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  1. weezebegs


    Is it safer/better to put in too much/ slightly less tap safe when doing water changes. The measurements that are on the side of the bottle are not easily divisible for my small tank. Thanks
  2. weezebegs

    Moss Balls Have Arrived What Next?

    aargh I just bought a moss ball and was about to complain that it is floating....I didn't like to squeeze it, is it safe then to do that and how hard....
  3. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    well haven't done a WC for 36 hours now and the ammonia has stayed at .25 and the nitrate is moving for the first time...inbetween the 0 - 5 so hopefully that is a good sign. Can I risk leaving the ammonia at .25 for another 24hours before a waterchange to see if I am coming to the end of my cycle
  4. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    Tap water is coming up 0.. I am only feeding my fish every other day at present so the fish are nibbling the plants and causing plant debris which I am cleaning out every day. Shall I remove a couple of plants I have 5 at the moment or will that interfere with the other readings. today's...
  5. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    Well today I have done as much as a complete water change as I could without sucking up the fish. I took everything out ornaments/plants etc and cleaned it and filled it back up. 3 hours later and my Ammonia is at .25 Shall i do a complete gravel clean in remove the gravel...
  6. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    10 days after starting this post and my ammonia is still at .50 and I am still doing 80% daily water changes. The temp is constant at 24, I have 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate, my PH is 7.6. I have 7 fish who are all happy/healthy..touch wood. I have 1 snail, and 5 plants..... I just can't seem to...
  7. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    As you all know doing vary large water changes to finish my fish in cycle after adding more fish to my tank. My Ammonia was high at 1 and dropped to .25 but is moving all over the place.....what do you think is going on :unsure: reading for ammonia only.... 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25...
  8. weezebegs

    Advice On My New Setup Please!

    Tank looks good, and your daughter will love it, I am new too, so no advice from me, I'll leave it to the pro's but we started off 4 Danios's and 2 red tail guppies and 2 yellow tailed ones and the kids love them.
  9. weezebegs

    Moss Balls

    Ok that's me sold on them then...thanks Guys :good:
  10. weezebegs

    Poorly Fancy Goldfish

    Thanks for that great idea....was trying to work out an easier way rather than trying to tip water in tank without creating a tidal wave for the need to get a plank :lol:
  11. weezebegs

    Moss Balls

    Went to the LFS today....don't panic just buying more dechlorantor for my fish in cycle water changes... and I noticed moss balls and was watching the fish nibble them.... Good idea.....bad idea
  12. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    :lol: Thanks Guys that was really a great help,(although I dod have to read it all twice to sink in) I don't know what I would do without this forum, what with instruction manuals, LFS and books I am completely overwhelmed with knowledge....and most of the time incorrect....... Quick post as...
  13. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    Ok, instructions say...sorry I am new..... That i have a "white foam to provide the bulk of the mechanical filtration" and a black "carbon impregnated foam". It is coming up to 5 weeks now so any advice is much appreciated - BTW they have given me a spare white foam but not a black one
  14. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    Have just done another large water change, the good news was that the ammonia was actually .25 before I started today so lets hope this is a step in the right direction. How long after a water change before I should re-test, I always wait an hour I suppose I have another question though....been...
  15. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    Thanks, don't mean to sound negative, I was told by my LFS that I had completed my cycle, hence why I added the guppies, but I have now learn't not to listen to them but listen to you guys. Readings tonight after a large water change are Ammonia .25 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 I think once I have...
  16. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    I am feeling a bit deflated to be honest with you. I have now had fish for 7 weeks and I am still doing large daily water changes. every time i do a water change my ammonia drops to .25 and the next day back up to .50. I am cleaning my gravel, doing a 70% water change every day and still my...
  17. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    yes i am going to check it daily and hopefully get down to partial water changes rather than 80 %. I am still stocking my tank so will I have to go through this process everytime I add more fish
  18. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    Have done a big water change and finally the ammonia has dropped to .25 - took it's time, I think the new gravel cleaner gadget did the trick as it was better than my original one. Emptied the water right down to an inch and the fish were fine, obviosly swimming a bit fast as they couldn't...
  19. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    I did check my tap water to me sure and that was 0, do you think it will be ok to do one again tonight then, not too stressful for them. I now have 3 danio's (lost Mr fin rot over night he has one of the original fish) and 4 guppies, and Mr Dominent Danio is still nipping
  20. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    Have done a really big water change this morning and a good gravel clean. Have left it 2 hours and now retested the water, Ammonia is now .25 / .50 nitrite is 0 Nitrate is between 0 / 5 Bought a new gravel cleaner as my existing one didn't seem to be working properly. I have a question in...
  21. weezebegs

    Cleaning The Tank?

