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  1. F

    Tank Cycling Question

    Do you mean water or filter media? There is no specific answer but genrally a lot quicker.
  2. F

    External Filter 190L Tank

    +1 for Fluval Although they do leak if turned on their sides :D
  3. F

    Filter Media

    Thanks water! I have BioMax in my filter at the moment, and yes these are ceramic rings. After reading some online reviews, some people don't rate the ceramic rings at all. I have ordered a few bits and bobs online tonight and SeaChem Matrix was one of them. I have plenty room in my filter so I...
  4. F

    Can't Cycle

    I understand what you are saying but why do they make HOB filters with only two cartridges if you can't remove 50% in one go? Anyway... you know the bio media such as BioMax/Matrix/etc.., can you add additional media into the tank itself?
  5. F

    Can't Cycle

    The HOB filters only have two cartridges, so surely when he replaces one I could just use the whole thing rather than go cutting up bits of filter?? Your method sounds too complicated. Plus, with only two cartridges in his filter, hes going to have a hard time replacing 1/3 :P
  6. F

    Can't Cycle

    A friend has a fully cycled tank. If I got his filter cartridge and just floated in my tank, would this help spread the bacteria? Alternatively, if I gave him some BioMax and asked him to stick it in the gravel for a week or two, then transfered it to my filter, Would this work?
  7. F

    Filter Media

    I have a Fluval 105 for my FreshWater tank. This filter has two baskets but one has a inner basket. At the moment the bottom basket has a bag of carbon, next up from that is the BioMax, followed by the polishing pads. What filter media is recommended for FreshWater fish? Is it necessary to have...
  8. F

    Can't Cycle

    Ammonia: 0.25 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 0 These are my water variables are have been for several weeks. I have done weekly gravel cleaning with a 10-15% water change every other day. I have 9 plants and 2 moss balls so I expect they will take some of the ammonia/nitrites/nitrates out of the water...
  9. F

    Can't Cycle

    I am not reading the nitrates wrong, 0 is bright yellow, 5 is orange. BIG difference. There is no ammonia in the tap water. Is it possible that the ammonia is actually breaking down into small amounts of nitrites which the plants are taking up, thus the results are showing 0.
  10. F

    Can't Cycle

    I've tested every two days since setting it up. Even if I read the ammonia wrong (which I haven't), why was there no nitrites and nitrates? I have a heavily planted tank, will that have any effect?
  11. F

    Can't Cycle

    The only thing I can think of is my water conditioner is dud and isn't dechlorinating the water.
  12. F

    Can't Cycle

    API Master Testing Kit
  13. F

    Can't Cycle

    I have a few fish in. 10-15% water changes over other day.
  14. F

    Can't Cycle

    My tank doesn't seem to be cycling. Its about 6 weeks in and the ammonia level has always been around 0.2 with nitrites and nitrates being 0. Any ideas?
  15. F

    Guppy Fry

    I bought a special fry tank yesterday which is just a plastic box with a cotton mesh around it. Sadly within a few hours all the fry had escpaed. I have 9 different plants in my tank so they have plenty places to hide, although I have noticed they don't stay in one place for more than a minutes.
  16. F

    Guppy Fry

    I bought 5 female Guppies today and within a few hours there were lots of fry swimming round. Judging by some google'd photos, I'd say 4 of the 5 Guppies look pregnant. I have a Fluval 105 which is powerful enough to suck up small shrimp so fry is going to be a problem. The fry were also being...
  17. F

    Oh Dear...

    Make that six now :D EDIT: 13 Now (10 in the bag, 3 in tank)
  18. F

    Oh Dear...

    I only bought the Guppy today and just 6 hours later I have three four (spotted another while typing) fry. The other fish are trying to eat them so I have setup the bag which I bought the Guppy in, and put the fry inside that, which is floating in the tank. What should I do? How do I feed them?
  19. F

    Oh Dear...

  20. F

    Oh Dear...

    How often to they breed and how many will I expect to see if I leave it?
  21. F

    Oh Dear...

    Yesterday I did a massive tank clean-up.... Cleaned all the white goo off the glass Removed the plants and trimmed the down to size Changed the polishing pads in the filter Hoovered the gravel to remove the gunk Changed 50-75% of the water (not all in one go obviously) Today I added 5 new fish...
  22. F

    Plant Id

    Anyone know about the Vallisneria Spiralis ?
  23. F

    Some Basic Questions...

    I tried using the hot tap before, that sent the pH to 9.5 and killed everything. I'll just let the water get to room temp on its own and then use it. Thanks for the other advice though :)
  24. F

    Some Basic Questions...

    1. Because I have a lot of plants it is difficult to hover the gravel. Is it necessary to hover the gravel? If it is, how often should it be done? 2. At the moment my filter output pipe is just above the water level which adds lots of bubbles into the water. If I move this under the water so...
  25. F

    Plant Id

    How do you cut Vallisneria Spiralis when it gets too high? I can't believe how fast the Egeria Densa grows, its just crazy. I snipped it just one week ago and its already re-shooted and grew 2 inchs.
  26. F

    Cabomba Caroliniana

    I have some Cabomba caroliniana in my tank. If I take a single stem and cut it in to four pieces, will eat piece grow if I re-plant it?
  27. F

    Plant Id

    Thanks Jamepsss #3 has been identified as Dieffenbachia Marianne which is not an aquatic plant and has now been removed from my tank. The supplier claims to have sent it by mistake and is sending me a new plant to replace this.
  28. F

    Plant Id

    I ordered some plants online but because I ordered a mixed bunch I don't actually know what I have received. #1 - Possibly Ceratopteris thalictroides ? #2 - Possibly Cyperus helferi, Vallisneria Rubra, or Vallisneria Spirali ? #3 - Looks like Dieffenbachia Marianne (non-aquatic) ? #4 #5...
  29. F

    Adding New Plants

    I have a large bunch of aquatic plants coming from Malaysia either today or tomorrow. Since I already have a dragonfly nymph in my tank, I'm a little skeptical about sticking them straight in. Should I un-bunch them all and wash them individually to reduce the chances of getting hitchhikers? I...
  30. F

    Water Flow

    What is the best water flow to have in a small tank? Do the fish like slow water movement or fast?