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  1. R

    fish id - looks like a stick

    Thanks both. Just had a look and he/she is definately a Farlowella of some type. More pics and info here.
  2. R

    fish id - looks like a stick

    that's the one. A Farlowella he is... Not the biggest motivation seeing on that page that it is not ideal for the new fishkeeper, I'll have to see how he gets on....
  3. R

    fish id - looks like a stick

    The fish is a medium, sort of woody brown colour. As said the fish is VERY long in proportion to its width, like nothing I have seen before. It has spent pretty much all of its time in the tank sucking onto the glass so far... The chap in the shop said that it wasn't very bendy when he was...
  4. R

    fish id - looks like a stick

    Hi, I wonder if anyone can help. I was in the pet shop yesterday with my partner and she treated me to some fish. One of the fish I got had a very peculiar name and I can't remember what it was... All I know is that the fish is an algae eater, is about 5 inches long and about 1/4 - 1/2"...
  5. R

    Ill plec?

    well it doesn't have stripes, although the shop I got it from are still adamant that it is a clown, even when I took him in. They have others in a tank labelled up clown as well. If it grows >6" he'll have to go back! I know that will not be a popular decision with the Mrs. though as she...
  6. R

    Ill plec?

    He has lots of hiding places, mainly inside the big piece of bog wood I have or underneath another bog wood arch structure... I occasionally put some cucmber in there (about once a month)but I have never seen him go for it. The white patches are quite large, about the size of a 5p piece for...
  7. R

    Platty problem

    Not too sure what you mean by her fins being clamped. She can swim if she wants to, she just chooses not to. I don't have a quarantine tank unfortuneatly...... I'll add some stress coat when I get home. Last night Nitrite was zero. I do not have nitrate or ammonia test kits but last time I...
  8. R

    Platty problem

    I say she is struggling to swim, she is sitting on the bottom of the tank and will not venture any further than about 2 inches from the bottom. When one of the clown loaches swam up to her she swam off very quickly. It looks like she is a bit lethargic. I haven't seen her eat and when I put...
  9. R

    Platty problem

    I am having strange things going on in my tank. the tank is 100L and the stock is: 1 plec - sold as clown, looks like a common or sailfin ~3.5" nose to tail 5x platties (1 male, 4 female) from 1" to 2" 3x clown loach 2@ 3", 1 @ 2-2.5" 2x albino cory 1.5" 2x dwarf gourami 1@ 2", 1@ 1-1.5" My...
  10. R

    Ill plec?

    I am having strange things going on in my tank. the tank is 100L and the stock is: 1 plec - sold as clown, looks like a common or sailfin ~3.5" nose to tail 5x platties (1 male, 4 female) from 1" to 2" 3x clown loach 2@ 3", 1 @ 2-2.5" 2x albino cory 1.5" 2x dwarf gourami 1@ 2", 1@ 1-1.5" One...
  11. R

    Plec id

    THe latest from the LFS is that they are adamant that it is a clown plec, and that they had no sail fins in at that point. And, more to the point, they would not have let a sailfin or similar go for £1.50. They also said it will quickly grow to ca. 6" and then stop.....
  12. R

    Plec id

    I've spoken to partner and she is adamant she was told it was a clown plec and that it would only grow to a size of 2 - 2 1/2". They even told her she couldn't get a common plec as it would get too big (in a 25g US tank). Looks like I'll have to speak to them and arrange a return :-(
  13. R

    Plec id

    By the way sorry for the poor picture quality, I had to take the pic on my phone as it's all I had close at the time. Getting a pic. of him/her not camouflaged on the wood is a very hard task :P Mark
  14. R

    Plec id

    hi, I was bought this plec by my partner. She was told it was a clown plec and that it won't grow too large. Well, it's been hiding a lot in the tank but I managed to get a pic of it. Any info greatly appreciated, and even nominations for names. Mark
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  16. R

    Clown trauma

    Thanks, The tank is 25 US gal. The sizes are: 4 platy - ~1/2" each 1 Platy - ~1" 2 albino cory - ~1" each 2 clowns - 1 1/2" - 2" each 1 clown plec - ~1 1/2" I haven't added any medication other than the stress coat / dechlorinator stuff that the LFS supplied with the tank. It's been running...
  17. R

    Clown trauma

    I'm having issues with the colours of my clown loaches. I bought 3 from the LFS, to accompany my 5 platties, 2 albino corys and clown plec and all seemed fine. The only odd thing was that two of the clowns paired off and left the other one. There was no sign of bullying, it just appeared that...
  18. R


    Hi, This may sound like a really stupid question, but is it okay to turn my filter off whilst I'm feeding? The problem is, I am feeding the fish Hikari floating pellets, and am finding about a quarter to a third of the food is making its way into the filter by the current in the tank. If I...
  19. R

    Platy expecting?

