Name those plants!!


Fish Crazy
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
berkeley Springs, west virginia
hello all, I have a condy anemone and a curly cue anemone. i have hasd them for quite a while altho it is not a good idea to keep more than one from what i have read. They were not bought for my clown fish (i have 2clowns) but they have done very well in my 130gl. tank. I feed them with a turky baster regularly(brine shrimp, flake,VHP and krill) and I have 2/250 MH and VHO lighing. I have had the curly cue one for over a year now almost 2 yrs and he is getting huge.My condy is doing good too. he just started to wonder a bit in the last few days i think my coral bandit shrimp is harrassing him he keeps trying to steal the anemone's food. I'll have to get some pictures to post soon.
I have some ideas... I think the one in the back left is an amazon sword and the ones in teh back right are Cobomba (maybe) and there is some Red Ludwigia, Anubias Barteri and Annubia Nana...

what do you all think?


ok... so i have no idea why that post is up there before mine... mods? admins? bueller?
The large sword plant is propably Echinodorus bleheri, the smaller one in the right could be Echinodorus martii (maior). The plant in the right with upright stem is Limnophila sessiliflora. The one with large leaves is Anubias barteri (Anubias barteri var. nana has smoother leaves than barteri. Looking at that picture, I would say that the both are the same). And in the front is Hygrophila difformis. The red one in the middle is Ludwigia repens.
the one towards the front is a water wistera unsure of latin name.
cool guys! thanks a lot!!

that anubias was sold to me as nana, but it was the same price as the bartari... the leave are significantly different size and shape, but the texture does seem the same. i've seen other things advertised as nana, but they do seem smaller than my plants.

the one i wondered about was that one in the front right that you called a Echinodorus martii (maior) and the ones in teh back which i thought were cabomba carolinia.


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