Help Feeding My Corys!


Sep 21, 2011
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Hey all.

So I have 4 Sterbai Cory's in a 165L. I'm little worried about them eating - lack of eating.
3 of them are quite chubby and healthy. But one in particular is a little on the thin side and quite small compared to the others.

The problem is, I have platy's and a dwarf gourami that eats everything. I've tried doing the following tricks;

1. Feeding the platys etc first with flake until they're not all that interested. Then I drop some shrimp pellets in for the corys. But the platys and gourami just zoom on down and demolish them.

2. Dropping in the shrimp pellets while the other fish are pre-occupied with eating thier food. Doesnt work.

3. Feeding them flake and brine shrimp in the hope that some of the brine shrimp sinks and the corys hit the motherloads of food. Doesnt work.

As i said, 3 of the corys look real healthy, so they must be finding food somewhere, but I just don't know where! The sand is so clean. I watch my fish eat every last scrap of food and nothing sinks to the bottom.

Does anyone have any tips?
Its possible your smaller cory is a male - hence the size difference.

If your worried try feeding the corys at night with no lights on,they'll soon find it :good:
Hey, thanks for your reply.

I thought he may be a male, but I swear he is getting smaller :lol:
I will try feeding them tonight. Thanks for the tip!
I feed my fish and cories at the same time. I first drop in the flake so that my piggy platys are occupied, then I drop in about 9 little wafer for my 7 cories. I always give a little extra because my platys will go and try to eat the wafers. But I have fat little cories so I am pretty sure they are eating well. So if feeding with the lights out doesnt help, try feeding them while the others are occupied :)
I feed my fish and cories at the same time. I first drop in the flake so that my piggy platys are occupied, then I drop in about 9 little wafer for my 7 cories. I always give a little extra because my platys will go and try to eat the wafers. But I have fat little cories so I am pretty sure they are eating well. So if feeding with the lights out doesnt help, try feeding them while the others are occupied

Thanks for your reply.
I have tried that method. The platies ignore the flake and go straight for the pellets. :angry:
I guess the cories must be finding food somewhere

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