Search results

  1. M

    Females and bubble nest

    I have never heard of females blowing nests. Maybe it is a short finned male.
  2. M


    Couldn't agree more with everyone. :sick: When I took my daughter to buy her first fish she was drawn to these dyed fish because to an 10 year old they look "cool" under the light's.. I calmly (through my teeth mind ya) explained to her how the fish got the colors and how alot of fish die...
  3. M

    Aquarium Salt

    Hello ONLY aquarium salt..table salt is only for us and it's not the best for us either lol :no: I'm new too so I really can't answer you're questions...don't want to tell you something and have it wrong. But I do know someone will come along who know's what they are doing :lol: Good Luck
  4. M

    After Birth Effects

    :lol: I can't give my kids an allowance..they spend all my money then save their's... cheaper this wayLOL Geesh.
  5. M

    What is your favorite Fish Species?

    LOL Your mom sounds like a funny lady :thumbs: B)
  6. M

    Sorry to be unoriginal but....

    :lol: Ain't that the truth! I have got the small batch ,as you already know but I want more..Hubby is already to feed the next batch to the betta's! :angry: He touchca my fish I breacka his finger's ! He can just leave my babies to me and go back to the TV :nod:
  7. M

    After Birth Effects

    no prob I have 4 kids that call me that too so hey what's one more lol :lol: You have never been a bother enjoy our molly posts B) *Note to me , Bradley gets no allowance lol * He will just spend it all on fish
  8. M

    What is your favorite Fish Species?

    LOL! mollies with a complex great just what I need.. I'm not sure if you can edit it or not :huh: After the move I'm gonna get a new betta & a few more mollies..I've become totally addicted to fish keeping LOL..Already told hubby MY half of the tax refund is going into the "I NEED a 55gal. tank...
  9. M

    After Birth Effects

    How are you're mollies Bradley? I had my male come up with white spots like zits (used JFE 4 2 days and poof they were gone) but never heard ofyour momma problem.. hehe course I've been getting most of my help from You or William :lol: :nod: Just wanted to let ya know I was keeping my finger's...
  10. M

    Tank is 80 degrees while running lights

    You are welcome glad I could help.. I would have had a panic attack too if it was not for all the forty thousand question's I asked friend's ( they were really wishing they never got me into betta's I'm sure :nod: )
  11. M

    What is your favorite Fish Species?

    :D Hi Bradley, Geez made it hard for me and although my forum name is Mollymomma I had to vote other.. Betta's are my first love..Shhh don't tell my mollies :thumbs:
  12. M

    Do Bettas Prefer Smaller Spaces?

    If you wanted to try a little larger tank than the hex and the chimney's Walmart sells a acrylic 1 gallon tank that works pretty good for these guys small but a bit bigger than the hex. Only real problem is temp control. Just a suggestion
  13. M

    Tank is 80 degrees while running lights

    Actually that's fine. My other Betta friend's tell me betta's do best in 74-80 degrees. So it should be okay. My betta's are at lower temps only because they are in smaller tanks that I can't put heater's in..Hope this helps
  14. M

    mollie fry

    I ended up with silver and wanted black ones lol Geez
  15. M

    was an emergency - not any more

    I'm so sorry you had to go through that.. It amazes me how fast you get attached to a certian fish. I would not have been able to put him out of misery either but I know one day I may have to
  16. M

    Molly Fry

    :o the net ain't fish proof! Holy Horse hockey! I did not know that, tanks for the heads up on that. okay once they are 1inch in they go slowly with the parents, hopefully that will save the next batch of fry. I'm putting more fry friendly foliage in too, so they will have more hiding places...
  17. M

    Hi to all

    :lol: Welcome KDW :D Glad you joined us. since you have been doing this for 10 years you know way more than me :lol: I just may need your help too
  18. M

    Advice appreciated

    Hi guys, I too had a male that did this..Someone told me it may have been his age and just natural causes..When betta's get stressed or ill they will lose their coloring..The life span is usually about 2-3 years and if you get them from a LPS they are usualy already a year old. The LPS's try to...
  19. M

    Molly Fry

    Thanks Bradley great ideas :thumbs: right now we only have the parents & 6 fry to worry about at the moment but the momma looks like she'll be giving us more fry soon... Quick question though.. I had the fry in the breeder net at the time there were 8 now we have 6 no sign's of the missing ones...
  20. M

