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  1. Gidge

    Help Feeding My Corys!

    Hey, thanks for your reply. I thought he may be a male, but I swear he is getting smaller :lol: I will try feeding them tonight. Thanks for the tip!
  2. Gidge

    Marineland 27 Cube

    No worries! I know how it feels. I spent hours just trying to get the coral 'right' in my tank. And it's always such a good feeling when someone likes what you've created especially since you've put so much hard work into it. It really does look great :)
  3. Gidge

    Help Feeding My Corys!

    Hey all. So I have 4 Sterbai Cory's in a 165L. I'm little worried about them eating - lack of eating. 3 of them are quite chubby and healthy. But one in particular is a little on the thin side and quite small compared to the others. The problem is, I have platy's and a dwarf gourami that...
  4. Gidge

    Pet Of The Month Competition Entries...... (January 2012)

    Oh good! Yeah, I thought it might be a bit weird if I entered the pic with me in it haha.
  5. Gidge

    Marineland 27 Cube

    I cant really make any suggestions to your questions, but I thought I'd just say that your tank looks great! I really like the set up. Good job :)
  6. Gidge

    Pet Of The Month Competition Entries...... (January 2012)

    Oh, why thank you! :blush: Though my pony is much prettier :) I had intended my first pic to be the entry photo. Should I be using the other pic? Is that better? Now you've got me questioning my decision!!
  7. Gidge

    Do You Rescape With Fish In Or Out?

    I never expected them to actually be game enough to bite me. Usually they move out the way and stay out the way. But this big guy just came zooming up and attacked me! Although, I probably should have expected it from him, he is the dominant one in the tank. I used to have 2 red zebras, and the...
  8. Gidge

    Do You Rescape With Fish In Or Out?

    I moved a couple pieces of coral around today, and my Johanni bit me! It actually hurt. On closer inspection, I see they have teeth.. I usually do my rescaping with fish in. Especially my cichlids. Like 'Malawi Mad' said, they move out the way pretty quick :)
  9. Gidge


    No worries, thanks for all your help :)
  10. Gidge

    Comments On My "hardscape"

    It looks pretty good :) I would perhaps move some of the pebbles towards the base of the wood and create a pile of them, I would then gradually spread them out more sparingly in the direction that you have done in the picture. As for plants; I agree moss on the wood would look fantastic. I'm...
  11. Gidge


    Thanks for your reply :) The leaves have well and truly reached the water line and are bending across the surface, it does look beautiful. I think I need to buy a couple more pots. :shifty: I am seriously considering leaving it, but I thought, I better get some knowledge on how to trim them...
  12. Gidge

    Firemouth And Kribensis

    Oh really!? I've never seen my tiger barbs go near the cory's. The only time I've seen them picked on is by the kribs during breeding. And even then, they just learnt to keep out of their way. I just checked all of them, and their fins are fine. No shredding or bits missing at all. So far, my...
  13. Gidge


    Hey all! First of all, I'm sorry if I have put this topic in the wrong place. I bought a pot of vallis today from my lfs. I've always wanted to try it out in my tropical tank and considering I get discount there, I decided to take the plunge! I have sand for my substrate and have submerged...
  14. Gidge

    Firemouth And Kribensis

    Well this is just the best news I've had all day! How exciting. I know the kribs can get real agressive. Mine have bred once, for the first time, already. They weren't too bad to be honest. But I'm sure that can change. But as you said Snake, they have adequate space, so hopefully they will...
  15. Gidge

    Firemouth And Kribensis

    Thanks for your reply Tizer. I have another tank I could rehome them in, but would love it if they get along nicely. Also, this may be a stupid question, but do you think the firemouths would get along with decent sized tiger barbs? I have my kribs with tiger barbs at the moment, and I...
  16. Gidge

    Firemouth And Kribensis

    Hey guys, just a quick question. I have a 44G tank, and was wondering if a pair of kribensis and a pair of firemouths would get along alright. I'm not relly fussed if the firemouth are m/f, I just want 2 of them. As for the kribs, i already have a mating pair. Any help would be great...
  17. Gidge

    Video Cichlid Tank.

