteri var. nana has smoother leaves than barteri...
  21. R

    Kuhlis, kuhlis, kuhlis.

    Did the Kuhlii&eggs -pictures got lost while the forum went down? I want to see them again! They were just amazing, as all of your pictures. :)
  22. R

    Crowntail boy

    I tried to take better pictures, but... And this is one of his siblings, maybe a female:
  23. R

    Honey - Labrador Retriever

    Actually a she =) She is almost too intelligent. Learns everything really fast. And she likes to chew everything. A couple of weeks ago she ate a part of a zipper. When she was a small puppy, she used to chew our old table that is made of IRON. :blink: Of course, she didn't manage to harm...
  24. R

    Honey - Labrador Retriever

    Uh, wrong forum. Should have been Household Pets :/
  25. R

    Honey - Labrador Retriever

    Honey was born 11.09.2003
  26. R

    dying after giving birth

    I have noticed that the guppies that have died after giving birth have usually lived in a tank where the water hasn't been uhm, hard enough. I mean total hardness, GH. Well, that's the case here in Finland. Our water is soft, pH around 7, KH 1-3, GH 2-6. And if the water in livebearers tank...
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    Crowntail boy

    The largest one of my crowntail babies is starting to act like a man. Well, he is still a boy, but a handsome one :) Sorry for the bad pics, none of them shows the real intensity of the colors or even the fins getting the crowntail-shape. I haven't named him yet. Any suggestions? :)
  28. vauva.jpg


  29. R

    All the amazing Tank/Fish/Betta OT month pictures

    My banners are still around :)
  30. R

    How soon

    Thanxx again ciclidoid bwana. All the bigger boyz are back in their more roomy playground and are all well happy. Although my Queen Arabesque thrashed about so wildly during transfer she wriggled out of my grasp and sailed in a rather ungainly but impressive arc into the dog basket ...
  31. R

    How soon

    nice one mate, I will try to add them after me dinner. if you are right the fish will thank you !!
  32. R

    How soon

    I have been an amateur tropical fan for about 2 years and have been running a 4' bow front tank for about 10 months. I have just reset the whole thing as I had a bacteria explosion causing death and disease in 65% of my stock. Although I have cleaned the glass I have used the old foam medium...