Search results

  1. sawickib

    Mbu Puffer Fish

    Well this is an Mbu puffer so i would only recommend it if you have a very large tank, i have an 180 gallon but will eventually have to upgrade for him.   For the aggression he isnt aggressive at all but all puffers are different and mbus are generally more docile than other species, it also...
  2. sawickib

    Mbu Puffer Fish

    Update! He ate shrimp and quite wholeheartedly too, so i believe I can feed him now!   The tankmates are geophagus's, bichers, an L25, pearl gouramis, gymnothorax polyuranodon and angelfish.
  3. sawickib

    Back From Japan!

    WB! Please tell me about your experience! I plan on visiting as well!
  4. sawickib

    Mbu Puffer Fish

    He wouldnt eat that either :/
  5. sawickib

    Mbu Puffer Fish

    Hey everyone its been a long time since I posted but I just recently got an Mbu Puffer and its about 2-4" around there, its in a 180 gallon with a few other fish. Im going to be breeding ramshorn snails very soon, but I was wondering if there was any other foods that it will eat when its this...
  6. sawickib

    Snowflake Eel

    I would say yes, but it will be harder for your eel to digest and there isnt much nutrients in the shell anyways. Im not sure if the eel can be actually harmed by the outer shell though.
  7. sawickib

    Dwarf Frog/affican Butter Fly

    Should be fine, just keep the butterfly well fed.
  8. sawickib

    Zig Zag Yt Eel And Cpo/shrimp

    Eels and Kuhli loaches. Yes   The eels eating the shrimp, most likely no they have pretty small mouths, and those shrimp should be larger than its mouth, just make sure its well fed.   As for sizes they both stay pretty small for as far as spiny eels go.
  9. sawickib

    Biology Teacher Needs Help

    In a classroom setting I would personally stick to freshwater, it will be easier on you and a lot less expensive, and it cycles much faster and will be easier for you to maintain. 
  10. sawickib

    Stocking Cycled 100 Gallon

    Polypterus/bichir eat just about anything, beef heart (feed in mooderation), shrimp, worms, silversides, most fresh fish, mussels, clams, squid, blood worms, anything thats kind of fishy. All polypterus are scavengers, but in the home aquarium they can be picky and like different things and not...
  11. sawickib

    My Mudskipper Paludarium

    Thanks for bringing this up jag! i enjoyed it myself as well!!!   Any new updates on the tank?  
  12. sawickib

    Stocking Cycled 100 Gallon

    How about some upper jaw polypterus? Retropinnis, senegalus, buettikoferi, delhezi, or palmas palmas would be suitable for your tank size.   Or perhaps some geophagus, with pearl gouramis and a small school of catfish?
  13. sawickib

    Fish Shipping Bags- What You Need To Know

    The wood would also be expensive to put a piece into every bag for the most part, and in any case it was just TTA's theory that rasping on the bag may quicken the release of the chemicals. A normal bag with any fish that floats in the water column is still at risk to nonylphenol exposure within...
  14. sawickib

    Fish Shipping Bags- What You Need To Know

    Hmmm very interesting, I work in a pet store now, and im definitely going to have to look into this and see if we can minimize losses from shipping, im not sure what bags our wholesalers use. Its Segrest Farms and Raleys, ill read up on your link now.
  15. sawickib

    My Diy 55 Gallon Adventure

    Nice pothos in the filters haha i do the same!
  16. sawickib

    L25 Or L24- Still Available?

    Ahh ok sorry haha        
  17. sawickib

    Over Population Of Ghost Shrimp

    Get a fish that eats shrimp, or some assassin snails eat baby shrimp, some crayfish will eat small shrimp.    You could dose the tank with cooper which would kill all invertebrates in the tank, which isnt the best option.   Or you could just remove shrimp a lot lol
  18. sawickib

    Black Ghost Knife Erratic Behaviour

    Is there a lot of water flow? He/she may be trying get air...   In the end there may be nothing wrong with it, my L25 pleco was acting similar to your black knife not to long ago for a few weeks but is now acting normal, maybe breeding season and is now sexually mature?    I would also recommend...
  19. sawickib

    L25 Or L24- Still Available?

    I dont have any photos of the L24 unfortunately because ive never had one haha    The L24s are a more greyish color and i prefer the black and red so thats why I lean towards the L25.
  20. sawickib

    What Corydoras In 40L (10G) Tank?

