Betta going downhill, out of ideas


Mar 16, 2005
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Central Minnesota
Hello to everyone. I'd like to start off saying I've been reading here a few days now and have enjoyed the vast amount of information I have taken in. I have had bettas off and on in the past but it has been a few years now since my last one. I had been thinking about getting another betta for awhile, and last weekend on Saturday, I got a beautiful blue/white betta boy from the pet store. I named him Haiku. I had him in a half-gallon tank that I had used before, but after reading more here I realized he'd be happier in something bigger, so the next day I went and got a 3-gallon Eclipse system. Saturday and Sunday he was very curious, active, and ate the Bio-Gold pellets I got him. Sunday, using instructions posted here, I transferred him to his bigger tank. He seemed very happy at first, swimming around and eating heartily when I dropped a pellet in.

Monday, I started noticing a change. He seemed to slow down, was less curious, and was not interested in food. His tank temperature was around 72, but I thought perhaps he'd perk up if it was a bit warmer so I went and got a mini heater, and also picked up some frozen blood worms (Hikari brand). His tank temperature is a steady 75-76 now. I have used stress coat, some aquarium salt (as directed on the box for fresh water fish), and a bit of Aquari-Sol for preventative measures. His water tests out at a Ph of about 7.6.

He's progressively gotten more listless over the day Monday and Tuesday. By last night he was resting the majority of the time with spurts of swimming around for maybe 5 minutes or so. I put up a mirror to see if he would flare at all and he did, but I put it away right away as I didn't want to stress him. Today, for the third day now, he refuses any food at all. He's to the point where he's resting 100% of the time except to briefly go up for air and then settle back in his spot. He shows no signs of obvious illness, no swollen body, no white Ich spots, no gasping or distress, no tightly clamped fins, no signs of fin rot or fungus of any kind.. I'm really stumped! I was thinking perhaps all the moves and changes might just have him stressed, but it seems odd that he would go from the fish he was this weekend to the fish he is now... and in a steady decline.

I'm looking for any ideas on what else I can do or what else might be wrong with him. I feel so distressed because I feel like it must be something I'm doing wrong :(. I've thought about giving him a water change but I'm afraid of stressing him even more, but I just don't know what else to do at this point. I feel another couple days like this and he will be gone :(

A couple pics of him before...



And all he does now... :(

Thanks in advance.
Well Haiku maybe he liked his bowl? I could be wrong but I've tried putting my bettas in a bigger tank and they just don't like it. I geuss they get used to it for so long? I dont know if this is the problem tho. Sorry to hear about your betta hope he does better.
You know, I've wondered about that very thing several times, but I kept thinking, 'no way could it be that, how would he be happier in a SMALLER space.." By all appearances he seems simply depressed. I decided it couldn't hurt to at least try it. Using the same water he has been in, I transferred him over to his first bowl (which I think is about a half-gallon bowl) about an hour ago. So far, he really does look better. He's not resting on the bottom at all, and is swimming around. The swimming does not seem stressed, he looks pretty calm and relaxed to me at this point. He will stop and rest but not laying on the bottom or leaning against something. He's still not interested in food, but it's a bit soon to tell since he's been stressed for a couple days now and I imagine will need some time to readjust. If he starts eating again and continues looking better, perhaps I will just try upgrading him to a 1-gallon and see how he does then. I want to make sure he's completely stable before I make any other changes though. I'm just so relieved that he's showing signs of life again.

I'm still open to any other ideas though. I'm no expert by any means, I'm still in the beginning stages of learning.
Bettamomma, I was writing my reply while you replied. I'm getting more and more convinced that's what it was. He's acting so much more normal already. When he "rests" now he is sitting in the middle of his bowl, not laying on the bottom, and he only does it for a few minutes at a time and then swims in his lazy circles. Trying not to get my hopes up too high yet, but I'm just feeling elated to see him improving. It was really distressing me watching him go downhill!
It was very distressing to me too.
Unfortunately Amos got too sick for me to reverse the process.
Sometimes they just aren't comfortable with big changes.
Most of my boys like little changes - like rearranging their tank at water chantge time, but with all the same stuff, but when everything in the environment is new it can stress them.

AND.... the main problem Amos dealt with was the current. He just didn't like the current and he had to fight it 24/7.

I'm pretty sure that your little boy will come around now that he's back in his comfy zone :)
He is still looking better than he was in the tank but he still won't eat or show any interest in food. This will be the third day he hasn't eaten... I hope he will eat soon. I worry about him getting weakened from not eating :(. He's not as chipper as he was on the weekend but he looks better than he did yesterday and this morning.

I am sorry you lost Amos.. poor little guy. :(
Do you have a little aquarium salt?
Don't worry about them not eating for a while yet - when I first brought Jasper home, he didn't eat for 5 days. He just laid on the bottom of the tank.

Do you have any meds there at home, jsut in case??
Yes on salt in his water, I put the recommended amount from the carton in. He did eat the first two days but doesn't now. How long can he go without food before it starts to hurt him? I have Maracyn-Two on hand. I have seen others mention Betta Max, would that be something to get?
Can you possibly tempt him with some live bloodworms? I've never seen any betta--no matter how picky--refuse them.
Im havng the same problem with mine as well. I've tried everything but he is still laying on the bottom occasionally going to the top for air. :byebye:
Im going to try the bloodowrms tommorow. Can these been found at any local pet store or Petsmart? How much should I try to tempt him with. He is my first little betta I cant loose him! :flex:
Dont worry Haiku they will both be happy agian soon! :thumbs:
There was a little freezer at PetCo with packages of frozen blood worms (as well as other frozen foods for fish/reptiles). There was a freezer at PetsMart too but that store was out of everything.. the PetsMart also sold regular fishing bait in the same cooler :crazy:. That seemed weird. I did not see live bloodworms but I didn't really look because I thought I read they can carry parasites. I'm hoping he'll perk up in the next few days.. at least he doesn't seem as stressed as he was. He ignored the frozen bloodworms I offered him too. :(
I've read that they can carry parasites... but I've never had any problems with them. I just rinse them in fresh dechlorinated water and then pop one in and the bettas suck them up like live, squirming noodles!!! :D Only feed one at a time, just in case he ignores it. (Which I've NEVER seen happen, but, who knows.)
Do you know if PetsMart or PetCo normally carry those? Those are really the only two pet stores around besides the one in the mall, and that one is pretty small and shabby. I hate going in there because they sell puppies and kittens :angry:
I know that the Petco by me carries live bloodworms... I don't know if Petsmart does. :dunno: They're usually in little styrofoam boxes. I don't buy mine from Petco, though, I buy mine from the other fish stores I frequent.

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