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  1. M

    Can someone help identify a couple of plants?

    Thank you both for the responses. It is so strange that at my LFS, the Java Fern is planted and the Vallisneria is floating. I will plant the Vallisneria, and attach the fern to some rocks. I read this about Java Fern: I have looked for...
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    Can someone help identify a couple of plants?

    Hi, This past year, it was recommended that I add more live plants to my aquarium, so I did. Previously I had one Amazon Sword, but it never really grew very well. I figured it was due to my lack of experience and general history of killing every plant I've tried to take care of. But I'm...
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    Thank you both for the quick responses. Alas, the sick Tetra did not survive the night and the question of how to deal with him was solved for me. But I'll post a picture of the other, large, new fish to compare him with two of the "older" inhabitants. In case anyone has an opinion on his...
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    I just added 3 new Rummy Nose Tetras to my tank last week - trying to fill out a school. (I had 2 before, now I have 5) One of the new Tetras has what looks like "pop-eye" in one of his eyes. (a white ring around the eye, and a bulging bubble looking protrusion.) It looks like the other eye is...
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    Can't seem to keep my fish alive.

    I'll see if I can find a chlorine test at my LFS (or online) before I try to add any more fish. Thanks.
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    Can't seem to keep my fish alive.

    No specifications based on chlorine or chloramine. I didn't see that. When the Rasboras died, it was just a couple hours after I had changed the water when I discovered 3 of them dead on the floor of the tank. Again, this was the first water change since I had gotten them so I was a little...
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    Can't seem to keep my fish alive.

    I'm using Aqueon Water Conditioner. It indicates on the bottle that it "instantly neutralizes chlorine and chloramines typically found in tap water..." The instructions say 5ml (1 tsp) for every 10 gallons. My previous bottle had a cap with a 5ml mark on it. It took 15 drops from the pop-top...
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    Can't seem to keep my fish alive.

    Wow. Thanks for the discussion. Please let me give you some more information: The water is from the tap. (not a well - "City" Water, or more precise, Los Angeles City Water) From my last thread, I did some research on the quality of the water in the area, and this is what I found: I add a...
  12. M

    Can't seem to keep my fish alive.

    Hey - A couple months ago, I had a mass fish die off after a single water change. I had a tank full of Tetras and Guppies and within a day, half of them were gone. I did an emergency 85% water change, and the next day the rest were gone. The lone survivor was a Bristle-nose Pleco who has...
  13. M

    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    The instructions on the conditioner bottle says 1 teaspoon for every gallon. I always add it to the bucket as it is being filled. I guess my question was, if the city was adding more chlorine/chloramine to accommodate the heat of the water coming out of the tap, should I have compensated by...
  14. M

    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    Hm. If that's the case, maybe my dosage of water conditioner was not enough, and the chlorine and chloramine was too high? Does this stuff expire as well? I've had this bottle for a while now. I've always used the amount recommended on the bottle. Can you over do it?
  15. M

    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    I will look for the fertilizer Byron recommended in an earlier response to see if that helps. I think I'll wait a few weeks before I attempt to add any new fish. See how my sturdy Pleco fares, and attempt to help the plant thrive a bit better. I'd like to try adding a floating plant as well...
  16. M

    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    The filter I changed was the carbon filter. it slides into what's described as a "bio-holster" when I change it, it has a film of green where the pump as pulled the water through it. If rinsing it will be better than changing it, I can certainly do that. I've been replacing it every 6 weeks. The...
  17. M

    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    I've had a tank for 5 years, and I still feel like a novice! Thanks for the tip.
  18. M

    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    I've thought of that, but I was wondering if the build up of detritus was starting to impede the flow of water.
  19. M

    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    I changed the filter at the same time as the water change. Again, the way I've always done it. I dip the new filter in the bucket with the discarded water to soak it. I remove the old and replace it with the new. I replace half the tank with fresh water once a week. 29 Gal Tank. I had one...
  20. M

    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    I'll look into getting a floating plant. Okay. It was recommended when I first started, and I kept it up as a habit. If it's not necessary, I can stop. Thanks for the tip, I'll look into the extended fertilizer. My plant looks healthy. I try to prune any dark tips and pull any leaf that...
  21. M

    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    The Ammonia level is just above .5 ppm. That was straight out of the tap. I tested it last night and it was the same in the tank. Yes, An Amazon Sword plant. (Echinodorus bleheri) I add a product called "Special Blend" Microbe-Lift, recommended by the LFS. I add it with every water change...
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    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    "Water Conditioner" by Aqueon. I have an 8 oz bottle. I'm probably about 3/4 of the way through it.
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    Ammonia coming out of my tap.

