Driftwood Might Have Carried Decease, Should I Boil It?


New Member
Jan 29, 2011
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I have yet another beginner question. I have a small piece of driftwood in my 5gal tank. I bought this from Petco and it was inside one of their fish tanks. At the time I knew nothing about fish decease, so I didn't even wash it thinking, well it's coming from water right? (yes I know... I feel really bad now but I can't do much about it) My Betta has been sick from the beginning, is it possible that the driftwood carried a decease with it to my tank? Would boiling it get rid of it? I know boiling it is used for sinking and disinfecting and mine has already sunk but, would it help?

Also, a few days ago I took it and my plants out for the first time to clean in old tank water and the next day all three had a reddish sort of rust looking algae growing on it. I realize this is probably my tank cycling but, I just want to make sure.
It's always advised to soak driftwood in boiling water before adding it to your aquarium. This reduces tannings and as you have suspected, kills of any disease or bacteria that could potentially have been carried into your aquarium.
Yes, I know that now. Sadly I failed to research before I bought my aquarium and my fish. I believed them at petco when they said that I didn't even need to filter my water for 24 hours before putting Pechi in. I still waited 24 hours, because it seemed odd to me, but I never cycled my tank, or cured the driftwood. I asked the guy and he assured me that it was completely safe to use that driftwood even though it had been in a different tank. He said I could just put it in the aquarium and I was "good to go". I already put the driftwood in my tank, it has been for a month, I guess my question is if I should take it out and boil it anyways just in case there is any bacteria or decease still sticking to it. Or is this pointless since it's been in my tank for a month? Could I have other problems with it if I take it out and boil it or ist okay? Should I just leave it? If I do boil it, for how long should I boil it? An hour? Two?

I don't know if this is what got my betta sick or if he was sick since I bought him. I went a week later to buy a different water conditioner and all of the Betta's where either dead or dying. It was ver, very sad. However, if there is still a chance that the driftwood was what infected him, I want to take care of it.
What are the fish's symptoms..Doubtful it is from the driftwood esp if it were bought commercially.
Do many water changes throughout the week. It is amazing what clean water will do for an ailing fish.
let us know what his symptoms are and perhaps the problem with the fish can be pinpointed.
The tannins from the wood are actually beneficial to many fish, bettas included. Just doesnt look "sightly" to us that love pristinely clear water.
I actually posted a cry for help on fish emergencies a couple of weeks ago so I hope it's okay if I just link you to the post? http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/351029-can-i-put-kanaplex-and-aquarium-salt-directly-into-the-water/page__fromsearch__1

I have learned a lot since my very first post, but as you can see, my very last reply was never answered. But everything in that last reply I posted I'm pretty much still confused about. The only thing I did learn about was how much salt to add to the water (1/4 tablespoon if he's not sick; 1 tablespoon if he is sick). I have been trying to change his water everyday but school sometimes gets in the way. I NEVER let it get past two days without changing his water though. Since that post I have gave him a couple of salt soaks but it didn't seem to help, on the contrary, I think it stressed him out too much. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? What is the correct way then? Today I woke up to find that his tail had split in two...he now officially has tail rot :( It looks clean, none of that black edges or anything, but, he's definitely loosing it. I feel awful, I wish I could help him but I just don't know what else to do. I started him on kanaplex (this time blended with his brine shrimp) again but my concern is that most of the shrimp kinda get lost and it spreads everywhere before he has a chance to get it, oh he eats them alright but only after a while so I don't even know if he's getting his dose of Kanaplex entirely. I'm also scared that whatever medicine I buy him will get filtered out by the filter (I have a carbon filter, as soon as I figure out what medicine to buy him or if there are any other products I should buy him I will be ordering an aquaclear 20 with biomax ceramic pieces. Just so I don't have to do two separate orders).
Not sure how long it is polite to wait until I Bump :)

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