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  1. N

    Manhattan, Kansas Anyone?

    Hah! Gvilleguy has it right. I am at school and need help during holidays. No harm in hoping! I think that's what I'm going to do, just train one of my friends to do it. I am still worried about summer however, because it is such a long period for someone to take care of my fish. It's okay...
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    Manhattan, Kansas Anyone?

    Hullo, I am not sure where this post should be going under so if this isn't the place, sorry! This might be a ridiculously unusual question, but here goes. I live in Manhattan, KS but home is far far away from here. For this reason I am unable to take my 5 gal betta tank with me during school...
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    Driftwood Might Have Carried Decease, Should I Boil It?

    Not sure how long it is polite to wait until I Bump :)
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    Water Conditioner

    I'm sorry to kinda jump into the conversation but I've been trying to re-search on almond leaf extract and conditioners for a while which led me to find this thread. I was wondering, can you combine Prime, Attison's Beta Spa and API's Stress Coat? Or is it preferable to use either just two, or...
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    Driftwood Might Have Carried Decease, Should I Boil It?

    I actually posted a cry for help on fish emergencies a couple of weeks ago so I hope it's okay if I just link you to the post? I have learned a lot since my very...
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    Good Reliable Filter And Heater For A 5Gallon Betta Tank

    Thanks all! I'm definitely checking out those two filters and the heaters. If I go with a Hydor, should I get the 50 watt Hydor (5-14 gal) or a 25 watt hydor (2-7 gal)? And what can you tell me about the Azoo Titanium Heaters? Oh that'd be wonderful...
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    Good Reliable Filter And Heater For A 5Gallon Betta Tank

    Thanks for the heater link! I don't know if that filter will be enough for a 3 gallon though. For you it's enough but you have two, on each side which technically gives you 2.5gals per filter. I don't know if 5 gallons for a 3 gallon filter will be enough. Thanks tho!
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    Driftwood Might Have Carried Decease, Should I Boil It?

    Yes, I know that now. Sadly I failed to research before I bought my aquarium and my fish. I believed them at petco when they said that I didn't even need to filter my water for 24 hours before putting Pechi in. I still waited 24 hours, because it seemed odd to me, but I never cycled my tank, or...
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    Driftwood Might Have Carried Decease, Should I Boil It?

    I have yet another beginner question. I have a small piece of driftwood in my 5gal tank. I bought this from Petco and it was inside one of their fish tanks. At the time I knew nothing about fish decease, so I didn't even wash it thinking, well it's coming from water right? (yes I know... I feel...
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    Good Reliable Filter And Heater For A 5Gallon Betta Tank

    Hello, Like many out there I fell into the petco trap, and believed the guy when he told me that yes, I could most certainly put a fish in without filtering the water for at least 24 hours. Little did I know, that not only did it need to filter for longer than that, but that I actually had to...
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    Can I Put Kanaplex And Aquarium Salt Directly Into The Water?

    Okay. I realize my first and biggest mistake (because I did not research before buying) was that I did not cycle my tank. I HOPE that the tank is cycling now, just a lot slower and it will probably take weeks since I can't very well add ammonia with my Pechi in there. I can't say he's doing...
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    Can I Put Kanaplex And Aquarium Salt Directly Into The Water?

    So he's doing much better after that water change. His colors are coming back, not quite so pale anymore and he looks a little less red. However, his tail still has the beginnings of tail rot and he still could be sick with something. Since he was doing so much better, seemed so much more at...
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    Can I Put Kanaplex And Aquarium Salt Directly Into The Water?

    Thanks. I went ahead and did a 70% water change. I wasn't sure if I could add the water immediately or if I needed to wait a day but I figured he could not live in 30% ammonia infested water for a day so I just went ahead and added it with the water conditioner and a bit of aquarium salt already...
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    Can I Put Kanaplex And Aquarium Salt Directly Into The Water?

    Here are those pictures. Now that I look at them it looks like velvet...I don't even know if Kanaplex treats velvet. Bah. I am also noticing that he is kinda freaking out. He will eratically swim around and then stop. Swim again super active and stop. He also spit out his food earlier. I have...
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    Can I Put Kanaplex And Aquarium Salt Directly Into The Water?

    I'm a newbie. I just got my first crowntail betta, along with a 5gal tank, filter, heater, plants, the whole deal, everything is new. I treated the water with the water conditioner and put Pechi in 24 hours after treating the water. A few days ago I started noticing that his colors were fading...