New Shrimp Coming!


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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So ive decided to get some more Yellow cherry shrimp, some Blue cherry shrimp and some Crystal red shrimp, i've found someone who can supply some to me, bit excited about that lol. Love the shrimpers!!
Very shortly about to start scaping the tanks they will be housed in.....i do however need to zip out and get some small sponge filters for the tanks....stay tuned
Tank scaped and running....Once it clears i'll grab a pic
I love crystal shrimp, but after wasting a couple of hundred dollors have realised I just can not keep them in Queensland without a chiller.
Find out from the supplier what pH and gH they are keeping thier blues and yellows in, not only did the yellows I got not like my water but different parameters have a HUGE bearing on the intensity of colour.
The person i got the CRS off doesnt use a chiller in summer, she just dumps in extra airstones....i did ask that lol

I already have some yellows, i just wanted some new males. I havent got the blues as yet....i will set up another tank for them guys later. For now i am enjoying watching the CRS and YCS explore lol
Looks fantastic
 , your lucky with hopefully not needing a chiller.

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