    My tank is pretty sparse apart from some wood and plants on the bottom so I might need to get a net. The only occupants of the tank are 6 platy (4 female, 2 male) and 2 albino cory catfish. I'm thinking of purchasing a couple more catfish soon, would it be best to wait until the pregnant fish...
  20. R

    Platy expecting?

    Here is a picture of 3 of my Platties I think I've caught 3 of the 4 females. I've only had them for about 1 week, and am pretty new to this fishkeeping lark. Am I right in thinking that the (fat) on at the front is expecting? If this is the case any guesses how long it'll be? Regards, Mark
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  22. R

    Pets at home

    amonia was never mentioned though, it was just a case of feeding an empty tank full of chemicals. is this as efficient?
  23. R

    Pets at home

    "forcing fish to share a tank with incompatible, or worse still, dead and decaying fish? " was in reference to the state of the tanks at P@H, sorry if this wasn't clear
  24. R

    Suggestions for tank-mates

    looks like my next purchase will be another cory then. I was advised at the LFS to buy at least 2, should have bought more really. Was just a case of having £5.20 in my pocket, £3 for 5 platies and the corys were £1.10 each. I'll make sure I've got more money next time :P Will it make a...
  25. R

    Mini freezers

    You have to make sure that you are buying a mini fridge and not a mini cooler. A mini cooler does not work in the same way as a fridge (compressor, gases etc.) and only makes things slightly colder than ambient. In my experience these are rubbish at keeping things cold never mind frozen. Just...
  26. R

    Pets at home

    Would you honestly say cycling with fish (a totally accepted method until recently) is on the same level as forcing fish to share a tank with incompatible, or worse still, dead and decaying fish?
  27. R

    Suggestions for tank-mates

    I'll have a look at what loaches are available after work today My tank works out at just over 25 US gallon, 21 imperial gallon with dimensions 81L x 46H x 36W cm I thought the clowns would be too big.... I would kid myself that I'd get a bigger tank but that would mean a new house and I...
  28. R

    Suggestions for tank-mates

    I've already got the 2 albino corys (I think that's what they're called) but would be very keen on loaches. What should I be looking for in regards to how many of which species would be suitable for my size of tank?
  29. R

    Pets at home

    The worst thing I got told by them was that I had to leave my tank 4-6 weeks to cycle using chemicals and that they wouldn't sell me fish until they had done a test on my water. When I mentioned cycling with fish they told me it was extremely cruel and that they wouldn't sell me fish for that...
  30. R

    Pets at home

    I never thought this would be so much of a widespread problem. If I went to buy another rabbit or another Guinnea Pig I doubt there would ever be a dead one laying in the cage being eaten, why is this any different than fish? I have found myself becoming quite selective about where I shop now...
  31. R

    Suggestions for tank-mates

    Hi, I've got a 96L tank with 6 Platys in (2 male, 4 female) and 2 albino cories. I am just trying to decide what to purchase next. I was looking in a pet store yesterday (see my post on pets @ home) an really liked the look of the albino shark and the RTBS but I think they may be a bit...
  32. R

    Pets at home

    So with all these storys of dead fish at pets at home, I have to ask this question. Is it normal for a pet shop (even reputable) to lose that many fish?
  33. R

    Pets at home

    I went to pets at home tonight to have a look at some of the fish they had in after work. All I can say is I was disgusted and there were people litteraly lining up waiting to be given fish. In one of the tanks there were some Albino rainbow sharks and one of them was laying in the bottom of...
  34. R

    My 1st tank

    The tank dimensions are 81L x 46H x 36W cm and it is 96L. I liked the look of the clown loaches they have at the LFS, the thing is I think they might get a toucj too big for the tank, any opinions. There were a few angels there as well that may be worth looking at.
  35. R

    My 1st tank

    You can't see the background in the picture but there is a black one on there at the moment. ONce we've got some more stuff in there and some fish we'll see what it looks like and add a different one (I've checked and I can get in to do it without moving the tank). I've spoken to the LFS about...
  36. R

    My 1st tank

    that makes two of us, just a case of deciding what I want. Why do all the fish that I want grow huge?... ;)
  37. R

    My 1st tank

    Hi, This is my first post to this board after lurking for a couple of weeks. Just thought I would let anyone who will listen know that I have purchased my first aquarium. It a Juwel Rekord 96 with a matching stand. I've done the rounds and seen about 5 LFS' and think I have sussed who knows...
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