Search results

  1. SuperColey1

    Diy Whole Tank Led Lighting Retrofit

    You can use the blue stars if you wish.  I don't use them anymore though.  I tend to sleep at night now. lol :)
  2. SuperColey1

    Diy Whole Tank Led Lighting Retrofit

    no the ma doesn't need to be right on.  you can use anything at or above the ma stated for each LED.  You have to use a constant current driver inbetween the power source and LED(s)   If you weren't using a driver then yes you would probably want to be dead on however not using constant current...
  3. SuperColey1

    Diy Whole Tank Led Lighting Retrofit

      You didn't read my last sentence ;)  r.e. penny pinching.  Cheaper to chisel channels in the walls, cover with cheap electric conduit and plaster.  I did actually route channels in the back of the skirting boards for future if I need them.  Never know when you need to hide something after it's...
  4. SuperColey1

    Diy Whole Tank Led Lighting Retrofit

    You have to switch ebay search to worldwide and spend hours looking. lol   I wanted long thin heatsinks.  using long and heatsink brought nothing up.  So then I typed 600mm heatsinks and voila.:  ...
  5. SuperColey1

    Diy Whole Tank Led Lighting Retrofit

    Sorry for the late reply.  I've been neglecting the forums the past year or so. lol   Nice build Luke.  Any updates?   msebar - The lights are spaced approx 4 inches / 12cm apart in a grid pattern.   Lastly MkIII is nearly done.  This is all new electronics and parts.  The old parts and...
  6. SuperColey1

    Approaching Snowdon

    Just a few backdated entries to introduce this scape: 19th April 2013 Technical Specs: 30 litre Opti-white aquarium (L 40cm, H 30cm, D 30cm) Eheim 2211 external cannister filter Beamworks 9 x 1W Luminaire (8 hours per day) Fertilisation 0.5ml Lush Max daily Plants: Fissidens Fontanus...
  7. SuperColey1

    Exhibit 'c' - 30 Litre Optiwhite

    A backdated update 19th April 2013 Yet again I overloaded myself with projects, work and all manner of things and let a tank fall into a bad state. I took this scape down without thinking about taking any photos. The problem was mainly that with this scape being so minimal then it needs...
  8. SuperColey1

    Plant Food

    wrong thread sorry   Andy
  9. SuperColey1

    Cheap Ferts

    The recipe definitely doesn't use the recipe from plantedtank. Different analysis.  Higher Iron and P etc   Analysis is: N 1.3300%, P 0.1231%, K 3.8781%, Mg 0.3885%, S 0.5126%, B 0.011%, Cu 0.002%, Fe 0.105%, Mn 0.018%, Mo 0.002%, Zn 0.012%   Regards Andy
  10. SuperColey1

    Xmas Moss

    sorry posted in wrong thread
  11. SuperColey1

    Shrimp Farm For Sale - Portsmouth

    Blue Pearls are not Heteropoda. Blue Pearls are Neocaridina Palmata and previously classified as Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis Regards Andrew
  12. SuperColey1

    Plant Warning

    I won't suggest this is linked to the problem above however I bought some stems a couple of weeks ago from Pets at home. The kind where you get 6 or 7 stems of Elodea in a ceramic ring. Rinsed them off individually under fast flowing tap and put them in. Later that day all the CRS in that...
  13. SuperColey1


    IWith Stem plants at the background I don't uproot them. I trim the stem and plant at the beginning. Once it reaches 2/3ds height I am aiming for I cut it back to one third and replant the top, And keep repeating until I get a bushy look (or mess as my wife calls it) I also tend to plant 5...
  14. SuperColey1

    The Yeast Co2 Method

    yep. The silicon can break over time what with the undoing and doing up of the tops each week etc. I had to re-silicon a few times when I was doing it.
  15. SuperColey1

    Basics In Aquascaping

    That was the first scape that said to me in 2006 'I'm going to put plants in my tank' :) Very inspiring scape for me.
  16. SuperColey1

    Java Moss

    Any more of this available? Andy
  17. SuperColey1

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud

    I think it looks awesome. Not overly keen on the under and over water planting look normally but this one looks great. Like the decor too. Andy
  18. SuperColey1

    Exhibit 'c' - 30 Litre Optiwhite

    If you mean the shrimp then the adults in all but one picture are betwen 1.5 and 2cm (half an inch to 3/4 inch.) The one picture of a well coloured up juvenile on the glass is about 7mm (quarter of an inch.) If you mean how big are the photos. Sorry thought people might like to see high resz...
  19. SuperColey1

    Exhibit 'c' - 30 Litre Optiwhite

    The Bumblebee shrimp (Breviata / Hummel) arrive and are acclimitised over 3 hours with the drip method. Then they go into the tank. These shots are about 2 hours after they have entered their new home and there are 2 berried females. Andy
  20. SuperColey1

    Exhibit 'c' - 30 Litre Optiwhite

    Lol. On the cone sizes you have to think of mathematics here. As they are the largest is about 3/5ths of the water depth. When the Mayaca grows out and is pruned to size that will increase the visual depth to 4/5th of the water depth. Then on another mathematics not I had to think of...
  21. SuperColey1

