Betta going downhill, out of ideas

I wish there were an all fish store around here.. Where I grew up in Springfield, MO, there were pet stores and fish stores all over the place! There used to be several smaller pet shops in this area, but PetCo/PetsMart moved in and put them all out of business! :(
Well today I did a water change and set him up in a 1-gallon container using some ideas I got from the thread showing people's tank setups.

Here is what I set up:


I put him in awhile ago, and he seems happy so far, no laying on the bottom, seems curious, but the biggest indicator to me is his colors seem brighter. He has been exploring the plants and the little hidey hole :). Now if I can just get the bugger to eat. He watched a frozen blood worm sink down but didn't go for it -_-
That's a sweet looking little set up there. Nice job!

It's good that his color brightened up a bit.
And the eating thing right now could be just his new environment.
Give him a few days to settle in, and see what happens.

Again, very cool little setup you have there!!
Thank you! I got a few ideas/inspirations from the thread you started asking to see people's setups. Haiku seems pretty content, so it is looking like I have a free tank sitting here now in need of a fish :whistle: :D
I'm starting to wonder if he doesn't have something after all :(. He seemed better when I first moved him to his new home, but he's back to being pretty listless again, he doesn't lay on the bottom but he just sits in the middle of his tank a lot. He ignores a mirror now if I hold it up to the side, and this morning it SEEMS like he is going up for air kind of often, but he doesn't look to be gasping or having rapid gill movement.

I'm starting to wonder about Septicemia, with his listlessness and lack of all interest in food. He does have some red in his fins, he did when I got him, but I thought it was red pigment because he does have red pigmentation in him, his ventral fins are red and he has a bit of reddish pigment along his tummy. Are there any other definitive signs, and does anyone know how fast it comes on or tends to last? I'm starting to lose confidence again that he is going to pull out of this :-( I put some Maracyn Two in..
Jasper had - well, still sort of has, septicemia.
With that, he was VERY listless. he barely moved.
But, he was also swimming around in circles and he didn't even acknowledge that I was there. I have a feeling he probably doesn't have it or you'd be seeing bloody splotches under his skin - like big ol' bruises. Do you see those? And sometimes, you can't even see them until you do a water change and they get really pale and then the bruising becomes apparent. I'm not saying he doesn't have it but I bet he probably doesn't.

Do you have any photos of him you could put up?
I have a feeling that the spots you're seeing are probably just markings on him, but that's just a guess. Photos would be helpful.

As far as being listless, can you get some aeration in for him? do you have any way to do that?
How's his coloration? Has he lost any/much color lately?

ps - I think maracyn 2 is a good choice for you to be trying now, by the way. If it is septicemia, the M2 should take care of it. (it did w/Jasper, but it took 5 days til I noticed an improvement)...
He seems more faded today than yesterday to me. Here are a few pics, I took a couple with and without the flash. I'd say the ones without the flash are closest to how he really looks.

With flash:

Without flash:


Closer of this body/fins. He always had a bit of reddish pigmentation since I got him, but I started to wonder if it was pigment or something wrong?

Does his abdomen look swollen? His scales aren't sticking out but could it be a slow onset of dropsy?
Oh boy - I'm sorry to see him in that condition.
Rest assured that you're doing everything you can for him, and he is fully aware of that.
He's on the Maracyn 2, right?
Is he gasping for air at all?

How about salt? Do you have any in the tank?
What temp?
There is salt in his tank, I moved the heat up to 80 when he seemed to be going downhill. I put the Maracyn in earlier... but he's beyond help now I think. He's laying on his side on the bottom of his tank, but still alive. I've been searching but I can't find if there are instructions on a quick painless way to euthanize him? I can't bear to see him suffering this lingering death :-(. Everytime he moves, bits of tail and skin flake off of him. :-(
I've been exactly where you are right now, and I'm so sorry you're going through this because I know just how incredibly hard it is.
This is a carbon copy of little Amos' story.

So you know what to expect, Amos hung on in this condition for only about one day, then he decided it was just his time. Upon the advice of several people in this forum who are much wiser than I, I allowed him to choose when the time was right to go.

There is a pinned topic on euth. but it may be easier on you and give you a little more peace in knowing that he decided when it was time.

Again, I'm really sorry you're going through this.
If I could come over and give you a huge hug right now, I would.
He's gone. He just died on his own. :-( Thank you so much for all your help, and even more for your support and sympathy. I only knew the little guy for five days, but I'm heartbroken nonetheless. RIP sweet little Haiku :byebye: *tears*
I'm so very sorry.
I do know just exactly how you feel right now and I have a few tears for you from here in Wisconsin.
He's in a very good place now, though, where they can all swim together and there are no nasty little WalMart cups and no diseases.

I'm really sorry for your loss.
It is very easy to get attached to the little buggers.

r.i.p., little guy
I am so sorry for your loss. Its not an easy thing to see them go, but like BettaMomma said you tried your best and he knows it.
Im sure he is in fishy heaven right now flaring up at the other fishy angels and surrounded by hot little females. ;)

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