

Mar 16, 2005
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Central Minnesota
Forgive me if this has been a topic before, but on my search I didn't come up with anything. What is the best/surest way to sterilize a bowl/tank after a fish has died? Can I re-use the plants/gravel or should it all be thrown out? I'd like to get another betta but I don't want to take any chances of passing on illness/parasites from whatever Haiku had :(
Thank you very much. I don't want to take any chances of transmitting whatever he had to the new guys.
Hi, me again.
I thought I'd share with you how I sterilized my tank since we had the same little tragedy, the same sterilization process should be fine.

I filled up the tank with 20 parts scalding hot water, and 1 part bleach (put the water in first, then add the bleach). I left it sit for 30 minutes - make sure the liquid goes completely to the top to sterilize everything. Then I dumped it out and rinsed it thoroughly with super hot water. Then I squirted Start Right (or whatever dechlorinator you use) all over it. and I mean ALL over it. Then I rinsed it again.

THEN... i turned on my shower as hot as it would go and set it in the shower to rinse for a good 30 minutes. That was last night.
Today I have little Charlie in the tank.

I'm so glad that you're not letting your loss stop you from getting another betta.
Each experience you have with them will be one more piece of knowledge you can file away and make sure to remember for the future,and then share with others.

I hope you're feeling better.
Thank you so much. BettaMomma you will never realize how much your advice and understanding has meant to me. I'm very sensitive and get so attached easily, so for me it has been such an upsetting week as I have watched him decline. I had been thinking of adding a second betta as I had two tanks.. and well, I decided to go tonight to go ahead and look at the bettas again. The store had a guarantee on Haiku, but I wasn't about to carry his poor little body in there just to redeem $4. Anyway... I picked out a new guy... and could not decide between him and another new guy... so I brought them both home. I bought 2 little half-gallon temporary homes for them until I can get everything thoroughly sterilized and sanitized. I think I will just trash the old gravel and sanitize everything else. I sure hope these two are healthy. I have to admit I watched all of them for about an hour, the store people must have really thought I was nuts.

Anyway, I'm proceeding with a lot of caution, and more knowledge on my side now. I'll get pictures of them soon :)

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