My South Asian-like Tank


Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Waukesha WI
First off I have a 55 gallon, flourite and sand mix substrate, Lightly planted (2 plants), 2 watts per gallon lighting. I plan on heavily planting( floating and other) and adding c02 and adding flourish once more. I had some questions on the stocking.

As of now I have
4" 3 spot
2" Sunset Honey
3 panda cory
7 adult guppy 1 is male( I want to remove these)
3 ghost shrimp

the 3 spot uprooted my amazon sword and a shrimp was riding it around the tank today.

Any way I plan to add:
2 Pearl gourami
10 danio
4 Kuhlie Loaches
3 more panda corys
more shrimp

My main concern is will the Kuhlies harm the shrimp? What else can I add?
First off I have a 55 gallon, flourite and sand mix substrate, Lightly planted (2 plants), 2 watts per gallon lighting. I plan on heavily planting( floating and other) and adding c02 and adding flourish once more. I had some questions on the stocking.

As of now I have
4" 3 spot
2" Sunset Honey
3 panda cory
7 adult guppy 1 is male( I want to remove these)
3 ghost shrimp

the 3 spot uprooted my amazon sword and a shrimp was riding it around the tank today.

Any way I plan to add:
2 Pearl gourami
10 danio
4 Kuhlie Loaches
3 more panda corys
more shrimp

My main concern is will the Kuhlies harm the shrimp? What else can I add?
They are rather rambunctious.
yes, they are rambunctious but look at my sig!

You mean the sig that is breaking the forum rules by amount 4 times the ammount usually allowed?

Your suppose to list your fish in your profile as well, there is a dedicated space for that
I have 11 cherry barbs(was 12) and have never seen them nip another fish, and i have them in with angels.
To be honest, the cherry barbs only really shoal when they feel threatened, like when i do a water change. Otherwise they generally just swim all over, sometimes in small groups, sometimes on thier own, but i love their colours.
To be honest, the cherry barbs only really shoal when they feel threatened, like when i do a water change. Otherwise they generally just swim all over, sometimes in small groups, sometimes on thier own, but i love their colours.

I like the colors as well. But I wanted more schooling. I know the cories will school when enough are present. The Kuhlies do something that resembles schooling. All the danios school( haven't picked one species for certain yet), I want one more type of schooling fish.
If you want a fish that is very inclined to shoal, check out rummy nose. I have never seen anything that would shoal as well as they do.

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