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  1. sawickib

    Help Breeding Geophagus Tapajos

    There is a member on here that has bred a lot of geo winemilleri, HERE , maybe go through her journals and see if you can learn anything new?   I wish i could help but mine arent old enough to breed.
  2. sawickib

    The Georgia Aquarium (Atlanta, Ga)

    Love your videos! Thanks for making it so easy with all the editing! Looked amazing!    Hope you dont think im trying to hijack your thread, but heres from the time i went :D
  3. sawickib

    Sterilising Aquarium Equipment

    Vinegar :/ works well, no chance of killing fish from left overs.
  4. sawickib

    Happy Easter My Fishy Friends!

    Happy ancient Ishtar day, may you all be fertile on this most pagan holiday! :D    Sorry i couldnt help myself 
  5. sawickib

    Finally Got My Baes!

    Yea, he was just really stressed from shipping i think, doing much better now, can hold him for about 30-60 seconds before he starts squirming lol
  6. sawickib

    230 Gallon Reef Tank.

  7. sawickib

    Possibly Starting A Saltwater/reef Tank? Lots Of Questions!

    Hi! Welcome to the dark side! Im not very experienced in SW so ill give as much info as i can.   Im not sure on live rock and live sand, ive heard 1-3" of live sand is good, and 1lb of live rock for each gallon, and SW generally i think 1.22 gravity is a good.   You will need a filter, i have a...
  8. sawickib

    Caring For Freshwater Puffers?

    Heres some good info on pea puffers, >>>>   The other puffers i know of that are full freshwater are fahaka puffers, and the mbu puffer, both grow very large and fahakas are very aggressive, minimum tank size for these fellows i...
  9. sawickib

    230 Gallon Reef Tank.

    Yea, you sure wont have that issue haha, thats certainly going to do a good job with filtration :D
  10. sawickib

    Algae Wafers

    Do you have 2 opaline gouramis in there? I suppose if your upgrading them to a 40 gallon its alright..
  11. sawickib

    Algae Wafers

    Sorry, im not meaning to give back to back messed up info, really not    I have had white fungus on my mopani wood, and my pleco and shrimp were eating it.... They survived but that does not mean all white molds are the same.   And Im not sure if they are labeled wrong or not tbh haha, but the...
  12. sawickib

    Who's For A Gecko Update?

    Yea, when i got my new carrot tail, i warmed him up to room temp. in a bucket, and when i went to pick him up he kept squealing, and when i got him in my hand he slowly opened his mouth and bit the crap out of my thumb, and he drew blood haha. He was just stressed from shipping, he didnt bite me...
  13. sawickib

    Algae Wafers

    Im sure alasse would have much better advice than me since i never do it, i just scrub my pieces, soak them in water for a week and then add them to my tank, i think this is a good article to advise you on other options.
  14. sawickib

    Algae Wafers

    hmmm, it was the opposite for me, the Malaysian sank but it took about a day
  15. sawickib

    Hitchhiker On Plants

    Looks like a Synodontis euptera, and even if it is not pretty much all syno species are quite similar, and many are hybrids. So yes its better off with out con-specifics, and wont be a problem for your other fish, but may be a bit territorial and steal some food but other than that you shouldnt...
  16. sawickib

    Algae Wafers

    Hi! Dr.Foster and Smith is a good place online to order wood, ive ordered around 50 lbs of Malaysian and Mopani wood, Mopani sinks much easier and is a harder wood, however they leak A LOT of tannins, my tank (180 gallons) turns brown every week after a water change, and has been doing it for a...
  17. sawickib

    230 Gallon Reef Tank.

    Wow, that sump is... wow...
  18. sawickib

    Help My Oscar Is Dying

    Agreed with the above stated. Just remember, the normal rule for oscars is 75 gallons per oscar, so 150 for two and 225 for three, etc... And it looks like you have three or more in there, and these guys poop A LOT, so having them in an uncylced 55 gallon is certain death for them, even if you...
  19. sawickib

    Who's For A Gecko Update?