    I would also recommend some dwarf cories with maybe some small shrimp species and some plants :)
  21. sawickib

    L25 Or L24- Still Available?

    They are definitely still available, the L25s are starting to be captive bred as well, i have a 10" 7 pointer in my tank and he is truly stunning. He was only 275 USD at 10"   The L24s are usually cheaper than the L25s though.
  22. sawickib

    Black Ghost Knife Erratic Behaviour

    Have you added any new elements to the tank recently? Like salt? Fish like black ghost knifes are very sensitive to salt. Other than that the other info would be useful :)
  23. sawickib

    Trouble Feeding Black Ghost Knifefish... Need Suggestions/tips

     Im afraid we both failed to realize this member probably wont be coming back to this thread haha 
  24. sawickib

    230 Gallon Reef Tank.

    Loving it, cant wait to see it in a few months!
  25. sawickib

    Whats Your Favorite Oddballs?

    Yea their cousin Centromochlus perugiae is one of my favorites, theyre to small for my tanks unfortunately haha, gobies are pretty cool as well, most non-american species get quite large though.   Cant say hes apart of my time, but to each his own i suppose :D 
  26. sawickib

    Couple Quick Questions

    No mishaps btw*
  27. sawickib

    Couple Quick Questions

    This may be moved or whatever haha but my experience with wet spot was good, i ordered 6 nandus nebulous and there was mishaps and the delivery was fast, i had no complaints.    Those cories are compatiable but it depends on like munroco stated the tank size, you will need 6+ of each species.
  28. sawickib

    Sea Glass/river Glass As Substrate?

    should be fine, if you want to be more cautious you can boil them, that may be a hazard though, idk if glass can explode or whatever you never know haha, if not then you could pet them in i think 1 parts bleach and 6 parts water, i forgot the ratio, or in some white vinegar.    These are some...
  29. sawickib

    What Do I Do If They Don't Sell In Time?

    Best bet is a pet store if worst comes to worst.
  30. sawickib

    Tank Rim Cracked

    Its not a matter of strength, its more so toxicity of the substance, 100% clear silicone doesnt leak anything when dry into the water, it is also just being used to seal the crack, but just remember your entire tank is held together by 100% silicone so it will be completely find! :D 
  31. sawickib

    Tank Rim Cracked

    The plastic is siliconed all the way around, so a lil crack like that doesnt break any bonds, and the glass itself is siliconed together, the plastic trim i would say is more for protection from other objects. You will do fine with just putting some more silicone in the crack.
  32. sawickib

    Tank Rim Cracked

    Not a problem at all, it may let some water out from splashing so i would take some aquarium silicone (100% silicone) and scrape it over the crack and let it dry, then you  should be good. Its what ive done to a 55, 75, and 180 gallon fish tank...
  33. sawickib

    Finally Got My Baes!

    Hi, im back and have babies now! Also going to have a single breeding pair for next season, my tangerine carrot tails!                    
  34. sawickib

    How To Travel With A Fish?

    Everything seems in order here!   What i do when traveling with fish, I get a large bag for the fish, 1/3 water and 2/3 air, dont feed for 48 hours before traveling, and i put the bag into a container that has padded sides of some sorts so when the car bumps around the fish isnt harmed, and...
  35. sawickib

    Body Flukes ...again

    Yea i just realized that, woops i always forget on this forum. The dimilin is generally used for anchor worm but from my research on the product is that it doesnt allow the parasites to molt their shell and they die off. I had to use it for fish lice and it worked after about a month of...
  36. sawickib

    Body Flukes ...again

    Sorry about this :/ i have no experience with these so ill give you a bump, hope you figure it out!   If that doesnt work, some dimilin or prazipro may help out if they are external parasites.  Sorry about this :/ i have no experience with these so ill give you a bump, hope you figure it out!  ...
  37. sawickib

    Special Thanks To Drrob

    Thanks so much for all youve done Dr.Rob!
  38. sawickib

    Natural Looking Pvc Cave

    I wold be concerned about burnt plastic pieces getting into the water personally.
  39. sawickib

    230 Gallon Reef Tank.

    Looks like it, mines complete crap and im a little lost on where to go, but im sure ill figure it out lol
  40. sawickib

    230 Gallon Reef Tank.

    So jealous man! Amazing job your doing!