    Can Male Betta be kept w/ Female Betta

    :lol: three year old's are soo good at naming things... we are getting a puppy when we move...puppy's name according to my 3 year old will be....Buzz Lightyear Dog :huh: Can you see me in the yard ? :P "calling Buzz Lightyear, this is mission Control come in Buzz Lightyear!!" Any who my...
  21. M

    Sorry to be unoriginal but....

    aww good luck with the little buggers :wub:
  22. M

    Can Male Betta be kept w/ Female Betta

    Some flaring is good for them beta exercise so to speak :lol: Mine flare off and on daily. "blown" fin's is generally caused on betta's that flare too much. (say if you had to males in tanks side by side) It causes the fin's to look like streamers blowing in the wind. These fish are so funny I...
  23. M

    More fishies pics

    very nice keep them pics coming :lol: :thumbs:
  24. M

    Guppy with attitude!

    Aww he's great! B) Fish with attitudes gotta :wub: that
  25. M


    :lol: Welcome to the board
  26. M

    Can Male Betta be kept w/ Female Betta

    Hi I wouldn't keep a female in the 10 gal. with the male.. it will stress both fish way to much, opening them both up to disease. Keeping them together all the time will also have your male flaring all the time and he may get "blown" fin's. Females do well together once they have established the...
  27. M


    Welcome aboard.. Wow 6 kids! I thought I was crazy for having 4 LOL Bless you for being adoptive parents :wub: I think it takes very special people to addopt..May God Shine down on your Family
  28. M

    Hello All

    Hello , hello ,hello... Sorry we did not welcome you earlier..shame on us :( I am glad I found this forum and my fishies have never been so happy!
  29. M


    Congrats on the new tank :D Welcome to the board, I have 2 betta males. Love them Wish I had found this site before I bought my 10 gallon... (she dreams of the 55 & saving her pennies) I'm a newbie and everyone I have met so far have been great...Enjoy & see ya around :fun:
  30. M


    :thumbs: Hi and Welcome ;) What's your fav. fish? Enjoy the board :P
  31. M

    New Mod

    Congrats on becoming Moderator for this forum qadazobe :thumbs: :thumbs: I will probably run into you from time to time when my boys decide to give me grief lol
  32. M

    New Hobbyist

    Hi :D Welcome to the forum Jeanne. I'm fairly new to the fish keeping too and I can relate to the "newbie quick addiction" LOL Everyone that I have met so far have been a really big help to me and I am sure you'll have fun on here.. B) So Take a look around and join in the fun :thumbs:
  33. M

    My 3 tanks

    Love tank 3! Very nice work :thumbs: :D
  34. M

    My FishyTanks

    wonderful tanks I'm Green with jealousy :alien:
  35. M

    Balloon Platies

    I to gave a Null vote. Sorry but like William said patience is the key, crossed finger's& toe's help too. I would not change the feeding amounts or schedule could just stress the pair and cause more unwanted waiting. Good Luck I'm sure you will have babies soon ;)
  36. M

    Molly Fry!!!

    :thumbs: Congrats! :wub: watching my babies grow. Check your tank over real good there may be more in there hiding.
  37. M

    Sorry to be unoriginal but....

    Definatly do the stocking trick I learned the hard way on that :o I lost about 6 fry to the tanks intake tube..Was horrible
  38. M

    Molly Fry

    Thanks again William :D I went to the petstore this morning and got a fry net, gathered the remaining fry into that but I really don't like the looks of the net thing in the tank. talk about ugly lol I will go with your suggestion since the intake is behind some plant's you won't see the nylon...
  39. M

    Compatable fish

    Can you keep male betta's with several females? I have been told that they should only be together for breeding they immediately seperated and for them to be seperated at all times...Females can be together in a community tank once a pecking order has been established. I should post this in the...
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    Molly Fry

    The fry are by themselves in the 10 gal., toasty warm tank. :thumbs: I am using the crushed flakes ground into a fine powder and liquid fry food made foe livebearer's ( think it's Wardley's brand) They are doing really well so far. The only problem I have run into is 1 of the fry got sucked...