What Do I Do If They Don't Sell In Time?


Fish Crazy
Sep 1, 2011
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I am moving on Wednesday May 6th.  Packing day is Tuesday.  (Yes, I have already started)
I have 3 complete set ups (tank and stand, fish, filter, LED lights etc.) which I have posted on Craigslist, and local fish pages on Facebook, local online yard sales pages  All three seetups have been up and running over a year.    I include photos and details of filter, heater, lighting etc.   One of these set ups I have had posted since March.  I've dropped prices as of last Wednesday to the point that they are a steal; plus added: or best reasonable offer.
No one has contacted me.  I don't know why.  Worse, I don't know what to do with all these fish come Wednesday!
Has anyone dealt with this?  I am really panicking about these fish! 
Yes, my phone is working, other items I have to sell are moving.
Best bet is a pet store if worst comes to worst.
Its a long shot but I know some rescue shelters will take in other animals besides cats and dogs and the odd rabbit. It might be cutting it a bit fine but I would approach some local animal rescue places and ask if they can either take your fish and tanks or if they can point you in the direction of somebody who can.
I remember one time the RSPCA ended up with a heap of rescue rats, and they ended up housing all the rats in a large glass shop type display cabinet, so some out of the box thinking can really help.
In Australia now there are RSPCA shops where they sell foods and pet supplies and also have the odd pup/ kitten for adoption. If you have similar type shops where you are they may be willing to take on some established tanks and fish, provided you also give them detailed care requirements. Eg How to clean the fitler media in the tank water, how to vacume the substrate, use chlorine and chloramine removers and to temperature adjust the new water to the existing tank water.
Are you a member of any dedicated fish type groups on FB? If you are post on their pages and maybe somebody local will come forwards with a solution.
is there a reason you can't take your tanks and fish with you when you move? The fish could be bagged up and packed into storage boxes with some towels to keep them safe and warm and the tanks can be drained and moved ... 
I've got to move my tank this coming week too and I'm having kittens about it but it is do-able. I know it's stressful 
These set ups are: 50 gallon, 37 gallon and 20 gallon.  I am moving w/ a UHaul and movers, 1.5 hours drive one way.  No way I can  move the fish the same day I move all the rest of my life.  We will finish packing on Tues, and Wed we get the truck, load everything, drive, unload.  That right there is a full day's work.  Can't even think about moving tanks that day.
No room for the tanks at the new place, as it is much smaller.  I am trying to get out of the hobby by selling it all, I also have many supplies listed and again no interest.  The supplies are listed at $1 to $3!!
Without the movers to help, I think each set up will be one full day and I can't fit the 50 set up in my car in one trip.  So that's 12 hours of driving time to shift these 3 items.  That would have to be done different days.   But . . . in the new place, I will have boxes everywhere and even once the things are put away there is just no room for any of the setups.
Oh, and I have 7 cats plus 4 dogs.  The cats would be fine but I could not leave the dogs in the new place while I drive back, break down one setup, load it and drive back.  That would be 5 hours or more.  So I'd have to  take them with me, which means even less room in the car for the setups.  Nope, just not doable.
no, I can see the problem now. Well I hope you manage to find homes for all the fish. All I can suggest is you try various local fish stores and see if any of them would be willling to take your stock - at least it's one less worry if you can re-home the livestock.
Good luck with the move, hope it all goes okay:)
Just a thought, but if money is not an huge object right now, have you considered donating (maybe the smaller tanks) to a local school or charity?
Freedom, what state are you in? I need a couple of hoods, lights, and other supplies if you're in the South.
You sure got yourself in a jam. I would take the fish to your LFS, today, and put the set-ups out by the road with a big FREE sign on them. I would not rely upon anyone taking your fish at this point and you want to make it as easy as possible for people to take the equipment.
(attibones, his signature says he's from RI.)
Are you by any chance moving to CT?
I am in RI and moving to MA, to the house where I grew up; folks built it before I was born. Eventually need to sell the RI house. 
BiggTexx, wrong time for donating to schools, summer vacation is almost here.  They accept these in Sept, so they can train the children how to care for the set up, then usually someone gets to take it home in May / June. 

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