Psudeo Journal 55 Gallon Planted


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
I decided I would start a journal about 1/4 of the way in. I'm working on a freshwater reef. I think you would call it. I plan to include shrimp

and snails as well. Since there are no freshwater coral (minus the exception of hydra) I plan to use plants that will attach to the rocks. ie

Java Fern, Madagascar lace, and Anubis, couple more I don't know about. And a few other plants along the sides, more like the majority of

Here is the tank as is now. I need to do some algae scraping as the water was green before I did the re-scape.

I snapped it really quick.
If you are trying to get to 2 wpg for plants, it is time to throw out the blue light. The plants can't really use the blue light, it is for you not them. To get 110 watts of useful light for plants you want bulbs with a spectrum between 5500K and 10000K. The plants will be fine with any of those but your own color preference will probably be closer to the 10000K if you like the blue light. The 50/50 actinics are only used in salt water tanks and are usually to help coral grow properly. They have no place in a freshwater setup.
If you are trying to get to 2 wpg for plants, it is time to throw out the blue light. The plants can't really use the blue light, it is for you not them. To get 110 watts of useful light for plants you want bulbs with a spectrum between 5500K and 10000K. The plants will be fine with any of those but your own color preference will probably be closer to the 10000K if you like the blue light. The 50/50 actinics are only used in salt water tanks and are usually to help coral grow properly. They have no place in a freshwater setup.

Yeah the blue light it just for illumination at the moment. I need to by more daylight bulbs for the illuminare. Plus I have another hood on the way that will be used.

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