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  1. guidedbyechoes

    55 Gallon Community Tank Idea

    Ok lets say I ditch adding the larger fish. WHat other fish could I add in their place that would be as colorful?
  2. guidedbyechoes

    55 Gallon Community Tank Idea

    Ok I will take your advice, but I'll have to do it slowly so I make sure my middle area isn't too crowded. Because the corys like to play in the middle sometimes as well.
  3. guidedbyechoes

    55 Gallon Community Tank Idea

    Possibly, but I would be tempted to up it to 12 and add some shrimp. What does your tank(s) stocking consist of?
  4. guidedbyechoes

    55 Gallon Community Tank Idea

    if going by the inch per fish rule I am really close to stocked. When including the inverts I am stocked, maybe slightly overstocked. Can I get a second opinion?
  5. guidedbyechoes

    55 Gallon Community Tank Idea

    I would like my tank to be heavily planted. Tall plants in back only. Not sure what plants to use as I want a carpet like plant in the front. But not overly bright that it washes out fish colors. I plan to run 2wpg. Flourite substrate, dosing of flourish and excel, then whatever else as needed...
  6. guidedbyechoes

    Jungle Labs Fizz Factory

    Is the reactor worthless as well?
  7. guidedbyechoes

    Can 3 Spot And Pearls Mate?

    Can they?
  8. guidedbyechoes

    Cloudy Water (even Though Chemistry Is All Good)

    I've had problems like that. They included a dead fish being somewhere in the tank in a hidden place. Too much lighting, the wrong kind of lighting, bulbs that needed changing. Also poor circulation. And final being exposed to sunlight because another occupant wanted the window open in my fish...
  9. guidedbyechoes

    Psudeo Journal 55 Gallon Planted

    Yeah the blue light it just for illumination at the moment. I need to by more daylight bulbs for the illuminare. Plus I have another hood on the way that will be used.
  10. guidedbyechoes

    Psudeo Journal 55 Gallon Planted

    I decided I would start a journal about 1/4 of the way in. I'm working on a freshwater reef. I think you would call it. I plan to include shrimp and snails as well. Since there are no freshwater coral (minus the exception of hydra) I plan to use plants that will attach to the rocks. ie Java...
  11. guidedbyechoes

    Jungle Labs Fizz Factory

    Either this thing is a joke or I'm doing it wrong. The diffuser doesn't hold the bubbles in long enough to dissolve and I'm through a tablet in one day. :angry: Can someone help? Do I need a bubble ladder instead?
  12. guidedbyechoes

    Live Rock

    Awesome! I have been thinking about going to a fowlr for a while but decided against it because it would be about $400 for the live rock alone in my 55. There are rocks in it already with shrimp so I highly doubt they contain copper and they don't fizz so they should be inert. My water is...
  13. guidedbyechoes

    Live Rock

    What about smoother stones such as landscaping/river rocks? I mean it would look weird, but would it be functional?
  14. guidedbyechoes

    Live Rock

    Can any rock be seeded into live rock or just lace stone?
  15. guidedbyechoes

    Symbiotic Freshwater

    Besides the number you can keep that seems to make slatwater a lot more interesting.
  16. guidedbyechoes

    Symbiotic Freshwater

    Does anyone know of any freshwater fauna that share a symbiotic relationship akin to the clown/anemone or pistol/goby?
  17. guidedbyechoes

    Mold On My Driftwood?

    I take it out of the water for months and put it back in and it just keeps growing. :blink:
  18. guidedbyechoes

    Mold On My Driftwood?

    No its black looking like mildew and there is also some blue mold. I have no idea how blue mold could be on it.
  19. guidedbyechoes

    Mold On My Driftwood?

    How is this possible? How can I get rid of it?
  20. guidedbyechoes

    10 Gal Unique Fish

    They have them every where near me even the chain pet stores like petsmart and petco. You might look into ordering them from Live Aquaria. They are based in WI.
  21. guidedbyechoes

    10 Gal Unique Fish

    How about some killifish?
  22. guidedbyechoes

    My South Asian-like Tank

    I like the colors as well. But I wanted more schooling. I know the cories will school when enough are present. The Kuhlies do something that resembles schooling. All the danios school( haven't picked one species for certain yet), I want one more type of schooling fish.
  23. guidedbyechoes

    My South Asian-like Tank

    That would be a really nice addition. I wanted some schooling fish. The cories shoal sometimes but its pretty rare.
  24. guidedbyechoes

    My South Asian-like Tank

    I would like to add something like cherry barbs but, I don't want the pearls getting nipped at.
  25. guidedbyechoes

    My South Asian-like Tank

    First off I have a 55 gallon, flourite and sand mix substrate, Lightly planted (2 plants), 2 watts per gallon lighting. I plan on heavily planting( floating and other) and adding c02 and adding flourish once more. I had some questions on the stocking. As of now I have 4" 3 spot 2" Sunset Honey...
  26. guidedbyechoes

    Starting Me Refugium Soon..

    It is still good.
  27. guidedbyechoes

    Planted Tank Help

    Ok so thus far I was going to set up a mbuna tank but I took out the plants and fish from my smaller tank 25 Gal us and put them in the new one, to scrub down the old tank. Well the new tank is a 55 gal, and I starting thinking a larger community would be far more rewarding than cichlids. I...
  28. guidedbyechoes

    My Mbuna Tank

    Well I finally got some sand today and its like a light brown. I got it for a whopping $3.06. Finding stone in my area is difficult. I might be able to get some through work when I'm off vacation. I do work at a landscaping business.
  29. guidedbyechoes

    My Mbuna Tank

    Its around 35 dollars per bag. If one bag would do it maybe but I'm not spending that much on sand. I wanted more of a marbled look if you can imagine that.
  30. guidedbyechoes

    My Mbuna Tank

    no I ment being able to vaccum behind the rocks. Is that necessary aren't the 75s the same length only taller and possibly wider?
  31. guidedbyechoes

    My Mbuna Tank

    As in the back as well? Another thing don't the rocks displace a lot of water? The one landscaping rock I put in was nearly 40 lbs and it barely took up any space.
  32. guidedbyechoes

    My Mbuna Tank

    Besides the fake plants I really like your first tank. I was thinking of a darker sand mixture though. Do you have a pic of the second? I do not need a buffer my water is at 8.4 maybe slightly lower.
  33. guidedbyechoes

    My Mbuna Tank

    Thats definitely original. And shell dwellers in it as well? I like some thing like this Or perhaps something that looks a bit more like a reef tank.
  34. guidedbyechoes

    My Mbuna Tank

    I'm a little stuck on the route I should go I have the fish I want selected( not purchased) and the everything I will need except the decor. I'm trying to decide between slate and lime stone. And what kind of sand I should get. I was originally thinking a mix of black and white sand and...
  35. guidedbyechoes

    Mbuna And Guppies

    But then I have an oscar haha
  36. guidedbyechoes

    Mbuna And Guppies

    No I have too many guppies and am going to start an mbuna. I was wondering if I could get rid of a few that way. From my understanding they are omnivores.
  37. guidedbyechoes

    Mbuna And Guppies

    Will they eat the baby guppies? And would it cause any health issues for the cichlids?
  38. guidedbyechoes

    What Do You Do With All Of Your Guppies?

    I started with 6. 3 died and now I have 46. This isn't a math equation after I planted my tank I have too many and nothing is eating them. So I am estimating 200 in the next 4 months unless something is done. :shout:
  39. guidedbyechoes

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    What does he do? :)