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  1. guidedbyechoes

    Fish Id Please

    Its not a pearlmutt. Pseudotropheus callainos maybe?
  2. guidedbyechoes

    Freshwater Sump Pt2

    I think I figured out how to rig up my sump. I have 2 HOB filters one rated for a 55 and 30 gallon tank. I also have a canister filter rated for 100 gallons. The plan is to drill into one of the HOBs installing a valve and hose that leads in to the 30 gal sump. Water flows through the refugium...
  3. guidedbyechoes

    Ocean Rock In Tropical

    If it has been used in a saltwater tank or is straight from the ocean you should probably rinse and clean them very well.
  4. guidedbyechoes

    Freshwater Sump

    Definite no on duckweed. I used it in a tank once and it took forever to get all of it out. Spread like wildfire in a hay field. I'm not opposed to plants that extend above the water line since I have an illuminare.
  5. guidedbyechoes

    Freshwater Sump

    I was thinking of something along the lines of that. I wanted to have some small crustaceans in the refugium area so I could use it to culture some live food. That was another reason I thought I needed plants.
  6. guidedbyechoes

    Freshwater Sump

    From studying the marine sump I know how to set up most of the sump except one very important part. Besides a heater and UV lights, I don't know what to put in there really. I'm setting it up for my 55 gallon african cichlid tank. I end up cleaning a lot of poop out each week so I was hoping...
  7. guidedbyechoes

    I Think I Am Finally Ready.

    Well looks like t5s will be a good compromise. It would be nice to have something with the penetrating power of MH but without the extra heat and strain on the electric bill.
  8. guidedbyechoes

    I Think I Am Finally Ready.

    I had to set up a board that ran leds in an Electronics class a few years ago. Only issues would be water proofing them and finding leds that emit the correct light spectrum. Ah so I was right well pretty much. I had to set up a board that ran leds in an Electronics class a few years ago...
  9. guidedbyechoes

    German Blue Rams

    Not quite sure but I think you reversed the labeling of the pictures. They look like very healthy fish to me.
  10. guidedbyechoes

    I Think I Am Finally Ready.

    Well first off I feel quite foolish because I thought t5s were a type of power compact and t8s we the same but larger bulbs. :blush: I currently have power compacts. I have a luminare that is 2x65 and one that is 2x55. I might need to buy a new fixture when I get the larger tank. I don't...
  11. guidedbyechoes

    I Think I Am Finally Ready.

    I started on this side of the forums about 3 years ago. I came here asking about an anemone and when I found out about the requirements to keep one, I decided to go to the fresh side. Throughout that time I have kept and bred several different species. I currently have a 55 gallon(208L) tank...
  12. guidedbyechoes

    Jewel Cichlid

    I have this Jewel that is the only cichlid I have owned that will eat out of my hand. The only problem is every time I put my hand in the tank he thinks its time to eat. He's like 2 inches now. The only thing I worry about is he likes to bite me when I'm not looking and the bite doesn't hurt but...
  13. guidedbyechoes

    25 Gal Ok For A Small Malawi Setup?

    Basically with that size you might be pushing it with just the three labs.
  14. guidedbyechoes

    Invasive Species Ban

    This is from a blog on a local fish store( Only applies to WI from what I can tell: DNR bans Elodea, other Popular Aquarium/Pond Plants If you're wondering why we haven't been able to get previously common aquarium/pond plants like elodea (a.k.a. anacharis), cabomba, foxtail, parrot's feather...
  15. guidedbyechoes

    180 Litre Stocking

    I think your gonna be overstocked as it is. Mine is a 4 ft with the same number and I want to upgrade to a larger tank. You also need to take into account that the rocks will displace water.
  16. guidedbyechoes


    Is anyone here running a sump with their setup? What do you have in it?
  17. guidedbyechoes

    What Color Are Socolofi Fry?

    I finally caught one. Looks like a rusty? But its not possible.
  18. guidedbyechoes

    What Color Are Socolofi Fry?

    See thats the thing I have 3 socolofi and there is no possible way they could be mixed with anything else unless a)Its a miracle or b) One of them is a male saulosi. The colors look like its a rusty but its definitely being guarded by a socolofi female.
  19. guidedbyechoes

    What Color Are Socolofi Fry?