    Exhibit 'c' - 30 Litre Optiwhite

    The Blyxa has now been added and gives another effect within the tank as it fans out. It also breaks up the central grey monotony. A few other pictures showing the aquascape in situ ple from above so you can see how far from being an island scape it is actually 2 thirds with the outer thrids...
  22. SuperColey1

    Exhibit 'c' - 30 Litre Optiwhite

    Mmmm. Mayaca Fluviatilis is quite similar to a fair few plants really. Meaning it's 'fluffy' texture. It is though the most common of them by a long way. I chose it to add a bit of friction in a scape that is very much simple lines. It's a plant that never grows straight and always seems to...
  23. SuperColey1

    Exhibit 'c' - 30 Litre Optiwhite

    Yep. The 80cm has been sat on top of the old cabinet for a month or so now. I got it made 40cm deep instead of 35cm like the old float glass one. It will stay empty until the cabinet is finished and the redecoration complete in that corner of the lounge. The light is great however it ain't...
  24. SuperColey1

    Exhibit 'c' - 30 Litre Optiwhite

    The Mayaca will fill out quite quickly and I have 3 Blyxa to add in. No CO2. Not necessary IMO for this one. Ferts are minimal but it will only have shrimp in it so no natural fertilser really. I think though the amount of light has to be taken into consideration here. This light is one...
  25. SuperColey1

    Exhibit 'c' - 30 Litre Optiwhite

    Technical Specs: 30 litre Opti-white aquarium (L 40cm, H 30cm, D 30cm) Resun CY-20 external cannister filter 50W heater TMC clip on LED light (8 hours per day) Fertilisation 0.5ml Kontemplatpro daily Plants: Fissidens Fontanus, Echinodorus tenellus, Blyxa Japonica, Mayaca Fluviatilis...
  26. SuperColey1

    For Sale - Needle Fern - Good Portions

    Sorry all gone now ;)
  27. SuperColey1

    For Sale - Needle Fern - Good Portions

    Now only 2 portions remaining
  28. SuperColey1

    For Sale - Needle Fern - Good Portions

    pm sent
  29. SuperColey1

    For Sale - Needle Fern - Good Portions

    No probs - 3 remaining
  30. SuperColey1

    For Sale - Needle Fern - Good Portions

    Plants: Microsorum Pteropus 'Needle' (Needle Fern) Quantity for sale: 5 Good Portions Delivery or Collection: Either Sales price: £4 per portion Postage & Packaging: £1 (multiple purchase only 1 postage) Location: Lincoln UK All questions within thread please. No negotiations on price. Only...
  31. SuperColey1

    Project Z

    Just in case I do my normal and like Steve says above forget to update and take pics, the thread linked to below is what led me onto this apoxie sculpt stuff. He does a pictorial here of making pleco caves from it :) Andy
  32. SuperColey1

    In The Shed

    I've got a pink and white gravel mix spare if you want it. Came with the little tank with the pink filter in it :)
  33. SuperColey1

    Project Z

    Yep, They snuffle about. You can often hear the gravel moving around. Not 2-3mm gravel, more like 5-8mm. Sounds like a kid moving his/her hand around a gobstopper jar. lol. If they had dreadlocks and hippy clothes I would call them the Levellers :D And no. I have a cabinet with nothing...
  34. SuperColey1

    Project Z

    That's the easy part ;) Slope a substrate and then put a breeding group of catfish in there. They will keep it level for you :) Once upon a time at the riverbank began sloped but as the black Corys went about their daily business and rampant nookie I gave up on the slope in that one. Only...
  35. SuperColey1

    Project Z

    I have been talking about minimalist, abstract design within the aquarium for a while now. Maybe just over a year and the Portinho scape I have just broken down was put together midway between my tastes in decor as well as other things moving from the normal modern style of room to a completely...
  36. SuperColey1

    Portinho Da Arrábida - Uma Vista De Troia

    I finally broke this scape down. No pictures to add I'm afraid but it hadn't moved on much since the pictures above. Due to a new optiwhite tank coming soon and other projects needing this tank out of the way it had to go. Onwards and upwards ;) Big surprise for you lot when the replacement is...
  37. SuperColey1

    Lallana Point

    At this stage I know this little scape won't be ready for competition this year however I still intend to take it to it to that level and enter it next year so I'll put a few update pictures onher now. The pictures don't show the path which is coming along and you can see the Rotala is slowly...
  38. SuperColey1

    Tnc Fertiliser

    Must be the picture then colourwise ;) unless TPN+ has changed colour over the past 5 years. Yep would've been derived from the TPN+ recipe but they must've made a concious decision to increase the NPK and Mg. Those 4 are very easy to get exactly the same %. I was just pointing out that they...
  39. SuperColey1

    Tnc Fertiliser

    Yep will do the same job as TPN+ however it definitely isn't using the Tropica recipe. they are much different: % / TPN+ v TNC Complete N = 1.34 v 1.5 P = 0.1 v 0.2 K = 3.89 v 5.0 Mg = 0.39 v 0.8 B = 0.01 v 0.01 Cu = 0.002 v 0.002 Fe = 0.08 v 0.08 Mn = 0.02 v 0.02 Mo = 0.002 v 0.002 Zn = 0.01...
  40. SuperColey1

    D-D Pressurized Co2 Kit

    No problem. There's no 'right' way to do things. Many methods to achieve the goal.