Search results

  1. N

    Missing Neons?

    Doh! Of course they are, sorry new to all this. The thing that I was wondering about was the 'I used to have five neons, two albino tetras that sadly have been dyed pink (I bought them not knowing about what they do to tetras' statement. Who does what to who? All exciting this, or am I looking...
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    Missing Neons?

    Hiya, I've got to ask (because basically I don't know), what do Neons do to Tetras? Thanks Martin
  3. N

    What Should I Put In My Tank?

    Wow this is great Miss W, I'm just going through my fishless cycle at the moment (god I never thought I would have to wait sooo long for something I want so much, seems like ages :unsure: Anyhoo, I've just started my document to complete whist I do my research based on your thread. Once I...
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    Magic Trick

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can someone tell me how this was done :drool: .That is amazing and my head is trully hurting trying to work out how this was done, especially the hand through the glass. Please.... :crazy:
  5. N

    Mature Filter Media For New In The Berkshire Area

    You are a star, thanks buddy. Will do, will you be on later? Just finishing a course (near Reading actually) and I will be on later if you are, I'm usually on anyways. Thanks again. Martin
  6. N

    Mature Filter Media For New In The Berkshire Area

    Hiya martyn (great name by the way) :good: I'm in Newbury but I'm willing to drive to you of course. Thanks Martin (the boring spelling) :angry:
  7. N

    Lights On Whilst Cycling

    Thank you very much once again Miss Wiggle, I will. Cheers Martin
  8. N

    Lights On Whilst Cycling

    Miss Wiggle, Thank you, that makes sense. With regards to the lights, I have two light strips in there but only the one plug. Do you know if it's possible to separate them? Martin
  9. N

    Fishless Cycling

    Wow that sounds fast! Wish I could get mine to do it that fast. Martin
  10. N

    Lights On Whilst Cycling

    Hi, Just a few quick questions. 1. Whilst I'm doing the fishless cycle should I be setting the lights to still come on as normal or leave them off? 2. When I do get the tank fully populated with fish and plants, how should I work out how long to have the lights coming on and when? 3. I've...
  11. N

    Mature Filter Media For New In The Berkshire Area

    Hi, Is there anyone in the Berkshire area willing to exchange matue filter media for new. I have a Fluval 305 and the tank has been properly cycling for a few days now after bad advice from LFS (as usual) and dumb cycling for 5 days prior :angry: . Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers...
  12. N

    Stocking After Fishless Cycle

    Yeah I've just had one call 'starter' fish 'trash fish' because 'that's where they usually end up', and they call themselves fish lovers - I have another word but will keep that one to myself :) Martin
  13. N

    Some Ideas Of What To Plant...

    Thanks Three fingers! Martin wasn't too happy about the crabs but you've made my evening! He was wondering if we feed them frozen peas whether it would put them off the plants.. :lol: I will have a look on the link you suggested, its such a huge learning curve especially when you have to trust...
  14. N

    Some Ideas Of What To Plant...

    Thank you very much, its my first forum ever! Funny you should mention the Java fern as I had seen some piccies and it looks lovely. I must admit with all the latin names I get a little lost but I noticed people had kindly numbered the plants so that really helps. Do I need to worry about roots...
  15. N

    Some Ideas Of What To Plant...

    Hi All, My partner raves on about this site so I have hijacked his login to ask for some help please :) We have just bought a 180l tank and as per previous advice given on another threads we have just started our fishless cycle (recommended by rdd1952) and the tank is looking a little bare so...
  16. N

    Fishless Cycling

    rdd, you are a star. Thanks for all the help. I've just gone and posted a thread - cheers.
  17. N

    Dusty Water

    Hi Sorry, can I just ask what kit I will need to test the Cholrine in the water? Thanks. Martin
  18. N

    Dusty Water

    Thank you very much Miss Wiggle, that's great. I calle dmy LFS and they have some. So off I go :) Martin
  19. N

    Dusty Water

    Great thanks for that, do you know where I can get it from here in the UK? I didn't think it was that important but obviously I see now how important it is - I wonna protect my Bacteria :) Will this mean that even after the tank is established I will still need to de-chlorinise the water or...
  20. N

    Dusty Water

    By the way, how do you guys fill the tank with de-chlorinated water? Is there some treatment you buy? Cheers Martin
  21. N

    Near The End Of My Fishless Cycle.... Hopefully.

    Thank you both I really appreciate it. I've just come back from Homebase and it is called Household Ammonia and it was in the cleaning section, rock on :) I went passed my LFS to ask them about seeing if they had any mature media (even if I purchased a new one and swapped it with them) but...
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    Fishless Cycling

    Sorry, just one last question before I shoot around the shop. Do you think I should take out the Bog wood too or leave that one in? Cheers Martin
  23. N

    Fishless Cycling

    I was given bad advice from my LFS, they gave me 'System Water' and and said that it would be okay to start putting fish in after a week!!! I find out after 5 days of cycling ammonia and bacteria free water that the bacteria died due to no ammonia - boy have I learnt my lesson. My plan now is...
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    Near The End Of My Fishless Cycle.... Hopefully.

    JonesyUK, Thank you very much for explaining that, it's common sense when you think of it. Of course the bacteria needs feeding too - doh! Makes sense when you think about it. I'll purchase the ammonia today and start it this evening, thanks again. Martin PS Do you think it will be okay to...
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    Near The End Of My Fishless Cycle.... Hopefully.

    Hi JonesUK, I had no intension of adding any fish unless the tank was ready for them, I have read up on the fishless topic you mention and think it is wonderful. I thought that considering I have already started with the water from an established tank I wouldn't be able to do the methods he...
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    Near The End Of My Fishless Cycle.... Hopefully.

    Hello all, This is my first Topic, and I have got to say that this site rocks. Okay, I set up my Juwel Vision 180 (180 litres) with a Fluval 305 filter, aquarium sand and 5 plants etc, please see below: I'm really excited about it and luckily I was given around 55 litres of LFS system water...
  27. N

    Fishless Cycling

    I have got to say Mr rdd1952 (your parents must have been hippies :) That original thread is amazing. I was lucky to get about 55 liters of system water from the LFS, I have had the 180 litre tank running now for the past 4 days and I was recommended to add some hardy fish next Wednesday (8 days...