    I think I'm going to lose all my fish. I change my water once a week. (this morning) And I've had the same fish for months. When I looked in at my tank this afternoon, half my fish were dead. I immediately checked the water quality, and the ammonia was high. I did a quick and thorough...
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    Ich Disaster #2

    Thanks for comments and the article on salting water. I've been using this product: API Aquarium Salt It was recommended by an employee at the local fish store when I first started keeping an aquarium. She may have been trying to sell me more products, but she seemed sincere and said she used...
  25. M

    Ich Disaster #2

    Thank you both for the responses to my post. To give more details: The Ich medicine I used was "Ich Attack" by a company called Kordon. I followed the directions on the bottle. And yes, a little less for my 29gal tank because I have sand, rocks plants, and, of course, the fish. So I tried to...
  26. M

    Ich Disaster #2

    I have a 30 gal tank that, up until recently, was thriving! I had a school of 8 Blue Neon Tetras, 8 Harlequin Rasboras, 6 Rummy Nose Tetras, and a Bristle Nose Pleco. Everything was going so well, and I felt the tank could handle it, I thought I could add a few more fish to bring even more...
  27. M

    Plant With Browning Leaves

    I've added some Seachem Suplimental Fertilizer to the water and a Seachem Tab to the gravel next to the plant.   I can also try to open the curtains in the room to let some sunlight in. I curtained the room before the Pleco had at the algae. I think I can let some natural light in to see if that...
  28. M

    Plant With Browning Leaves

    Here is some information I was able to get on the light.    It's from an "Aqueon LED Echohood." (it came with the tank) I called the manufacturer this morning and they said that it is a "cool white" light, 8000 Kelvin.   As for the tank, I've had it for maybe half a year. The plant has been in...
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    Harlequin Rasbora School Size

      I added 9 to my tank, and am very pleased.
  30. M

    Plant With Browning Leaves

    My first live plant is getting browning/transparent tips on the larger leaves.   It's a Echinodorus bleheri (Amazon Sword). I'm attaching a couple pictures.   It's in a 30 Gallon tank. The only thing I know about the lights is that they are LED. I keep them on about 12 hours a day.    Earlier...
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    Harlequin Rasbora School Size

    Since we've gone beyond the Rasbora question, I've started a new topic on the plant here:   It includes pictures.   Thanks everyone for the advice on the Rasboras.
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  34. M

    Harlequin Rasbora School Size

      A bit more information: The tank is 30W x 19H x 12D in. I have about a couple inches of sand for the substrate, several medium sized river rocks and plastic plants for decoration, and one Echinodorus bleheri (I think it's referred to as Amazon Sword) live plant.   I'm not sure about the health...
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    Harlequin Rasbora School Size

    I'm looking to add some more color to my 30 gal tank.   I currently have:   12 Blue Neon Tetras, 7 Rummy Nose Tetras, 1 Bristle Nose Pleco.   I think I have room for another 7 small fish before I get to the point where I'm over stocked.   I've read that the Harlequin Rasbora is a peaceful fish...
  36. M

    Starting Fresh With A Pleco

    Fantastic list and link, Nick. Much appreciated.
  37. M

    Starting Fresh With A Pleco

      What a lively discussion this has generated! It goes to show what research should go into buying and keeping fish. As long as my tank will handle this little Pleco, I'll try to keep him happy.    If we can go back to my original question:   He seems to be munching quite happily on the algae...
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    Starting Fresh With A Pleco

        "BN" stands for "Bristle Nose" Pleco?
  39. M

    Starting Fresh With A Pleco

      Thank you both for the responses. Attached are two photos of the Pleco. He likes to hide and was in the shadow behind one of the Bleheri leaves for one of them, so it may be a bit dark. But he came out into the light for the other. Hopefully they will be enough to help identify the specifics...
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    Starting Fresh With A Pleco

    After an Ich disaster about 3 1/2 ago, I'm starting fresh with new fish.   I've added a cute little Common Pleco (about 2 1/2 inches long) and a Bleheri Plant to the tank.   Although I've been cleaning the tank for the past few weeks, wiping the glass and vacuuming the sub-strait, there's a lot...