Crowntail called Kelli


Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kelli was born 15.12.2003







WOW! What type of camera did you use? It really brought out his colors!
Thanks :)

I used Canon Powershot A10, lots of luck with those pictures. Short whatever time and flash. I don't know anything about cameras :blink:

Oh, almost forgot. I put all the pictures I took today in here: Picture gallery. The blue one is just a "stray".

And I managed to squash the red girl with Kelli in the second picture from the gallery. Poor thing suffocated between a breeder thingy and the front glass. I found her too late :( I'm having a really bad luck with this fry.
His colors are AMAZING!!! So metallic! I love him! :D
The female looks awesome!

He is really something. I can't wait to see how he looks when he is all grown up. He is only a little over 2 months old now and he looks really promising. Such a macho too :flex:

And did you notice his curly ventral fins :wub:
I am so proud of him. He made his first real bubble nest. The other ones have been only few bubbles in only one layer. This one has atleast three layers. He is a big boy now :)
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW definitly gorgeous, one of the prettiest i've seen around!.

I want to vote all the pics BOTM, but I will go for the second as I am only allowed 1 vote :huh:

:wub: :kewlpics:
Thanks :)

It was quite easy with these ones because those girls are his sisters and they have lived in a same aquarium for their first month. Putting them back together wasn't that bad because they knew each other.
rain- said:
He is only a little over 2 months old now and he looks really promising.
O my goodness! He's that young and already that gorgeous?! I have read it takes quite awhile to get colors on betta fry, but he looks far from being that young of a fishie! His fins are spectacular too, I'm really impressed by how quickly and beautifully he matured! He must have been fed very good food as a baby. :nod:
I think I'm in love :wub: :p

Gorgeous betta, rain-. Pic # 1 for BOTM (gives him character).
Owww, thank you :)

Kelli is now three times bigger than his sisters. The temperature in his tank is 28ºC, (pH 6.5, KH 1, GH 5, NO2 0, NO3 <5) and first I fed them micro worms 5-7 times a day. Now I have fed them frozen artemia, live white worms and discus granules.

I'm in sick leave for months so I have all the time in the world. I can take care of them 24/7 :D

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