Search results

  1. C

    2 pictus

    tks!!!!!!! :thumbs: Teelie :thumbs: im french so i got hard time typing in anglich!!!!see B) B)
  2. C

    46 Gallon ATLANTIS Tank!

    nice tank Sasha!!!!! :cool:
  3. C

    hi im new

    :thumbs: Welcome :thumbs:
  4. C

    my cat

    here my cat whit her nice kittens!!!!!we gona give them o way soon :byebye: but i gona mise them
  5. Chat_034.jpg


  6. C

    2 pictus

    I have 2 pictus in a 10g tank and i went to stic whit tham shuld i loke for a bigger tank there are just 2" long a just got tham?????? :/
  7. C

    my 10g tank

    here a closup of my to guppies!!!!!!! :thumbs: [FONT=Arial]
  8. my_fish_002.jpg


  9. C

    Good pictures of my tanks

    nice tank man!!!!! :cool: and i love the cories!!!!! :thumbs:
  10. C

    my 10g tank

    here i just toke the pic and i nide a water change!!!!! a just got me 2 sandriane plant to :thumbs: :flex:
  11. IMG_4479.JPG


  12. C

    My First Tank

    i love the tank man nice jobe on it!!!!!!! :cool:
  13. C

    My 10 gallon redone

    ho!!! but nice light you are luky to have that free
  14. C

    My 10 gallon redone

    nice tank man i like it!!!!!!!!!! :cool:
  15. C

    my 10g tank

    here my 10g tank whit my guppies
  16. IMG_4425.JPG


  17. C

    four lined pictus cat

    hi i got 2 pictus and i dot se tham to... but whan i put food they come out!!!! :flex: :fun:
  18. C

    Most Recent photos

    nice tank man!!!!!!!! :cool:
  19. C

    my tank

    My Webpage
  20. C

    mix fish

    hi everyone i love this site u lerne a lotte of stuf on this site :D :P :lol: so helo everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flex:
  21. C

    mix fish

    I have pictus cat,angel fish and guppys in the same tank!!! :crazy: but i have no problem now...thats not to good hi?????? :dunno:
  22. C

    My latest tank

    wow man nice tank i love it!!!!!!!!!!! :cool: