Oh Dear...


New Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Yesterday I did a massive tank clean-up....
Cleaned all the white goo off the glass
Removed the plants and trimmed the down to size
Changed the polishing pads in the filter
Hoovered the gravel to remove the gunk
Changed 50-75% of the water (not all in one go obviously)

Today I added 5 new fish to my tank, while watching them I found a snail. I'm no snail expert but after 5 minutes with my friend Google, I found it to be a acute bladder snail. Should I remove it? Will it hard any fish or shrimp? Its about 1 to 1.25 cm in size, so how old is this?
Snails will not hurt anything buy plants even then they are not that bad. They will clean the tank eat leftovers and algea. I like snails in my tank but All my fish eat them so no snail problem for me. Even my betta eats tiny snails.

If you get too many pick then out or get a fish that eats them.

What kind of fish do you keep?
How often to they breed and how many will I expect to see if I leave it?
I only bought the Guppy today and just 6 hours later I have three four (spotted another while typing) fry. The other fish are trying to eat them so I have setup the bag which I bought the Guppy in, and put the fry inside that, which is floating in the tank. What should I do? How do I feed them?
Make that six now :D

EDIT: 13 Now (10 in the bag, 3 in tank)
Snails can breed fast so just pick them out when you see them if you don't have snail eatting fish. You can always set up traps for them.

Guppys breed like mice. They must be happy in your tank to breed for fast. They sell breeding nests for the fry. That is the best way to go if you don't have time for another tank just for fry. Ask the peeps in the livebarer section what they do.

When I had mollys I also had java moss and that kept my fry safe and gave them food.

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