    Harlequins - what is an idle amount of gravel are we talking about an inch or 2 ???
  22. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    I put a post on here a few weeks ago about having a dominent danio nipping the other fishes fins, do you think that this has also compounded the weaker Danio to get fin rot. What should I do with this agressive danio ??
  23. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    Just did another 50% water change and the ammonia is still at .50 but improving. Will I loose this fish to fish rot, going to the LFS tomorrow for some advice but thought you guys could help me first, is it contagious
  24. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    OK just retested nitrate and it is inbetween the 0 - 5.0, I am using the API test kit, so in novice terms, it's not yellow it's not orange a golden colour inbetween.... Will try an pload photo of fin rot to see if you think it is, tail looks cloudy
  25. 012.jpg


  26. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    Well I have been doing daily water changes and the ammonia is still at .50, both nitrate and nitrite are still 0. I thought that I was aiming for 0 on both !! this is getting confusing. Having been shaking 2ns bottle so will retest now... Tank has been going for 3 weeks, took water to lfs last...
  27. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    I would say that the water change I have just done was about 40 - 50 as I was worried about the ammonia. I didn't re-test it after the water change, should I have done so / would you ?
  28. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    How many times a day, some resources say 3 times a day very small amounts, and others say once a day for 2 minutes feed. If I feed them a minimum amount they feed so quickly they all don't get feed...feeding fish is turning out to be as stressful as feeding babies !!
  29. weezebegs

    Newbie Help Re Ammonia

    I am in the process of adding fish to my 48l tank. I finished my fish in cycle with 4 Danios. Now have added 4 Guppy's. I expected my restults to change so have been testing water daily and doing water changes. Todays readings are Ph - 7.6 static Nitrate - 0 Nitrite - 0 Ammonia- 0.5 / 1 Is...
  30. weezebegs

    Dominent Danio

    Yesterday I purchsed 2 zebra Danios's to go with my 2 golden Danio's. The larger of the original danio's will not.....and I mean not... leave the newbies alone. For the last 30 hours he has been chasing them around relentlessly and is pecking at their tail fin. I have looked closely and have...
  31. weezebegs

    Newbie Needs Help

    Well I went to the LFS for another water test and my amonia was down to 0 and the nitrite was almost 0 so he said I could replace my 2 danios that I lost and wait another week before I can add some more community fish. Well 2 hours later and my original golden Danio is still chasing my new...
  32. weezebegs

    Worried About New Fish

    Pets at home do them and give you free delivery wihtin 3-4 days if it is too far for you to drive.
  33. weezebegs

    Worried About New Fish

    I am still waiting for mine too and arrive too, it's frustrating isn't it, I ordered mine off ebay to save money now I wish I had just got it from the shop to save my keep going every other day for water tests....
  34. weezebegs

    Newbie Needs Help

    Ok thanks, what do I do, leave it or wipe it off with some kitchen towel
  35. weezebegs

    Newbie Needs Help

    Just performed today's water change and I have noticed a build up of slime on the heater's suckers and on the plants.......surely that is not right....or is it ???
  36. weezebegs

    Where To Buy Ammonia (Uk) & Tank Temperature Question

    my mother is a hairdresser and use ammonia for bleaching or something....and she always go to out local chemist.
  37. weezebegs

    Worried About New Fish

    Sorry to hear about brutus, I have just lost 2 of my new fish too.... :sad:
  38. weezebegs

    Newbie Needs Help

    OK just watched that clip.....great, thanks, feel more confident now ...especially as my finger nails are nowhere as long as hers :lol:
  39. weezebegs

    Newbie Needs Help

    Thanks for that, I have ordered the API test kit so that's good to know, didn't do well in chemistry at school so glad to be able to get some help. I have seen posts on here saying stuff like >0.0 and the likes so I guess this will all be explained when I get my kit. I think the LFS is just...
  40. weezebegs

    Newbie Needs Help

    Well have done another water change today and hopefully will get my water test kit in the post tomorrow or the day after is on it's way. Hopefully the instructions are going to be easy otherwise I wil be on here asking more help. Once my tank is established how often do you check your...