1 Sailfin Molly..Basil (as in Fawlty cos he gets stroppy)
2 red Honey Gouramis..Del Boy and Rodney
2 Silver Hatchet Fish..Jimmy and Bruce (as in Hill and Forsythe cos my daughter said they had "big chins")
6 Harlequin Rasboras..Hugh, Pugh, Barney Magrue, Cuthert, Dibble and Grub
8 Neon Tetras..1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
3 Sterba Corys.. Tizer, Vax and Hoover
1 Agassizi Cory..Snouter
1 Yoyo Loach..YoYo
1 Siamese Fighter..Bob the Betta
Had some help from the kids...they weren't all my idea...honest!!