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  1. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Will have a look! Would you say run both to start or just start running a new filter? I'm currently running the marina slim with three ammo lock pads and a piece of sponge at the back however would probably be better taking out the Ammon lock pads and letting the bacteria do their thing
  2. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Any recommendations for good filters ladies??
  3. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Hey! I was just going to say I was only having a laugh! I really appreciate all the comments so far, I certainly have a much better grasp on things now! I'm actually considering buying a new filter as looking at reviews of the marina slim, it doesn't seem to be up to much. :)
  4. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    I know! Very disappointed, you're supposed to be experts helping us newbies :)
  5. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Well I've done what the post said, I've added a new ammo lock pad, added a piece of sponge going all the way down the back so hopefully the sponge will over time grow the bacteria and allow me to lose the expensive pads. Keep you updated :)
  6. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Came across this! Answers my questions perfectly, I'll do the same. Add two new ammo lock cartridges today, put in a new piece of foam, run the tank for a few weeks and hopefully that'll allow me to keep the filter, lose the expensive cartridges, build up the bacteria and use the sponge...
  7. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Mamashack, this is what I'm confused about now though! If the filter I have effectively grabs the ammonia, odours etc from the water there would be no need to cycle the tank? Jus change the filter? Is this not the whole point of this filter? I really need to talk to someone about this, I'm...
  8. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Ok thanks for explaining that so early! I've had time to 'calm down' slightly and have thought of a few possibilities. Keep the filter, test the water frequently, buy the cartridges, introduce fish. Keep the filter, introduce a piece of sponge bit by bit as the bacteria should be there after...
  9. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    I'm honestly so upset about this. I've wasted three weeks cycling a tank and it'll be almost worthless plus I've now got a filter that'll cost me a small fortune to run. What do I do now? Stick with this filter? Change a cartridge every couple of week? Introduce fish as the tank is 'safe'? Get...
  10. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Oh no!! Are you serious?? :( Just when I thought I was making progress. Surely it would make more sense to keep going with what I have? Yes they are bio clear cartridges. They were the ones that came with the aquarium and were for tropical fish, I've got two cartridges in them. Can you...
  11. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Hey it's a Marina slim 515, it was the filter I got with the aquarium!
  12. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Yeah the only thing keeping me going is this forum just now!! :) do any of you know of any local fish shows/conventions/ meetings etc that take place in Scotland?
  13. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Just to update, still reading 0.25 and I've just added a piece of mature filter media from my brothers tank :)
  14. JayP

    Pics From My Roma 200L Tank

    Lovely tank!
  15. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Just tested again, it's definitely 0.25!! Getting somewhere at last :)
  16. image.jpg


  17. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    What do you think? 0 or 0.25? Sorry tried adding a photo but no joy :(
  18. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    I initially put in 2ppm then put it up to 5ppm and have been doing that for the last few days?
  19. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Yes that'll be my next stop. I'm fortunate in that I have a specialist aquatics shop not far from where I live. That sounds like a nice combination. The gouramis are lovely fish. Could you give me some other ideas for groups of fish I could put together happily? Thanks :)
  20. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Still no change! Still zero ammonia? Beginning to think this ammonia is dud. What about ten zebra danios, six neon tetras and two honey gouramis?
  21. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    I'm in Scotland so I'd imagine the water is soft, PH is a bit high at 7.6 though. Ok I won't bother with the water change. I haven't changed it yet anyway. Still no readings. Ill up the dose to 5mls and see if that makes a difference.
  22. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    I think we're all losing the plot! It's a 60l tank. I understand that I need to add between 2 and 3 ml and that once my ammonia rises to 0.25 do a slight water change to bring it down and keep doing that until nitrite starts rising, change water, wait for that to peak then check for nitrate? I...
  23. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Flutter mouth my ammonia has never really risen at all, I've been adding ammonia and testing the water every day since last Saturday. I've also turned the temperature up slightly. Will just wait and be patient! Can you let me know what are good fish for the bottom of the tank? Ie fish that...
  24. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    2.5 ml. Ill persevere. It'll be worth it in the end when I have happy healthy fish. Thanks for all your kind comments folks :)
  25. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    I've been adding 2.5 for the last few days now and still nothing. I put an extra bit of 'cycle' product into the filter yesterday as well on the off chance it would make a difference. I thought I would have seen some kind of result after seven days folks
  26. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Folks back to zero again :( seriously tempted to put in ten zebra danios or something similar to try and get things started?? Is there any chance that the filter is churning away quietly taking in the ammonia?
  27. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Ok I've kept adding th ammonia and the colour has changed very slightly! Hopefully I'm starting to see things progress slightly, will keep you posted.
  28. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    I put it in around 11.20 and tested it half an hour later
  29. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Ok I've just done another test. Still looks like the reading is 0 :( I done a nitrite test as well, in case the tank had miraculously cycled the ammonia, and that is 0 is well :(
  30. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Ok will do. What would your thoughts be on introducing fish to get things moving? I've had the tank two weeks now, starting to lose faith a bit :(
  31. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    I've put my temp up slightly and I 'think' my ammonia is starting to rise (hopefully). It certainly isn't the bright yellow colour which would indicative of the reading being 0 however it still isn't the colour of 0.25. Hopefully things have started to move!
  32. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    That's a good idea! Ill try and hunt one down. Thank you. I've still to test my water this morning so will update you with the results :)
  33. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    I'm not sure exactly it I've been putting a few drops in once a day. Don't have any idea what the measurement would be. Think ill add more and increase the water temperature slightly again.
  34. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    That's unfortunate :( that was my top choice of fish as well! I'm using ammonia in a liquid form and I've been adding a few drops every day. I'm using a small ear drop liquid dispenser object thingy!! Clean and unused obviously. Water temp is 26/27. Thought my readings would have started by now.
  35. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Thanks! I was advised by the lfs (getting hang of things!) that I could get 25/30 fish in a 30L tank! I'm not a fan of the betta fish, I really had my heart set on a pair of angel fish and a few neon tetras? I've still been adding the ammonia, since Saturday now, but still not showing up at...
  36. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Ok thanks. Do they actually do Amy good for your tank? Would you be so kind as to give me an idea what fish I could/should start with and what I could end up achieving in my 60l tank? At least I can look forward to my fish in the end. All this ammonia/nitrite/nitrate cycle is given me a sore...
  37. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Thank you. Strange question but am I able to add more plants etc just now or would that cause problems? What are your thoughts on air stones?
  38. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    You think? Sorry for asking you to teach me how to suck eggs but would he just switch his filter off, cut a small piece of sponge off and I'd place it into my filters water tank area? What do you make of my water PH?
  39. JayP

    New Aquarist Needing Advice!

    Just to bring you all up to speed! My brother was slightly unsure what to do with his media and we didn't want to risk his tank by removing some so ill leave that. I've managed to obtain ammonia, from a local store and I have my api master test kit! My water has now cleared again from being...