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    Just Admiring My Fish And Thought I'd Share!

    Thank you all. I feel quite proud now!
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    Just Admiring My Fish And Thought I'd Share!

    Thank you. Two of the Rainbows have coloured up quite orange and two have stayed more yellow. Keep trying to get better close ups of them all but am pretty rubbish with the camera!
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    Just Admiring My Fish And Thought I'd Share!

    I love the look of this tank at the moment. There's 14 Oto's in it somewhere! Hope you like.
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    Is My Shrimp Pregnant?

    This is the best pic I can get!
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    Is This An Sae Or Isn't It?!

    I picked up a couple of these today after waiting ages to find them. I researched for a long time in the hope that I could identify the Siamese Algae Eater and not end up with a Flying Fox or Chinese Algae Eater. Did I get it right?
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    German Blue Rams

    I think another way to tell is to look at the black spot on the side. If it's plain black it's a male, if it has blue specles in the black spot, it's female.
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    Anyone Have These Rasboras?

    I've just got 12 Volcano Rasboras. Has anyone got any experience of them. All I can find is that they grow to about 4cm. They are to go in our 200L tank with Angels , Dwarf Gourami. Swordtails, Otos and plecs. Hoping they will shoal nicely
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    Multi Vac

    I have one of these and use it in all my tanks. I find it easier to use than a syphon and it doesn't disturb the fish as much. It's also rather therapeutic!
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    Is My Betta Constipated Or Is It Dropsy? Help! (pic)

    Bob the Betta has been like this for 2 days now. He lives happily (usually) in a community tank. Having read lots of other posts I wondered if it could be constipation cos his food is all dried: pellets, flakes etc, and the occasional frozen food. I don't have a spare tank at the moment so could...
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    I Love My Fish..but Are They The Right Stock?

    Okay. I gave in to common sense and your valued advice and the Lab has gone back to the LFS. Got 4 Boesmani Rainbows instead. How come everything ends up costing more money?!! Thanks to all for your hepl.
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    I Love My Fish..but Are They The Right Stock?

    Which fish is he likely to harm out of my stock?
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    I Love My Fish..but Are They The Right Stock?

    :sad: This is so frustrating. I had researched all the fish for this tank over the weeks it was cycling. All except the Yellow Lab, that is! I fell in love with him in the LFS yesterday and bought him on impulse when the man said he would be fine with the fish I had! I know I've got be sensible...
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    I Love My Fish..but Are They The Right Stock?

    I have a fully fishless cycled 200L deep tank, moderately well planted and with bogwood, rock and a fine to medium gravel substrate. The present stock, which seem to be living happily together are: 2 Angels 4 powder blue Dwarf Gouramis 5 Blue Cochu Tetras 1pair young German Blue Rams 1female...
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    What Names Have You Given Your Fish?

    :blush: :rolleyes: 1 Sailfin Molly..Basil (as in Fawlty cos he gets stroppy) 2 red Honey Gouramis..Del Boy and Rodney 2 Silver Hatchet Fish..Jimmy and Bruce (as in Hill and Forsythe cos my daughter said they had "big chins") 6 Harlequin Rasboras..Hugh, Pugh, Barney Magrue, Cuthert, Dibble and...