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  1. H


    Thank you so much. BettaMomma you will never realize how much your advice and understanding has meant to me. I'm very sensitive and get so attached easily, so for me it has been such an upsetting week as I have watched him decline. I had been thinking of adding a second betta as I had two...
  2. H


    Thank you very much. I don't want to take any chances of transmitting whatever he had to the new guys.
  3. H


    Forgive me if this has been a topic before, but on my search I didn't come up with anything. What is the best/surest way to sterilize a bowl/tank after a fish has died? Can I re-use the plants/gravel or should it all be thrown out? I'd like to get another betta but I don't want to take any...
  4. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    He's gone. He just died on his own. :-( Thank you so much for all your help, and even more for your support and sympathy. I only knew the little guy for five days, but I'm heartbroken nonetheless. RIP sweet little Haiku :byebye: *tears*
  5. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    There is salt in his tank, I moved the heat up to 80 when he seemed to be going downhill. I put the Maracyn in earlier... but he's beyond help now I think. He's laying on his side on the bottom of his tank, but still alive. I've been searching but I can't find if there are instructions on a...
  6. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    He's gone quickly downhill. He's almost gone now, floating on his side. :-( :-(
  7. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    He seems more faded today than yesterday to me. Here are a few pics, I took a couple with and without the flash. I'd say the ones without the flash are closest to how he really looks. With flash: Without flash: Closer of this body/fins. He always had a bit of reddish pigmentation...
  8. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    I'm starting to wonder if he doesn't have something after all :(. He seemed better when I first moved him to his new home, but he's back to being pretty listless again, he doesn't lay on the bottom but he just sits in the middle of his tank a lot. He ignores a mirror now if I hold it up to the...
  9. H

    salt in betta tank

    I'm not professing to be an expert, but everything I have ever read about bettas, including repeatedly on this forum, has said that a bit of aquarium salt is beneficial to bettas. Where have you read about it causing kidney failure? The salt I have says it is for freshwater fish... I really...
  10. H

    Was bad tonight!! VERY BAD!

    What cuties Kara! I love the white one too :wub:. I don't know anything about the proper color terminologies :P.
  11. H

    Did he throw up?

    I was just sitting here watching Haiku, and he suddenly opened his mouth and a little spurt of cloudy stuff came out (of his mouth) and sank to the bottom of his bowl.. It looked like he threw up? :crazy: He hasn't eaten in over three days though...Does anyone know what that might have been?
  12. H

    salt in betta tank

    On my box of aquarium salt (Doc Wellfish's Aquarium Salt for freshwater fish), it says add one rounded teaspoon per 5 gallons. It says it reduces stress and adds eletrolytes.
  13. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    Thank you! I got a few ideas/inspirations from the thread you started asking to see people's setups. Haiku seems pretty content, so it is looking like I have a free tank sitting here now in need of a fish :whistle: :D
  14. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    Well today I did a water change and set him up in a 1-gallon container using some ideas I got from the thread showing people's tank setups. Here is what I set up: I put him in awhile ago, and he seems happy so far, no laying on the bottom, seems curious, but the biggest indicator to me is...
  15. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    I wish there were an all fish store around here.. Where I grew up in Springfield, MO, there were pet stores and fish stores all over the place! There used to be several smaller pet shops in this area, but PetCo/PetsMart moved in and put them all out of business! :(
  16. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    Do you know if PetsMart or PetCo normally carry those? Those are really the only two pet stores around besides the one in the mall, and that one is pretty small and shabby. I hate going in there because they sell puppies and kittens :angry:
  17. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    There was a little freezer at PetCo with packages of frozen blood worms (as well as other frozen foods for fish/reptiles). There was a freezer at PetsMart too but that store was out of everything.. the PetsMart also sold regular fishing bait in the same cooler :crazy:. That seemed weird. I...
  18. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    Yes on salt in his water, I put the recommended amount from the carton in. He did eat the first two days but doesn't now. How long can he go without food before it starts to hurt him? I have Maracyn-Two on hand. I have seen others mention Betta Max, would that be something to get?
  19. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    He is still looking better than he was in the tank but he still won't eat or show any interest in food. This will be the third day he hasn't eaten... I hope he will eat soon. I worry about him getting weakened from not eating :(. He's not as chipper as he was on the weekend but he looks...
  20. H


    Ack, it sounds like they overfilled them. I know the ones I saw the day I got Haiku had air, the extension wasn't dipping down into the water any. To have it that full wouldn't be good... I would think it would create a bit of a vacuum too.
  21. H


    It looks to me to be about 3-4 times the size of the old tiny little cups, it's like the size of a small tub of butter. I kept mine to use for water changes. I wish all the pet stores would go to these! Also the PetsMart here uses some blue stuff in the water, but it makes their water so blue...
  22. H


    My PetsMart still uses the tiny tiny cups without lids, but at PetCo where I got Haiku, they changed them to nice little lidded tubs. I took this pic of it, the lid has a little hole in the top for feeding: I suspect it depends on the store's management. Most the pets look much better at...
  23. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    Bettamomma, I was writing my reply while you replied. I'm getting more and more convinced that's what it was. He's acting so much more normal already. When he "rests" now he is sitting in the middle of his bowl, not laying on the bottom, and he only does it for a few minutes at a time and...
  24. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    You know, I've wondered about that very thing several times, but I kept thinking, 'no way could it be that, how would he be happier in a SMALLER space.." By all appearances he seems simply depressed. I decided it couldn't hurt to at least try it. Using the same water he has been in, I...
  25. H

    Betta going downhill, out of ideas

    Hello to everyone. I'd like to start off saying I've been reading here a few days now and have enjoyed the vast amount of information I have taken in. I have had bettas off and on in the past but it has been a few years now since my last one. I had been thinking about getting another betta...