Mini freezers


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
I'm wondering if you can get mini freezers (not fridges) so I can keep frozen food tablets in my room.

ay know of anything like that in the UK?.
I have a mini freezer. It's designed to hold six regular sized soda cans. But mine holds dozens of packets of frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. :nod: I don't know about any mini freezers in the UK.
There are but they cost a fortune!


It'd be cheaper to buy a fullsize freezer or fridge with icebox.

i have one. a lot of times there will be a freezer part on top of the mini fridge. you could put your food in the fridge part and your fish's food in the freezer part. just dont get mixed up...
Arfie said:
There are but they cost a fortune!


It'd be cheaper to buy a fullsize freezer or fridge with icebox.

I would think that buying one not designed to be portable or for camping would be cheaper. Camping supplies usually cost a premium over "home" versions. Even if there isn't a seperate freezer available, you could do as was suggested and get a mini fridge, most all of them come with a freezer portion. I know I can get fridges like this in the US for less than $100 new.

be careful with those mini fridges, often times the freezer part doesn't actually get THAT cold since its all part of the same unit....I honestly don't know how frozen multiple packs of food would stay as i couldnt' even keep 2 small ice cube trays frozen in mine....but who knows, it could be a quality issue :dunno:
abstract said:
be careful with those mini fridges, often times the freezer part doesn't actually get THAT cold since its all part of the same unit....I honestly don't know how frozen multiple packs of food would stay as i couldnt' even keep 2 small ice cube trays frozen in mine....but who knows, it could be a quality issue :dunno:
This is true of everything I guess. My mini fridges keep things frozen.

You can purchase bar fridges and then turn the temperature way.. down and usually it will freeze whatever liqued you'd put in their. You should be able to get as posted previously ones that will hold six pop cans at any major outlet store I'm sure you can find somthing similar to a walmart where you are.
I know of the mini fridges that you usualy put cans in but I assumed that the wouldn't make do for the froozen food as it would well defrost..

But if the mini fridges you see every where will do for it then I'll pick one up on ebay, overwise there like £40 new.

Does yours have a make Logitech?
You have to make sure that you are buying a mini fridge and not a mini cooler. A mini cooler does not work in the same way as a fridge (compressor, gases etc.) and only makes things slightly colder than ambient. In my experience these are rubbish at keeping things cold never mind frozen.

Just my 2p

my mini fridge with freezer ontop is so good that you can even begin to freeze water in the refridgerator part if you set it cold enough. its called micro fridge.
I saw the table top ones in Argos but what I would either have upstairs is a mini freezer(6 can size) or a small fridge with freezer part as I will only want to put a few blocks of food in, then I could use the fridge part for my snacks :whistle:
to add on to what i was saying before.....along with things not freezing, usually the fridge and freezer is on the same thermostat so when you finally do find a setting that keeps the freezer stuff frozen, you may have frozen (or slightly frozen)snacks too.... just somethin to keep an eye on - don't cheap out on something like a mini fridge or you'll def. regret it.

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