    I cant get my vid to show up on the post. You'll have to click on the link. Sorry guys.
  18. Gidge

    Video Cichlid Tank. Enjoy.
  19. Gidge

    Pet Of The Month Competition Entries...... (January 2012)

    My minature pony Star. My grandparents rescued her from the owner who was severely mistreating her and gave her to me for an Easter gift. She was so scared of humans and would flinch when you tried to pat her. As you can see from the verification photo, she's no longer scared and loves cuddling...
  20. Gidge

    December Tank Of The Month Voting Poll

    Cost me $13 AUS for 2m. Dark blue on one side and black on the other. Going to get that on there today :)
  21. Gidge

    December Tank Of The Month Voting Poll

    Thankyou! That really means alot :) That's a great idea! I'm off to the LFS to get some black backing. Thank's alot.
  22. Gidge

    Entries For The December Tank Of The Month Competition

    I guess I could give this a go. My newly set up 110G. First time at doing this, so please be kind! :| Also not too crash hot at getting a good pic. Sorry. Verification
  23. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Thanks! He's a big boy :)
  24. Gidge

    110G Project!

    So the fish are in! Some pics for you all! Thank you to everyone for your feedback and info! I'm not real good and getting decent photos. Some full views Part views And the Texas Side View Some fish Crimson Tide Johanni Male convict Marble Peacocks Venustus Tropheus (?) The...
  25. Gidge

    110G Project!

    We used a water-proof varnish over the pine :)I'm still gob-smacked at the cabinet. Dad did such a great job. You never know what might happen one day! I used to say the exact same thing, and look what happened! So thrilled with it all. I'm hoping the physio does help. My back went out Friday...
  26. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Muscles spasms are def not worth it! In a world of pain today. But I figured, if the tank survived the accident then it was meant to be! Thankyou! It's great to get such positive feedback! Especially when you put alot of effort into it :) I bet his eyes were stunning. I orginally wanted one...
  27. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Tank is starting to cycle already :D
  28. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm so keen to put the fish in, just to watch them go "holy crackers! There's so much room!"
  29. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Hey guys, So the tank is up and running! Few pictures to show you all the progress! Dad putting the base of the cabinet together. Structural beams Backing, sides and cabinet dividers. Giving the tank plenty of support. Like to give a little quote by my Dad; "This thing will hold the...
  30. Gidge

    Quick Question

    Hmmm some good ideas there. I'm fairly sure the coral was already dead when he had it in his tank :/ I'm assuming that's possible. In that case, I think I just need to get the salt to leech out of it, and doubt there is any critters in there. Awesome info, thanks!
  31. Gidge

    110G Project!

    Also mishmash, if you know a bit about cichlids could you take a look at my other post, and if you can, give me any feedback? My link
  32. Gidge

    110G Project!

    I also don't understand what the problem is. The tank that the cichlids are in now, have been in with dead coral and limestone for over 6 years and I haven't had any problems and I have also seen many many cichlid set ups using it. Each to their own opinion though, and thank's for the info...
  33. Gidge

    Hello, Oh No, Another Newbie...

    Welcome! That's one monster of a tank, I'm jealous! I personally would think a nice big school of Rummynose would look amazing! Can't wait to see pictures :)
  34. Gidge

    Compatability/stocking 110G

    Hey guys, At the moment I am in the process of starting up a new tank to re home my current batch of cichlids.My link Basically I'd like to get some information on what cichlids I can put with my current batch, and how many I should keep. (male to female ratio etc) Tank: 110G 150 x 48 x...
  35. Gidge

    110G Project!

    I am aware of this, the tank that my cichlids are in now have coral/limestone in it, and the water is great. But I will keep an eye on it when I set up this new tank. Thanks! :)
  36. Gidge

    Quick Question

    Thanks for that. I've also been told to rinse them in boiling water. So I may do a bit of both and take a sample like you suggested. Thanks for the feedback!
  37. Gidge

    Quick Question

    Thanks so much for replying! I have African Cichlids, no need to worry :) So basically the cold water they're sitting in is doing nothing?
  38. Gidge

    Quick Question

    Seriously need some help guys! :sad:
  39. Gidge

    Quick Question

    Hey guys, Just got a quick question for you all. I am starting up a new freshwater tank for my Cichlids, and got given some dead/dried out coral that was in a salt water tank. My question to you lovely people is; what is the right way to do a salt clean to make the coral safe to put in with...