It's a jungle out there!


Feb 5, 2004
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I was just trying to find my amano shrimps from my 60-litre planted tank. I found 5 of the 18. I know that there are more because the ones I find are not the same shrimps I found before. I think they have organised some sort of shifts. Most of them can be somewhere else doing fun stuff and five of them are doing the posing in the front of the tank 8)

I think I have to buy more shrimps.



There are some fish too =)

It is a real jungle. I should prune it, but the fish and shrimps like it that way. Sorry for the crappy pictures. My camera sucks.
A pair of red bettas, 4 honey gouramis, 18 amano shrimps, 2 zebra snails and lots of malaysian trumpet snails.
lol... is there water in there for them to swim in lol

nice bright tank tho :D

There is 1 litre of snails, 58 litres of plants and about 1 litre of water ;)

Uhm, I forgot the sand, 50 litres of plants and 8 litres of nice sand.
Are you saying that you have more than one betta in there? Are they both fems I thought I saw a male in that third pic.

I have a male and a female betta there. All the other fish were in the bushes playing hide and seek when I took those pictures, just the male wanted to show off ;)
WOW!!! That is one of the nices planted tanks I have seen. What kind of light do you have on there?
Thanks =)

There are two 30W fluorescent tubes hanging from the ceiling. They are 120cm long, so half of the tubes stick out from the both sides and give light to my houseplants and other tanks. Before I had a third, 18W tube on top of the tank too.

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