What food do you feed your bettas??

I give my bettas freeze dried bloodworms, daphnia and tubifex, frozen cyclops and artemia for the babies, frozen bloodworms and daphnia for the adults. Also discus granules and flake food. And live whiteworms.
Hikari Bio-Gold pellets
Hikari freeze-dried brine shrimp
Nutrafin freeze-dried red grubs
Freeze-dried bloodworms
adults and juveniles: betta pellets are a staple. (hikari usually) and live grindal worms (more of a treat)
fry: live vinegar eels, live baby brine shrimp, live grindal worms and frozen daphnia (rarely). ;)
Oh, those ones I forgot to add to my list. Vinegar and "normal" micro worms. Really easy to grow and they are the best baby food (I hate growing artemia).
rain- said:
Oh, those ones I forgot to add to my list. Vinegar and "normal" micro worms. Really easy to grow and they are the best baby food (I hate growing artemia).
yah, compared to miroworms, vinegar eels are far easier to keep in your place, something about the yeast you use with microworms makes me gag ;)
bkk_group said:
yah, compared to miroworms, vinegar eels are far easier to keep in your place, something about the yeast you use with microworms makes me gag ;)
I hat the smell of vinegar ;)

I use only porridge in my microworm-boxes, sometimes I add some vitamines, carrot or spinach(or however you spell it :). They will be more nutritious then. But they do smell a bit =)

I feel that they are just easier to harvest than vinegar eels, just take some in to the tip of your finger from the sides of the box or from the surface of the porridge and dip your finger to the tank. =)
Wardley pellets make your bettas sick?? :crazy:

That scares me I use wardley floating pellets as their staple and I have for four years and never had a problem. :/
did you all know that mosquito larvae are one of the bettas favorite food sources in the wild? most of the serious breeders in asia swear by them. i wish i could find them here, not too many skeeters in the city i'm afraid. :/

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