    You have some really nice geckos right there! Love the raptors!    Yea, the feisty ones need the most handling i agree!
  20. sawickib

    Silver Rosetted Bengal

    Alright so I finally got my dream cat, its a female bengal, I was originally hoping to get a brown male, but she's still beautiful and playful a little to playful though! As of right now i cant only get pictures of her sleeping because shes so active!!! She seems to get a long with my cat Skat...
  21. sawickib

    Some Of My Best

    Beautiful photos! I love your taste of fish!!!!
  22. sawickib

    Finally Got My Baes!

    About 1 month later the weather has been ok and he finally got shipped! Lol he bit me when i first got him, drew some blood but i can forgive him, i think he was just stressed, but man is he looking awesome!        
  23. sawickib

    230 Gallon Reef Tank.

    looks like its taking awhile haha
  24. sawickib

    Couldn't Wait Until The 150Gal Was Done To Buy These Polys

    Very nice looking polys! Be careful with the africans, it can work but i would definitely watch to see if the cichlids are picking on them or stealing all their food. :D
  25. sawickib

    230 Gallon Reef Tank.

    Really cool looking giant rock set up right there! I like the crate idea, do you leave them in?   And dont mean to hijack the thread, but should i make my rock set up more like that in my 55 gallon tank? I cant necessarily get behind the rocks easily, but i dont have enough room to spread them...
  26. sawickib

    Stocking A Fish Tank, Do's And Dont's

    Alright the issues for that have been fixed to a more simpler, "just keep them in brackish" haha Also added in some websites for doing research on fish. Thank you so much ch4rlie for the help!
  27. sawickib

    Stocking A Fish Tank, Do's And Dont's   So who is right? As a novice fish keeper I find this confusing to say the least.   See I do read the forum posts.   OOOoooo my apologies its looks as though your right, ill contact the mods to fix this thank you!
  28. sawickib

    Community Feeding/diet

    Thanks for the recommendations! Ill have to look into those, because i think i will be choosing one large group of dither fish.   They generally go from 8-12$ each here.     Byron-  Yes i think i will be removing the angels in a week or two and then start building up a community tank, my male is...
  29. sawickib

    Stocking A Fish Tank, Do's And Dont's

    Thanks, yea its really quite sad how there are so many fish owner that are mis-informed or could care less.
  30. sawickib

    New Shrimp Coming!

    Looking forward to it!
  31. sawickib

    Finally Got My Baes!

    Thanks so much, its taking forever to ship because of weather, no they are actually quite easy to breed, they breed 6-9 months out of the year and you just need one male with one to a million females in the tank and voula you have eggs haha Thanks! Yea they are really cool little creatures, they...
  32. sawickib

    Finally Got My Baes!

    Thanks Flame Princess was a reference to Adventure Time Whatever makes you happy though!   Ahh ok gotcha, i may be able to figure out a combo because im getting this guy hopefully next week if the weather is right.
  33. sawickib

    Community Feeding/diet

    Yes im starting to see this, i may have to rehome my 3 angles and keep my 4 angels in my 75 gallon, atm i have 7 but they arent all together. Can i have a single angel and keep my 4 pearl gouramis, or do you think i would still have problems?   The angels actually dont seem to mind the geos, but...
  34. sawickib

    Hello Again Looking To Find What Type Of Fish This Is.

    I would use white vinegar to get rid of it, its harmless to fish as long as you give it a good rinse afterwards.
  35. sawickib

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    Yea you should, i am terrible at keeping any plants alive besides java fern and marimo moss balls lol
  36. sawickib

    Community Feeding/diet

    Thanks for the advice, after hearing all these mixed opinions on them, i think i will stay away, seeing that i most likely will be paying 8$+ on each of them, i dont want to get a group of 20 and have it not work out.   I may try the cories, but the problem is the geos eat everything, top or...
  37. sawickib

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    Looks awesome, really cool transformation! I look the little baby shrimp! :D
  38. sawickib

    Community Feeding/diet

    Thanks for the reply, ive heard that roseline barbs are relatively peaceful, especially since im getting 12, so i think I might give them a try, especially since they will be a while after my angels, so they will be larger than them.    Yes i meant Ancistrus catfish, i dont plan on getting any...
  39. sawickib

    Zebra Nerite Snails And Assassin Snails

    Ive had assassin snails with nerites, but i guess it a swing and a miss for some people.