Can Male Betta be kept w/ Female Betta


New Member
Feb 7, 2003
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North Carolina
I have a handsome male betta named Charlie I keep in a 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if it is possible to keep a female with him at all times or will they kill each other?? If it isn't possible, do male bettas ever get lonely??
It's not advisable to keep male and female together all the time. The only time they should be together is for spawning, then once the eggs are laid, remove the female otherwise the male will probably kill her. It's the male that looks after the nest. I don't think they get lonely, bettas seem to enjoy their own company and some even learn to play with toys They can become quite tame and they're very inquisitive, mine always comes up to my hand when I'm cleaning the tank.
I wouldn't keep a female in the 10 gal. with the male.. it will stress both fish way to much, opening them both up to disease. Keeping them together all the time will also have your male flaring all the time and he may get "blown" fin's. Females do well together once they have established the pecking order in the community tank as long as you provide ample hidding places for the more timid fish. Although you may also run into some females that are as tempermental as the males..Betta's are very funny and have personalities as different as us human :lol: My 2 males are as different from each other as my kids lol one is very shy, doesn't want alot of activity around his tank.. But the other gets pouty & will act like he's dying if we don't pay him ample attention..He will also handfeed. :nod:
Hope this hels some :D
Aaaaww my betta hand feeds too,he practically jumps out of the water to snatch a blood worm from my fingers,but whats "blown fins"? I've noticed that every night when I turn the lights off he starts puffing up his neck at everybody to make sure they don't bug him while he's sleeping,is that not good for him?He can't hurt himself by doing that can he? (but he sure does look cute bossing everybody around) :wub:
Some flaring is good for them beta exercise so to speak :lol: Mine flare off and on daily.
"blown" fin's is generally caused on betta's that flare too much. (say if you had to males in tanks side by side) It causes the fin's to look like streamers blowing in the wind.

These fish are so funny I will forever own betta's
I agree,they are too funny and so different from the other fish, I'm not sure they even know I exist, but "Fishy" my betta...( yeah yeah I know,but my 3 year old named him) :rolleyes: He's so cute and he throws his little tantrums if I don't stop by the tank and wave my finger at him as I pass by,or if I feed ANYONE else before him he'll go lay on the rocks and pout :lol: ,THAT mistake won't be made twice.But they have better muscle control,and they're so graceful,and I've never seen another kind of fish whos eyes move to look around the way theirs do ,glancing back at ya to make sure your watching as they swim off :wub: B)
:lol: three year old's are soo good at naming things...
we are getting a puppy when we move...puppy's name according to my 3 year old will be....Buzz Lightyear Dog :huh: Can you see me in the yard ? :p "calling Buzz Lightyear, this is mission Control come in Buzz Lightyear!!" Any who my betta's are as follows:
Nascar, July 2002{ yeas as in race cars} :thumbs:
Winston, Sept 03- Jan.03, ick{race series}
Gypsy, 24 hour period, gill rot & shock
Bob, Sept 2003 { daughter named him when she couldn't think of an exotic name & it stuck lol} :thumbs:

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