Comments On My "hardscape"


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2011
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I have thrown some wood, substrate and rocks into my tank (unfilled etc.) and would love to know if anyone out there would have any tips on what I can shift about. In terms of resources I have a few more of the grey pebbles you'll see in the pic.

I have no real inspiration, there's no "look" I'm going for, the background is currently a jumper (just for the purposes of taking the picture itself), the lighting doesn't show up well in the picture itself and there are no planting ideas in mind.

As depressing as that sounds, all it means is that you folk have as much discretion as you wish ;)

I think it looks kinda nice like that!!! you could do with some plants at the back and maybe some low lying plants at the front but I think it looks decent enough!
I like the simplicity of it, but what I would do would maybe moss the piece of wood and have some small plants coming up between the rocks. It would keep the simple, neat look but brighten it up a little. It seems a little dark. But overall, Very Nice!!
Okay, this might sound a little weird, but the impression I'm getting from this is: campfire.

You've got the stones for your fire ring set up and some firewood ready to go . . . From there, I'm seeing grass all around the outside of the ring, with possibly taller stemmed "trees" creating a "forest" along the back and sides of the tank.

Technically, you'd probably also want to bring the wood down a little so it's more in-scale with the ring, and technically, as far as "themes" go, this one's pretty . . .um . . . dumb, but there you go.

The only other thing I could think of would be some sort of moss (I don't know what kind would work best) hanging off the wood as you currenly have it set up in sort of a spanish moss style that you see in the southern U.S.. Could look kind of spooky or something?
Okay, this might sound a little weird, but the impression I'm getting from this is: campfire.

You've got the stones for your fire ring set up and some firewood ready to go . . . From there, I'm seeing grass all around the outside of the ring, with possibly taller stemmed "trees" creating a "forest" along the back and sides of the tank.

Technically, you'd probably also want to bring the wood down a little so it's more in-scale with the ring, and technically, as far as "themes" go, this one's pretty . . .um . . . dumb, but there you go.

The only other thing I could think of would be some sort of moss (I don't know what kind would work best) hanging off the wood as you currenly have it set up in sort of a spanish moss style that you see in the southern U.S.. Could look kind of spooky or something?

I see what you mean now, funnily I was quite keen on red stem plants... oh my.

As to the others, thanks. And I'll probably mess around a lot more before doing anything else, I've got a few weeks to go before I get any new stuff anyway.
looks good :good: but it does need something more it looks a little eerie to me
I definitely like the hardscape - I definitely think that some green plants are needed in it. Some moss might look nice on the wood, maybe some taller plants near the back too to give a bit of background interest, or maybe a moss wall?
I like it, simple and effective. Then again I love eerie lol I am looking for some sumatra/redmoor wood with that effect.
I like it, I'd slaughter the back left corner with some tall bushy filling plants and use midground plants around the rocks to let them show through a little. :)
It looks pretty good :)

I would perhaps move some of the pebbles towards the base of the wood and create a pile of them, I would then gradually spread them out more sparingly in the direction that you have done in the picture.

As for plants; I agree moss on the wood would look fantastic. I'm only familiar with Java Moss. I would put Vallis right along the back, like a wall of tall grass. I think it would look wickid as it grows and covers the surface.
I'm not sure what type of plants you could use, but definately some low growing plants at the front.

Sorry if that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I'm not really good at putting what I see in my head into words haha. Good luck. Would love to see it when it's completed!

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