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  1. R

    It's a jungle out there!

    :D Low water level is because I don't want my shrimps or zebra snails to climb off. Zebra snails have the same tendency as apple snails. If you don't stop them some way, they will propably climb off the tank, drop to the floor and die :/ And there are two honey gourami males and two females...
  2. R


    It was quite hard to find pictures of sand actually showing, because my tanks usually have so much plants that the sand is almost non-visible. Like in this thread: But there were some pictures of my previous tank. Picture 1, Picture...
  3. R

    It's a jungle out there!

    Thanks =) There are two 30W fluorescent tubes hanging from the ceiling. They are 120cm long, so half of the tubes stick out from the both sides and give light to my houseplants and other tanks. Before I had a third, 18W tube on top of the tank too.
  4. R

    It's a jungle out there!

    I have a male and a female betta there. All the other fish were in the bushes playing hide and seek when I took those pictures, just the male wanted to show off ;)
  5. R

    Exiled's cat

    A pretty kitty. Reminds me of the bonsaikitten-site. Exept this one is a really cute and no-one could think that its for real. My cats have always tried to go swimming. One of them lived in an empty tank for awhile. Weird ones. :D
  6. R

    My Avatar

    Talking about wallpapers. I usually have one of these: Alice
  7. R

    The Bird Cage/ O.B. Cage :-)

    It is so beautiful :wub:
  8. R

    It's a jungle out there!

    :lol: There is 1 litre of snails, 58 litres of plants and about 1 litre of water ;) Uhm, I forgot the sand, 50 litres of plants and 8 litres of nice sand.
  9. R

    It's a jungle out there!

    A pair of red bettas, 4 honey gouramis, 18 amano shrimps, 2 zebra snails and lots of malaysian trumpet snails.
  10. R

    Planted tank Pics

    I'll second the nomination. I love the Windeløv :)
  11. R

    It's a jungle out there!

    I was just trying to find my amano shrimps from my 60-litre planted tank. I found 5 of the 18. I know that there are more because the ones I find are not the same shrimps I found before. I think they have organised some sort of shifts. Most of them can be somewhere else doing fun stuff and five...
  12. R

    What food do you feed your bettas??

    I hat the smell of vinegar ;) I use only porridge in my microworm-boxes, sometimes I add some vitamines, carrot or spinach(or however you spell it :). They will be more nutritious then. But they do smell a bit =) I feel that they are just easier to harvest than vinegar eels, just take some in...
  13. R

    What food do you feed your bettas??

    Oh, those ones I forgot to add to my list. Vinegar and "normal" micro worms. Really easy to grow and they are the best baby food (I hate growing artemia).
  14. R

    Spotted Raphael

    How many of you love these fish? Raphael Cats are just awesome with their round bellies and thorns. I've had Agamyxis pectinifrons, Platydoras costatus (25cm) and Amblydoras hancocki. This one is Spotted Raphael, Agamyxis pectinifrons
  15. agamyxis.jpg


  16. R

    What food do you feed your bettas??

    Here you can find information of them (and lots of other live food): The Bug Farm - Whiteworms.
  17. R

    What food do you feed your bettas??

    I give my bettas freeze dried bloodworms, daphnia and tubifex, frozen cyclops and artemia for the babies, frozen bloodworms and daphnia for the adults. Also discus granules and flake food. And live whiteworms.
  18. R

    Mine and Chris' Bettas :-)

    Uhm. I willl second that after I'll find my jaw.
  19. R

    Bigger, Better, Badder!!!

    :D They are great. And I will fourth the nomination.
  20. R

    RIP my beautiful boy

    Owww :( He was beautiful.
  21. R

    Käähkä, a brother of Kelli

    Käähkä today, his tummy a bit smaller this time ;)
  22. peipe7.jpg


  23. R

    From stainless steel to animals

    Thanks :) We have an eagle mailbox stand, shared with two of our neighbours. And also a bear in the garden to scare bad guys away :D He actually does them for his own enjoyment (being retired and all and having nothing else to do). But most of them end up to our friends gardens and houses...
  24. R

    Käähkä, a brother of Kelli

    Thanks :*) There are 10 of them in a same tanks now, at least 5 males. The eleventh is already in his own net breeder thingy in the same aquarium. The magic is that they are only babies, even when they look that adult already. And they have been living together since the day they were born...
  25. R

    Non filter planted tanks

    My 60-liter planted tank doesn't have a filter. There is male and female betta, couple honey gouramis and about 20 amano shrimps, malaysian trumpet snails and two zebra snails. And lots of plants. I change 30-50% of water once a week (and I never siphon the substrate) and add liquid fertiliser...
  26. R

    Käähkä, a brother of Kelli

    Has anyone seen this kind of color variation before. What it is called? Volcano? Something else?
  27. R

    Käähkä, a brother of Kelli

    Adrinal, go ahead =) I like your decorations ;)
  28. R

    Käähkä, a brother of Kelli

    Yeah, they just ate =) Lots of freeze-dried bloodworms.
  29. R

    Käähkä, a brother of Kelli

    This one is the second largest male. 2 1/2 months old.
  30. R


    Males have sort of whitish wrinkles behind their eyes. Their coloration is also more yellow/olive and pastel. Females have more contrast in their colors and between the bottom color and the dark dots. I hope this helps =) Females also have rounder body. Males are higher. Some pictures: This...
  31. R

    Pearl Gourami

    BTW. Marble/three spot/blue/yellow gouramis are all the same species, Trichogaster trichopterus, just different color varietes. edit: silver was faster than me =)
  32. R

    Algea in Betta tank

    If you want a good algae eating snail that wont reproduce too fast, you want to get a Zebra Snail, Neritina natalensis. They are only about 2cm big and wont get much babies. And they really eat algae, they are amazing.
  33. R

    Kuhli loaches

    I have never seen kuhliis eating snails. But well, there's always a possibility that they might :) But I think that they have too soft and tender mouth for eating snails.
  34. R

    Pearl Gourami

    It does look like a young pearl gourami female. My picture (male):
  35. helmirihma.jpg


  36. R

    Rogues Gallery

    I woke up today and felt annoyed. Well, I want to share my grumpiness with you ;)
  37. grumpy.jpg


  38. R

    From stainless steel to animals

    Thank you =) I think its in the genes, my sister is in an art school, my two aunts are artists, my cousin is a uhm, well, she decorates houses and stuff, other cousin just likes to carve things etc. I don't think I am as talented in that field as the others, I just like to play with Photoshop...
  39. R

    Zebra Snail

    I have two of these algae eating snails (they don't eat plants) and they are quite pretty and active. And they really eat algae effectively. They belong to class Prosobranchia and have males and females. Mine laid eggs just recently and I have read that it will take a really long time for eggs...