    I can't get one from the side because I need a new tank as the old one was used when I bought it and algae has really taken a foothold on it. Its been through 3 moves in the last 2 years. I have another one but I'm not going to set it up yet because I'm gonna move again soon. It looks like the...
  20. guidedbyechoes

    What Color Are Socolofi Fry?

    Am I the only one to have them mate?
  21. guidedbyechoes

    What Color Are Socolofi Fry?

    I have a female socolofi guarding some fry, but the fry are not anywhere close to blue. They resemble saulosi.
  22. guidedbyechoes

    A Breeding Ethics Question.

    no. I'm only going on what the fish store told me. The larger one was labeled springeri which was supposed to be a lighter colored one from a different part of the lake. Which he is more purple and gold looking then rust colored.
  23. guidedbyechoes

    A Breeding Ethics Question.

    The profile said they aren't extremely aggressive but, he tries to fight my afra on a daily basis. The slowly afra is realizing the sad reality that he isn't the biggest meanest fish in the tank anymore. But he won't give up with out a fight though. Too bad his first realization was when a...
  24. guidedbyechoes

    A Breeding Ethics Question.

    But they are the same species. Just one of them is from a different area of the lake. One looks like and the other looks like Unless I am wrong they are the same species.
  25. guidedbyechoes

    A Breeding Ethics Question.

    I already have 2 extra tanks. I was just making sure if they would be considered hybrids or not.
  26. guidedbyechoes

    A Breeding Ethics Question.

    Ok I have two rusty cichlids, I did have three but the male managed to kill one when I was at my grueling job of snow removal. Well any way the larger one is a sprengerae and the other is the average kind. Is there any issue with mating two fish of the same species but from different parts of...
  27. guidedbyechoes

    Dollar Sunfish

    There are none in my area. I did find a place to buy them online though.
  28. guidedbyechoes

    Dollar Sunfish

    I was wondering if any one could point me to where I could procure a pair for my 30 gal long. If not could you offer me some other suggestions beside goldfish that would live comfortably in the tank? :good:
  29. guidedbyechoes

    Ph And Kribensis

    I have close to the same water as you in waukesha. the wood wont lower it anymore than .1 you will need to mix in ro water to get it down
  30. guidedbyechoes

    30 Gallon 3 Ft Tank

    I'm wondering what I should put in this tank. My other tank is a 4ft mbuna tank. I have high ph and like brightly colored fish so cichlids look to be my best option once again.
  31. guidedbyechoes

    What Are My Options?

    Are there any that a re diamorphic? It says not to mix shelldwellers and thats a huge area for 6 2" fish.
  32. guidedbyechoes

    What Are My Options?

    I went to two LFS today. The bosami were 7-9 dollars each so I think I'll skip them. Things that caught my attention: Pearl gouramis, Kribensis, and white cloud mountain minnows. Now about the white clouds the prices at the two stores were outragiously dissimilar. One place had 5 for $10 and the...
  33. guidedbyechoes

    What Are My Options?

    luckily most of the larger shrimp are also of the hardwater tolerant variety. :good:
  34. guidedbyechoes

    What Are My Options?

    I do like the bosemens. If I got those I could also keep some of the less delicate shrimps with them since they wouldn't get chomped.
  35. guidedbyechoes

    What Are My Options?

    First of all hi and thanks for reading this post. I'm planning on stocking my 30 gallon. I'm not new to this I have a 55 gal that I have set up for about 2 years. More tanks before it. In that tank are mbuna and I bought quite a few plants to put in there java fern, needles fern, anubis, some...
  36. guidedbyechoes

    Pundamilia Nyererei

    Is a 30 gallon long large enough for a species tank?
  37. guidedbyechoes

    Ideas For This Section

    How about a sticky on kribs? They seem to come up almost as much as mbuna in this section.
  38. guidedbyechoes

    Kribs In A 30 Gal

    alright man thats all the info I needed. Peaceful fish hah.
  39. guidedbyechoes

    Kribs In A 30 Gal

    I knew about jumping I have that covered
  40. guidedbyechoes

    Kribs In A 30 Gal

    I didn't know they could move fast at all. Every time I see them they are just hanging out in a small group near the top of the water.