Couple Quick Questions


Mostly New Member
Mar 31, 2015
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Has anyone ordered the wet spot tropical fish online store, if so has was the service and quality of fish?

Second there are two different types of Cory cats I'm liking would they do well with each other, their the habrosus Cory and the trilineatus Cory.

Thank you.
The cats would get on fine together, but depending on size of tank, you may be better having more of just one species.
This may be moved or whatever haha but my experience with wet spot was good, i ordered 6 nandus nebulous and there was mishaps and the delivery was fast, i had no complaints. 
Those cories are compatiable but it depends on like munroco stated the tank size, you will need 6+ of each species.
I have actually met the owner of Wetspot when he flew to CT as a vendor at the NEC annual event. They actually have two businesses. One is the retail store which is also the part of the business that sells on AquaBid and from whom you would be buying. They also run a wholesale operation which sells to stores and sellers across the country and which supplies the store of course. I work with a seller who buys from their wholesale side at times and I often get fish from her. I have been satisfied with any stock that originated with them. They run a pretty good operations on both sides. However, I have never bought from the retail side myself. And the wholesale fish came to me one step removed I did not buy direct.
Like any business or seller there will always be some small number of people who are not happy, but on balance their reputation is excellent. I would say they are as good as one can expect since nobody is ever perfect. They are honest, sell healthy stock and are decent shippers.
I have never dealt with The Wet Spot, but all I have heard about them is very positive.
To the corys question.  Yes, these two will be fine together with sufficient numbers.  You never have to worry about corys not getting along.  The very large species, which are now in the genus Scleromystax, can be a bit rough at times, but the species still in Corydoras are very docile with each other and any other fish.  However, numbers are extremely important.
Corydoras trilineatus should be in a group of five or six minimum, but if this is the only species I would get a few more.  You don't mention tank size as others have noticed, but a group of these is mandatory and will be better whatever the tank size so provided it is sufficient for corys, you're fine.  BTW, C. trilineatus is almost always the actual species offered in most stores as C. julii, which itself is very rarely seen.
Corydoras habrosus is a bit different, being one of the so-called "dwarf" species.  Higher numbers are much better, no less than 10-12.  And while all corys are better with a smooth sand substrate, this species needs it or it usually will slowly deteriorate.  Temperature is also more important, and should not exceed the mid-70's F.

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