Worried About New Fish

Hello kittencapes,
Have a look at this,

Hi Again,

Well I am sad to say we have lost Brutus, he went to fishy heaven last night. The water test kit has still not arrived, but the ebay seller assures me it should come tomorrow, in the meantime I continue to do water changes.

Anyway earlier when I was feeding the other two(who are both acting similar to Brutus before he died) I noticed that the pellets were sort of popping out their mouths again, and I could see one in Poissons mouth which looked like it was almost choking him. These little pellets are all I have fed them as this is what the fish shop advised me to do.

Anyway just now they both looked as if they were about to die (in the corner of the tank head down and tail up) so I thought why not chuck in a few flakes instead of the pellets to see if that does anything - after all I have tried everything else I can think of. Well all of a sudden they both charged to the top of their tank, ate non stop and are now going around the tank like rockets looking for food. Do you think that they had been starved which is why they were so lethargic? They really are like two different fish now! Could it have been the pellets to blame?
Hi Again,

Well I am sad to say we have lost Brutus, he went to fishy heaven last night. The water test kit has still not arrived, but the ebay seller assures me it should come tomorrow, in the meantime I continue to do water changes.

Anyway earlier when I was feeding the other two(who are both acting similar to Brutus before he died) I noticed that the pellets were sort of popping out their mouths again, and I could see one in Poissons mouth which looked like it was almost choking him. These little pellets are all I have fed them as this is what the fish shop advised me to do.

Anyway just now they both looked as if they were about to die (in the corner of the tank head down and tail up) so I thought why not chuck in a few flakes instead of the pellets to see if that does anything - after all I have tried everything else I can think of. Well all of a sudden they both charged to the top of their tank, ate non stop and are now going around the tank like rockets looking for food. Do you think that they had been starved which is why they were so lethargic? They really are like two different fish now! Could it have been the pellets to blame?

Sorry to hear about brutus, I have just lost 2 of my new fish too.... :sad:
Hello Kittencapes,
Sorry to hear about Brutus. What you discribed in your last post about your two other fish could be a sign of constipation. It would not hurt to try and boil a couple of garden peas for five minutes, de-shell them, and then chop up into really small pieces. Just feed them the peas for a couple of days and see how things go. I feed my fancies peas and cucumber once a week it also helps prevent swimbladder issues.

let us know how things go, Keith.
Thanks for the idea, I fed them a pea last night so hopefully they will perk up a bit. They were both still sat near the bottom of the tank this morning, but in a normal position (ie not with their heads down and tails up) and when they heard me they came swimming up.
Thanks for the idea, I fed them a pea last night so hopefully they will perk up a bit. They were both still sat near the bottom of the tank this morning, but in a normal position (ie not with their heads down and tails up) and when they heard me they came swimming up.
I bet they loved the peas.

Thanks for the idea, I fed them a pea last night so hopefully they will perk up a bit. They were both still sat near the bottom of the tank this morning, but in a normal position (ie not with their heads down and tails up) and when they heard me they came swimming up.
I bet they loved the peas.

They seemed to particularly enjoy watching me trying to cut them into tiny pieces! Tonight should I feed them another pea, or go back to flakes? Do you think the pellets could have made them constipated? They really did seem to prefer the flakes last night, and I am sure they were struggling to eat the pellets with such little mouths
Ok well the good news is that the remaining two fish (Poisson and Pearl) and looking like happy perky fish now, no longer sat at the bottom looking tierd. The bad news is this water testing kit STILL has not arrived. Do I continue doing massive water changes to be on the safe side? I know this can be stressfull so am torn about whether to carry on, or to just do a smaller change. Might they be perkier as the water cycle is more advanced now? I am at work at the moment so the kit might be waiting for me when I get back, but it more than likely won't be as I doubt it would fit through my letterbox:(
Ok well the good news is that the remaining two fish (Poisson and Pearl) and looking like happy perky fish now, no longer sat at the bottom looking tierd. The bad news is this water testing kit STILL has not arrived. Do I continue doing massive water changes to be on the safe side? I know this can be stressfull so am torn about whether to carry on, or to just do a smaller change. Might they be perkier as the water cycle is more advanced now? I am at work at the moment so the kit might be waiting for me when I get back, but it more than likely won't be as I doubt it would fit through my letterbox:(
Hi Kittencapes,
Thats really great news about Poisson and Pearl. Regarding water changes i would still carry on just for peace of mind, not having your test kit leaves you cycling blind at the moment. Once you get your kit start a Poisson and Pearl fish tank journal where you record test results(ammonia,nitrIte,nitrAte,pH)and the frequency/ammount of water changes. This is good for falling back on when you perform water checks, by refering to your journals recorded entries this will give you a guideline on how much water to change.

+1 for Keith's advice!

Kittencapes; massive water changes are not stressful to the fish; I don't know where this idea keeps on popping up from! It's cetainly less stressful for them than allowing ammonia or nitrites to build up in the water :)

Here's hoping Poisson and Pearl continue in good health :good:
Thanks for the advice, I will continue to change the water then. I must say they don't seem particularly stressed by the water change, if anything they seem to rather enjoy it! I am getting very fed up of waiting for this water testing kit, its over a week and I explained I needed it urgently. Hopefully Pearl and Poisson will continue to blossom, just with Brutus was with us still
Thanks for the advice, I will continue to change the water then. I must say they don't seem particularly stressed by the water change, if anything they seem to rather enjoy it! I am getting very fed up of waiting for this water testing kit, its over a week and I explained I needed it urgently. Hopefully Pearl and Poisson will continue to blossom, just with Brutus was with us still
where did you get the test kit?
Thanks for the advice, I will continue to change the water then. I must say they don't seem particularly stressed by the water change, if anything they seem to rather enjoy it! I am getting very fed up of waiting for this water testing kit, its over a week and I explained I needed it urgently. Hopefully Pearl and Poisson will continue to blossom, just with Brutus was with us still
where did you get the test kit?

I am still waiting for mine too and arrive too, it's frustrating isn't it, I ordered mine off ebay to save money now I wish I had just got it from the shop to save my keep going every other day for water tests....
Thanks for the advice, I will continue to change the water then. I must say they don't seem particularly stressed by the water change, if anything they seem to rather enjoy it! I am getting very fed up of waiting for this water testing kit, its over a week and I explained I needed it urgently. Hopefully Pearl and Poisson will continue to blossom, just with Brutus was with us still
where did you get the test kit?

I am still waiting for mine too and arrive too, it's frustrating isn't it, I ordered mine off ebay to save money now I wish I had just got it from the shop to save my keep going every other day for water tests....
Yes mine too is coming from ebay, at least the seller tells me it is!
Thanks for the advice, I will continue to change the water then. I must say they don't seem particularly stressed by the water change, if anything they seem to rather enjoy it! I am getting very fed up of waiting for this water testing kit, its over a week and I explained I needed it urgently. Hopefully Pearl and Poisson will continue to blossom, just with Brutus was with us still
where did you get the test kit?

I am still waiting for mine too and arrive too, it's frustrating isn't it, I ordered mine off ebay to save money now I wish I had just got it from the shop to save my keep going every other day for water tests....
Yes mine too is coming from ebay, at least the seller tells me it is!
Looks like someone is going to get negative feedback if your test kit does not arrive soon.

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